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Nuts And Acne


Posted : 09/17/2013 1:09 am

Hello guys

I have been wondering whether nuts are good or bad when talking about Acne? Actually I eat a lot of nuts, especially almonds every day. What's your opinion about nuts? I have read different things about nuts on this forum.

Have a nice day!


Posted : 09/17/2013 2:56 am

Nuts are hard to digest if not soaked properly. Try homemade almond milk much better


Posted : 09/17/2013 4:17 am

Almonds break me out, i tried almond milk but it just continued..


Posted : 09/17/2013 9:30 am

Maybe I should take a break from nuts for awhile.. Just to experiment. I have been eating a lot of almonds the last 6 months and I think my skin have been worse than usual.


Posted : 09/21/2013 9:58 pm

I was told by one derm and have read on numerous sites ( Dr McDougall's info on high-fat foods and acne) that if you have acne prone skin that nuts are not good. The reason why is that anything that adds fat to the diet also increases sebum production. The process is not other words the fats you eat do not go directly to your skin but instead affect hormones which can increase sebum production and in some cases increase inflammation. Nuts are a very high fat food and in addition can be difficult to digest. Acne prone people often have digestive problems and nuts can inflame the gut.

It is also helpful to avoid all processed oils since they are added fats and are not a part of the diets of cultures that have little acne. That said, I have found that using just a teeny bit of olive oil is okay. And olive oil is different from other oils in that it is naturally processed by just crushing the olives versus the solvents, etc used in making other oils.


Posted : 09/23/2013 8:59 am

Hello guys

I have been wondering whether nuts are good or bad when talking about Acne? Actually I eat a lot of nuts, especially almonds every day. What's your opinion about nuts? I have read different things about nuts on this forum.

Have a nice day!


Depends on your individual intolerances and what else you eat, I.e how many other sources of omega 6 fats you eat. And whether or not they are rancid. I do hope you are talking about raw nuts?

Also, it is best to soak/sprout them for digestibility and bioavailability.

And, not everything you think is a nut, is a true nut and may be completely unrelated thing. So you might e allergic to true nuts, but not almonds or cashews, for example. Or vice versa.

Almonds are not nuts, but seeds of fruit related to stone fruit. You could be allergic to the whole family.


Posted : 10/01/2013 12:12 pm

I've heard some things too about nuts aggravating acne, but I've been ignoring it because I eat almond butter and drink almond milk like three times a day and don't want to stop. lol. But the last thing I read was saying how, if you have digestive problems, nuts might be making them worse, which could be affecting acne flare-ups. I guess I need to try cutting them out too and just see if it makes a difference. But maybe in butter/milk form, they're okay? That's something I need to research.

One, almonds aren't nuts. Two, you could still be intolerant to them. And no, eating them in butter or milk form won't help. Soaking them until they sprout can help and that might be done prior to making butter or milk, but it's doubtful that was done in whatever commercial product you are buying..


Posted : 10/01/2013 1:23 pm

I'm sitting here and enjoying a bowl of dry roasted almonds, simply addictive. Last night I had two bowls and had quite a bit of a break-out on my chin today. I just don't want to learn, however, I have decided that I need to finish the bag and then no more. My chest acne has also been worse since eating almonds on a daily basis. So my gut feeling says it can't be all that good for acne-prone skin.


Posted : 10/01/2013 1:30 pm

like everything else, moderation...and what triggers breakouts in some won't trigger breakouts in others


Posted : 08/19/2024 2:41 pm

I've had acne for 15 years, slowing down in my 30's probably because I regularly excercise now, but an occasional breakouts occuring perhaps once a month.

I used to eat collectively 2 handfuls of nuts everyday - almonds, cashews, pistachios. I was addicted to them. Sometimes twice in a day.

I had my wisdom teeth removed 6 months ago and got braces. Thus I had to stop eating very hard foods like nuts. Would you believe not a single breakout or acne during this entire period. I can't believe this was my cause of acne all this time...

This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by Onetimeprogrammable