Arbonne : Clear Advantage System

204 Reviews

Clarifying Wash Acne Medication:
Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (1%).

Key Ingredients:
Alfalfa, dandelion leaf, licorice root, peppermint, orange peel, mallow flower, wild pansy, hops extract, vitamins A, C and E.

Clarifying Toner Acne Medication:
Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (0.5%).

Key Ingredients:
Hazel, alfalfa, dandelion leaf, licorice root, orange peel, orange fruit, mallow flower, hops extract, sugar cane, sugar maple, lemon fruit, vaccinium myrtillus fruit/leaf, lactic acid, vitamins A and E.

Clarifying Lotion Acne Medication:
Active Ingredient:
Salicylic acid (1%).

Key Ingredients:
Alfalfa, dandelion leaf, licorice root, orange peel, mallow flower, wild pansy, mulberry, hops extract, vitamins A, C and E.

Acne Spot Treatment Acne Medication:
Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (2%).

Key Ingredients:
Rosa roxburghii fruit extract, lycium barbarum fruit extract.

Skin Support Dietary Supplement:
Key Ingredients:
Resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10, saccharomyces boulardii (probiotics), zinc, vitamins C and E, gugglesterone, grapeseed extract, rosemary extract.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 8, 2008


Clears skin! Smells great! Doesn't bleach fabrics!


Kind of pricey. Toner bottle leaks. Doesn't "exfoliate" skin, which I need on occasion.

I really liked this product. It was gentle on my skin and didn't dry it out, like most products. The fragrance was great also. It doesn't clear up hormonal breakouts, but then again, nothing does! I highly recommend it. You don't have to use a lot of it, so the bottles last 2-3 months, making it more affordable. I wasn't great about taking the pills, but I heard those really help as well.
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August 7, 2013
My go-to regimen


No harsh chemicals; all pure ingredients
Keeps acne breakouts at bay
Doesn't irritate my face or contribute to acne


Small amount of product for the price

First of all, I use this product line along with Arbonne makeup and moisturizer, and all together it REALLY keeps my breakouts under control (I get cysts and pretty bad hormonal acne on my lower cheeks and chin area) My regimen: I use the face wash day and night. In the morning, after washing, I apply the FC5 normal/dry skin moisturizer (even though my skin is oily, this keeps my face from over producing oil). Then I put on my primer and foundation (also Arbonne). At night after washing, I use the toner, then apply the clarifying lotion to any break outs. I apply the moisturizer on top of this, and the spot treatment to any huge zits. I think the reason it works well for me is because I counteract any excessive drying by using the moisturizer in addition to the system. I love it! I really like this brand, it works very well for me!
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June 16, 2009


Are you kidding? I have hormonal acne, am 31 and this product has cleared up cystic acne within 5 days! All I am using is the wash and it has worked this well! I love love LOVE it!!!



Get it! I love it... It is the best product I have used and I have hormonal acne!
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January 9, 2009


Well this produce improved my skin from Burt's Bees and St Ives products. It was not the worse thing I've ever used.


Change for the better system by Collective Well Being worked better and is easier to find in the store (Trader Joe type stores)

Not worth the trouble of buying through a representative or finding online for the results and cost.
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December 17, 2009


Great smell!


Made my skin extremely dry, so bad that it was peeling off and hurt.

Not good for very oily skin but does dry down pimples.
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February 12, 2009
Used this ONCE from a friend. It cleared up some big red spots I hated :D I want to get it now :D
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September 21, 2008


This product really does work, and it doesn't burn skin!


You have to keep using it and it is kind of pricey, and discontinuing for a short period of time (over three days) may cause you to have break-outs.

I have had acne for at least three years now (first year developing), and my acne has reached it's climax after finding this product. Now most of my blackheads and whiteheads are gone, only a few small sized ones left. They are somewhat visible but this is because I discontinued the product (because I ran out) but no breakouts yet. This uses 1% Salicylic acid in the wash and lotion so it's not as heavily concentrated as the 2% over the counter medications. Leaving your skin less irritated (if any irritation at all)!
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September 8, 2008


It doesn't smell and it's not heavy.


There are no directions on bottles. Vitamins made my face 100 times worse then It ever looked! I would not even leave my house for 2 weeks!! I went from small little acne here and there to Huge acne bumps that were painful and gross.

It did not work for me. Made me so much worse I had to go to the doctors to even get my face looking decent enough to go out of my house! I used it for THREE WEEKS, because they say to give it time to work. After 3 weeks I couldn't even look at my self it was so bad. Wish it would have worked but sorry to say I hate those vitamins for making me lose weeks of my life!
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August 31, 2008


it worked better than proactive !


none .

clear adavntage actually worked . i've tried soo many products and this is the only one that actually helped .
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June 28, 2008


Smells wonderful & It did for me what the company claimed it could. It even came with a bottle of skin supplements.


Toner goes pretty fast, so I normally order two toners per order.

There is not one product that Ive ever bought from Arbonne that Ive ever been displeased with. The acne line is what really pulled me in, because there were days that I wouldnt even go into public due to its severity. My brother as well had suffered with severe acne too, so we were constantly testing new products together. It is true that it takes some time (a week or so for me), but today, you could not find a red spot on my face. My skin tone has even improved. Keep in mind that I also began using the Arbonne mineral makeup (LOVE it!) about the time that I started using Clear Advantage, but I hardly ever wear makeup now. It didnt work as well for my brother, but what may work for someone, may not work for someone else. There are many different causes for acne (such as hormonal, toxins, allergies..etc), therefore are diff ways to treat it and I find it very close-minded of those who "ex out" a product just because it didnt work for them or someone they know. It just might work for you
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