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This Website Sure Isn't What It Used To Be


Posted : 03/18/2014 12:03 am

I've held this back for a while but I have to say this...

Okay, I remember posting here back in 2005 when I was 15 years old and it seemed was such a positive place for people dealing with active acne looking for support. Back then people were less judgemental and everyone seemed to (relatively) get along.

Now this websites mentality has changed, there is a fanatical push on obsessively healthy diet here as a "cure" for acne and a resonating "blame the victim" mentality which results in constant bickering. There are people being chastised by other members for taking accutane and critiqued for their diet/lifestyle. There are members leaving because they can't take the negativity.

What happened here? Does anyone else who has been around this web community for a while recognize what went wrong here.


Posted : 03/18/2014 12:48 am

I was a lurker here in 2005 so I guess I can comment. I don't notice being more negative than it was before. I still see tons of helpful posts and people offering support to each other on a daily basis. I am also happy to see a shift toward pushing more natural treatments for acne. If a simple change in diet would work for someone like eliminating dairy then that's a whole lot better (in my opinion) than taking a toxic drug like accutane. I also don't really feel like there is any victim blaming going on here; or at least I haven't seen it.

Anyway, I'm just here to learn more about acne and to help others learn more too.


Posted : 03/18/2014 12:56 am

I was a lurker here in 2005 so I guess I can comment. I don't notice being more negative than it was before. I still see tons of helpful posts and people offering support to each other on a daily basis. I am also happy to see a shift toward pushing more natural treatments for acne. If a simple change in diet would work for someone like eliminating dairy then that's a whole lot better (in my opinion) than taking a toxic drug like accutane. I also don't really feel like there is any victim blaming going on here; or at least I haven't seen it.

Anyway, I'm just here to learn more about acne and to help others learn more too.

There is no wat to "cure" acne as acne is entirely uncurable. Diet and acne are indeed unrelated no matter how much you believe otherwise, acne is apart of the human genome and a genetic disease. Accutane is not "toxic" it is a fantastic drug.

Can I ask how old you are?


Posted : 03/18/2014 1:05 am

I was a lurker here in 2005 so I guess I can comment. I don't notice being more negative than it was before. I still see tons of helpful posts and people offering support to each other on a daily basis. I am also happy to see a shift toward pushing more natural treatments for acne. If a simple change in diet would work for someone like eliminating dairy then that's a whole lot better (in my opinion) than taking a toxic drug like accutane. I also don't really feel like there is any victim blaming going on here; or at least I haven't seen it.

Anyway, I'm just here to learn more about acne and to help others learn more too.

There is no wat to "cure" acne as acne is entirely uncurable. Diet and acne are indeed unrelated no matter how much you believe otherwise, acne is apart of the human genome and a genetic disease. Accutane is not "toxic" it is a fantastic drug.

Can I ask how old you are?

Well, acne may be able to be "cured" in the future, but I agree there is no cure right now. That's why I used the word treatment in my previous post.

I also disagree that acne and diet are unrelated. I used to believe this too, but I have experienced a difference in my skin from changing my diet, and so have many others here on There is also an increasing amount of research which proves that diet can have an affect on acne. I am not saying this is true for everyone, but in some instances, like mine, it definitely is.

Accutane used to be a chemotherapy drug which is why I referred to it as toxic. It also didn't clear my acne permanently and gave me lasting side effects.

I'm 22. Why does my age matter?


Posted : 03/18/2014 1:35 am

I was a lurker here in 2005 so I guess I can comment. I don't notice being more negative than it was before. I still see tons of helpful posts and people offering support to each other on a daily basis. I am also happy to see a shift toward pushing more natural treatments for acne. If a simple change in diet would work for someone like eliminating dairy then that's a whole lot better (in my opinion) than taking a toxic drug like accutane. I also don't really feel like there is any victim blaming going on here; or at least I haven't seen it.

Anyway, I'm just here to learn more about acne and to help others learn more too.

There is no wat to "cure" acne as acne is entirely uncurable. Diet and acne are indeed unrelated no matter how much you believe otherwise, acne is apart of the human genome and a genetic disease. Accutane is not "toxic" it is a fantastic drug.

Can I ask how old you are?

Well, acne may be able to be "cured" in the future, but I agree there is no cure right now. That's why I used the word treatment in my previous post.

I also disagree that acne and diet are unrelated. I used to believe this too, but I have experienced a difference in my skin from changing my diet, and so have many others here on There is also an increasing amount of research which proves that diet can have an affect on acne. I am not saying this is true for everyone, but in some instances, like mine, it definitely is.

Accutane used to be a chemotherapy drug which is why I referred to it as toxic. It also didn't clear my acne permanently and gave me lasting side effects.

I'm 22. Why does my age matter?

Sorry but Accutane was NEVER a chemotherapy drug .

I will say have been on every "special acne diet" under the sun since I was 11 and my skin never improved in the slightest. I am now 24 and still have acne on my face and body. My mother has acne (age 63) my father has severe acne (age 67) my two bothers age 29 and 34 still have incredibly severe acne - it's a freaking genetic disease!

I am sorry but genes determine everything and they can not be turned "off" and "on" by lifestyle like the loons on this website would like you to believe.


Posted : 03/18/2014 2:27 am

Bubbles, I do agree that it is genetic for some like you and me to varying degrees but for others it can be brought on by other things as well rather than just purely genetics. When I travled to europe for a summer, my skin became remarkably clear, it was the clearest my skin ever was in my life since back when I first started breaking out when I turned 17. When I came back to the states, my skin returned to being broken out with inflamed acne within a weeks time. This leads me to believe that the processed american food (that also is the case in canada), and the way farmed foods are showered in chemicals here is playing a role in the adult acne that is plaguing many of us. Just telling you what I experienced. Also when I decided to stick with the "extreme diet" just eating clean and cooking my own food and eating some raw broccoli everyday my skin heals and clears rapidly like magic. So I have experimented and the diet strategy as extreme and fanatical as it is does work for some of us in fighting off the acne.


Posted : 03/18/2014 5:59 am

Bubbles, if you knew anything about genetics, you would know that many genes can be and are turned on and off by external factors.


Posted : 03/18/2014 7:31 am

It all falls down into hormones.

Diet can affect hormones there's a few types of hormones that you can control, one being insulin

and so can stress

+ more

those are the 2 easiest to control.

What's your diet like bubbles?


Posted : 03/18/2014 7:45 am

Guys, i totally agree with the gene relation matter. I have hormonal acne and nothing but nothing cured it, but the pill which is supposed to balance hormones. People with oily skin do get acne when the inner system is not stabilised and others have hirsutism. You raraly meet someone with BOTH acne and hirsutism. You either have one or the other. My mother had acne andan oily face. She is now 60 years old, and still may have a breakout every now and then. What i know from my mother and other friends is that acne related to hormonal imbalance at most cases dissapears after the first birth. If you have the tendancy for oily skin you will still have a pimple at times, but not acne. You girls have in mind that oily skin is more strengthened, has less wrinkles, and eventually you look younger. I am 34, and i am told i look 20 when not in make up. As for my mother, she looks like 45!!!! with no botox, lifting or smth like that. Enjoy your youth looks!


Posted : 03/18/2014 9:23 am

Bubbles, if you knew anything about genetics, you would know that many genes can be and are turned on and off by external factors.

Absolutely wrong.

It all falls down into hormones.

Diet can affect hormones there's a few types of hormones that you can control, one being insulin

and so can stress

+ more

those are the 2 easiest to control.

What's your diet like bubbles?

Acne is not a hormonal imbalance, people with acne are androgen senstivie by genetics. Most people with acne have hormones within the normal range. Also hormones do not "directly" cause acne. And hormonal imbalance is not brought on but inborn in most causes.

My diet has always been healthy. I know more about nutrition than most people could shake a stick at.

Guys, i totally agree with the gene relation matter. I have hormonal acne and nothing but nothing cured it, but the pill which is supposed to balance hormones. People with oily skin do get acne when the inner system is not stabilised and others have hirsutism. You raraly meet someone with BOTH acne and hirsutism. You either have one or the other. My mother had acne andan oily face. She is now 60 years old, and still may have a breakout every now and then. What i know from my mother and other friends is that acne related to hormonal imbalance at most cases dissapears after the first birth. If you have the tendancy for oily skin you will still have a pimple at times, but not acne. You girls have in mind that oily skin is more strengthened, has less wrinkles, and eventually you look younger. I am 34, and i am told i look 20 when not in make up. As for my mother, she looks like 45!!!! with no botox, lifting or smth like that. Enjoy your youth looks!

I have both severe acne and hirsutism and I have no hormonal imbalance. Both are caused by androgen sensitive hair follicules


Posted : 03/18/2014 9:28 am

I have a biology degree and I'm about to finish my masters in genetics but yeah, I'm sure you know better than I do.


Posted : 03/18/2014 9:33 am

I have a biology degree and I'm about to finish my masters in genetics but yeah, I'm sure you know better than I do.

Where did you achieve that? Degrassi jr. high???

I bet you get most of your info on "genetics" from the batsh*t crazy poster Alternavista here on that claims that her lifelong cystic acne was entirely induced by oranges... **gasp**.

No, genetics can not be turned off and on at will like this woman and the quack doctors claim, we do not hold the "power" over our genes like we think.


Posted : 03/18/2014 10:11 am

Blame the victim philosophy yet again! I would like to see these people on this website banned for saying this crap about diet and acne. They are purely ignorant and their words are hurtful.

Dan is this the website you dreamed up? people pointing the finger of blame at victims of a skin condition claiming that genetics have no influence and it'sall lifestyle.


Posted : 03/18/2014 10:32 am

Bubble55 you would like to know that in my early 20s , after breaking out, i was on the pill for 3 years No acne. I stopped it and i was still clear for 7 more years. So, what happened to me, if not the hormones? Does the sensitivity you claim come and go? Also, you might be an exception to both acne and hirsutism. If you noticed, i wrote RARELY. Also, i do believe that diet is not much relevant at all. Have you visited other similar sites? Cause i have , and everywhere the bottom line is to sell a treatment....


Posted : 03/18/2014 11:08 am

Acne is totally a genetic disease. Coming from my old dermatologist (VERY smart man) said so himself. All acne is genetic.


Posted : 03/18/2014 11:14 am

Bubble55 you would like to know that in my early 20s , after breaking out, i was on the pill for 3 years No acne. I stopped it and i was still clear for 7 more years. So, what happened to me, if not the hormones? Does the sensitivity you claim come and go? Also, you might be an exception to both acne and hirsutism. If you noticed, i wrote RARELY. Also, i do believe that diet is not much relevant at all. Have you visited other similar sites? Cause i have , and everywhere the bottom line is to sell a treatment....

You are born androgen sensitive as with ALL acne sufferers. People who are androgen insensitive don't experience acne. 90% of acne sufferers have hormones within the normal range with only increased sensitivy to androgens.

Acne is totally a genetic disease. Coming from my old dermatologist (VERY smart man) said so himself. All acne is genetic.

Absolutely. Nearly every process in which acne develops (the excess sebum, clogging of the pores, inflammatory response to infection) is entirely created by genetics. Diet influences none of this in the least. You can eat as healthy as you want but it won't fix how sensitive your sebaceous glands are to androgens, how your pores clog, the type of bacteria that lives in your skin or your bodies inflammatory response to the infection.

So many people on this website are purely ignorant.

It is always good to eat healthy but acne and diet are two separate things.


Posted : 03/18/2014 11:16 am

I agree, Bubbles! The sight is not what it used to be. I didn't actively participate here on until 2009. There have been a lot of changes here since then. There is no chat and the forum layout has changed quite a bit. I'm still trying to get use to it. I can tell you there definitely has been a decline in user activity since when I started here at

Anyways, I can understand your frustration as far as posts go. My father had acne ,or forms of it, as a teenager/young adult. So, I think it's definetly genetic related, but I also know that there are cures in nature. That is how it was designed from the get go. I have been on a diet since I started here on, and I have seen tremendous results in how my complexion looks. I still have acne, but there is no doubt in my mind that diet played a part in how bad my complexion got.

I can understand your frustrations as far as people jumping on the poster for improper diet. It is something that needs to be worked on here at But to say that diet as nothing to do with acne is a little crazy. It's just about learning what food serve which purposes to the body. There so much more I could write about this, but I encourage you to atleast rethink your stance. I am sorry you and many in your family are struggling with acne. Acne is hard to thing to come to grips with, but it's even harder to come to grips with that people treat to different based upon having it.


Posted : 03/18/2014 11:44 am

I agree, Bubbles! The sight is not what it used to be. I didn't actively participate here on until 2009. There have been a lot of changes here since then. There is no chat and the forum layout has changed quite a bit. I'm still trying to get use to it. I can tell you there definitely has been a decline in user activity since when I started here at

Anyways, I can understand your frustration as far as posts go. My father had acne ,or forms of it, as a teenager/young adult. So, I think it's definetly genetic related, but I also know that there are cures in nature. That is how it was designed from the get go. I have been on a diet since I started here on, and I have seen tremendous results in how my complexion looks. I still have acne, but there is no doubt in my mind that diet played a part in how bad my complexion got.

I can understand your frustrations as far as people jumping on the poster for improper diet. It is something that needs to be worked on here at But to say that diet as nothing to do with acne is a little crazy. It's just about learning what food serve which purposes to the body. There so much more I could write about this, but I encourage you to atleast rethink your stance. I am sorry you and many in your family are struggling with acne. Acne is hard to thing to come to grips with, but it's even harder to come to grips with that people treat to different based upon having it.

Acne really doesn't have anything to do with diet. People only assume it does here because they presume acne is a "hormone imbalance" - which it is not. Neither is hormone imbalance brought on by poor diet. In reality most acne patients have hormones within the normal range.

And hormonal imbalance never exists on its own, it's always apart of a hormonal syndrome which is often inborn (separate from lifestyle).

Acne is mostly a disease of the hair follicle as simple as that sounds. People would rather look at acne as a sign of "hormonal imbalance" or "intestinal dysbosis" as it's more exciting for them to believe this.

Also note a good 80% of the people on this website in the hollistic section are suffering from some form of orthorexia nervosa, food phobias and OCD. Hence the fixation on diet.


There is also a certain amount of government paranoia/conspiracy on this website mostly from American posters (mostly).

They truly believe that their government is causing their acne by poisoning their food with hormones and chemicals (take a look at the posts in the hollistic forum!). And that their government is witholding a "cure" for acne in order to make money off the condition and to keep people buying acne products and accutane ect.


The "cause of acne" explained


See acne both has "no cause" and is apart of your genetics at the same time. There is no "demon food" or "miracle cure".


Posted : 03/18/2014 12:23 pm


You made a post being negative, while simultaneously critiquing the purposed negativity of the board. When people responded, you criticized them and spread negativity.

Was this a troll post? All in all, your username is Bubbles55.


Posted : 03/18/2014 12:57 pm


You made a post being negative, while simultaneously critiquing the purposed negativity of the board. When people responded, you criticized them and spread negativity.

Was this a troll post? All in all, your username is Bubbles55.


You made a post being negative, while simultaneously critiquing the purposed negativity of the board. When people responded, you criticized them and spread negativity.

Was this a troll post? All in all, your username is Bubbles55.

Yeah.. yeah.. yeah - oh the irony. These people need to be stood up to though.

.. this is random and totally off topic, but has anyone ever told you, you look exactly like Lily Cole?


Posted : 03/18/2014 5:45 pm

just go dump a bottle of bp all over your face im sure that will work, lmfao


Posted : 03/19/2014 2:50 pm

Bubbles, if you knew anything about genetics, you would know that many genes can be and are turned on and off by external factors.

Absolutely wrong.

>It all falls down into hormones.

Diet can affect hormones there's a few types of hormones that you can control, one being insulin

and so can stress

+ more

those are the 2 easiest to control.

What's your diet like bubbles?

Acne is not a hormonal imbalance, people with acne are androgen senstivie by genetics. Most people with acne have hormones within the normal range. Also hormones do not "directly" cause acne. And hormonal imbalance is not brought on but inborn in most causes.

My diet has always been healthy. I know more about nutrition than most people could shake a stick at.

Guys, i totally agree with the gene relation matter. I have hormonal acne and nothing but nothing cured it, but the pill which is supposed to balance hormones. People with oily skin do get acne when the inner system is not stabilised and others have hirsutism. You raraly meet someone with BOTH acne and hirsutism. You either have one or the other. My mother had acne andan oily face. She is now 60 years old, and still may have a breakout every now and then. What i know from my mother and other friends is that acne related to hormonal imbalance at most cases dissapears after the first birth. If you have the tendancy for oily skin you will still have a pimple at times, but not acne. You girls have in mind that oily skin is more strengthened, has less wrinkles, and eventually you look younger. I am 34, and i am told i look 20 when not in make up. As for my mother, she looks like 45!!!! with no botox, lifting or smth like that. Enjoy your youth looks!

I have both severe acne and hirsutism and I have no hormonal imbalance. Both are caused by androgen sensitive hair follicules

Ive been around since 2005. Sure sounds like you're the one bickering and trying to negate what works for people other than you.


Posted : 03/19/2014 4:28 pm

Acne is totally a genetic disease. Coming from my old dermatologist (VERY smart man) said so himself. All acne is genetic.

none of my parents or grandparents had acne.


Posted : 03/19/2014 4:45 pm

in my view acne is mostly hormonal.

girls started getting their periods at abnormal age. this didn't happen in my parents and grandparents' times.

but i don't blame testosterone or dht for acne, it's more complex.


Posted : 03/19/2014 7:57 pm

Acne is totally a genetic disease. Coming from my old dermatologist (VERY smart man) said so himself. All acne is genetic.

none of my parents or grandparents had acne.

That doesn't mean people in those times didn't have acne. My grandpa had severe acne.
