Hello, I'm trying a new, au naturale acne routine. (well, mostly natural )
Just curious if any ladies have seen success with supplementing spearmint into their diet. (capsules/tea or otherwise)
I've recently discontinued using spironolactone because the side effects freaked me out.
I'm looking to try 100% natural remedies to try and balance them hormones!
FYI, doing surprisingly well off of spiro, but I'm totally dairy free now as well, which may have been most of my issue, anyway.
Thanks in advance.
I believe mint tea improved my hirsutism a bit. I tend to use the more potent peppermint tea.
I never had luck with spearmint tea...it just made me bloated. DIM and inositol worked and some others in the Hormonal forum are using similar remedies. for topicals, witch hazel works for me, and a simple cleanser and moisturizer.
Hey, I wanted to thank both of you for your responses.
Slight bit delayed...My apologies.
I really jumped the gun when I stated I was doing surprisingly well after discontinuing Spiro..
Things changed, drastically, pretty shortly after posting that.
August-October have been a pretty big struggle. Getting cystic breakouts on my chin and forehead along with quite a bit of inflammation/pigmentation issues.
I started seeing a naturopath in August and had a food sensitivity panel done.
I've been following my diet plan, but continually breaking out.
I started taking DIM October 20th and have not seen any drastic improvements. Just changes in my breakouts. (I know I still need to give this more time to see results)
I've read up on posts and topics that you guys have created and agree with your views concerning acne and its causes.
All of that being said:
Did you ladies both have food sensitivity testing or just paid very close attention to the reactions your body was giving you after consuming certain things?