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Trying to put on weight / snacking


Posted : 04/21/2016 4:32 am


My acne is mostly quite moderate these days (the odd pimple on my forehead or a tiny white-head on my nose). I also get a few breakouts on my chest. Anyway, I'm usually 80% clear majority of the time but still get the occasional breakout and my skin is far from perfect.

The reason for this post is because I am and always have been a very slim/skinny guy. I've always struggled to put on weight. Over the past year I've taken to walking to and from work as I don't drive and wanted to save money by not getting a bus each day. The journey takes anything from 45 - 50 minutes each way so, as you can imagine, I've lost some weight.

I'm trying to increase my intake of food to compensate and I wanted to start introducing snacks. I don't really snack during the day, although I did used to have a bag of crisps every day (which I've recently stopped as I've cut out eating potatoes as I think they might be a trigger for my breakouts).

I'd really be interested in some suggestions of what I could snack on during the day to a) help put on weight but also b) not trigger breakouts.

I should mention that I don't eat fruit as the sugar always causes me to breakout and I think the same thing applies to nuts/seeds - I also think I have a small allergy as I can get a rash when I've eaten nuts of food containing nuts in the past.

So, what the hell can I nibble on pre-lunch and post dinner or just in general throughout the day. I'm stumped as everything I look into seems to be bad for your skin.

Any suggestions would be really welcomed.


Posted : 05/19/2016 8:34 am

No one..?


Posted : 05/21/2016 3:04 am

I started eating healthy in hopes that it would clear my skin... I still can't say if it's helped me...   Anyway, ever since I started eating healthy - such as avoiding all dairy, chocolate, white rice, etc - I've been losing a lot of weight. I started out at 97lbs and now I'm at 90lbs..  So I've also been trying to gain weight.. 

I know you said you think you might have a nut allergy but I added it anyway for others that don't have any problems with them. Also you can substitute potatoes with sweet potatoes. They're really good and I believe one sweet potato contains only 6g of sugar. I hope you find something in the list below that you can eat. Everyone is different. It's good to test which foods really cause you to break out and which ones don't. I personally have been eating baked sweet potatoes, chicken, brown rice, whole wheat bread with almond butter or avocado almost everyday with no problem. Best of luck to you!:)

Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts,peanuts

Dried fruit: Raisins, dates, prunes and others.

High-fat dairy: Whole milk, full-fat yogurt,cheese

Fats and Oils: Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil.

Grains: Whole grains like oats and brownrice (oatmeal) 

Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, eggs (hardboiled eggs as snack) 

Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes (baked sweet potato chips, yum) and yams.

DARK chocolate, avocados, peanut butter (I substitute peanut butter with almond butter). 

Even vegetables.  


Posted : 05/29/2016 11:16 am

On May 21, 2016 at 4:04 AM, ClassyCat said:

I started eating healthy in hopes that it would clear my skin... I still can't say if it's helped me...   Anyway, ever since I started eating healthy - such as avoiding all dairy, chocolate, white rice, etc - I've been losing a lot of weight. I started out at 97lbs and now I'm at 90lbs..  So I've also been trying to gain weight.. 

I know you said you think you might have a nut allergy but I added it anyway for others that don't have any problems with them. Also you can substitute potatoes with sweet potatoes. They're really good and I believe one sweet potato contains only 6g of sugar. I hope you find something in the list below that you can eat. Everyone is different. It's good to test which foods really cause you to break out and which ones don't. I personally have been eating baked sweet potatoes, chicken, brown rice, whole wheat bread with almond butter or avocado almost everyday with no problem. Best of luck to you!:)

Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts,peanuts

Dried fruit: Raisins, dates, prunes and others.

High-fat dairy: Whole milk, full-fat yogurt,cheese

Fats and Oils: Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil.

Grains: Whole grains like oats and brownrice (oatmeal) 

Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, eggs (hardboiled eggs as snack) 

Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes (baked sweet potato chips, yum) and yams.

DARK chocolate, avocados, peanut butter (I substitute peanut butter with almond butter). 

Even vegetables.  

that happened to me a few years ago. Be careful I think I got in a weakened state.

On April 21, 2016 at 5:32 AM, mrfringe said:


My acne is mostly quite moderate these days (the odd pimple on my forehead or a tiny white-head on my nose). I also get a few breakouts on my chest. Anyway, I'm usually 80% clear majority of the time but still get the occasional breakout and my skin is far from perfect.

The reason for this post is because I am and always have been a very slim/skinny guy. I've always struggled to put on weight. Over the past year I've taken to walking to and from work as I don't drive and wanted to save money by not getting a bus each day. The journey takes anything from 45 - 50 minutes each way so, as you can imagine, I've lost some weight.

I'm trying to increase my intake of food to compensate and I wanted to start introducing snacks. I don't really snack during the day, although I did used to have a bag of crisps every day (which I've recently stopped as I've cut out eating potatoes as I think they might be a trigger for my breakouts).

I'd really be interested in some suggestions of what I could snack on during the day to a) help put on weight but also B) not trigger breakouts.

I should mention that I don't eat fruit as the sugar always causes me to breakout and I think the same thing applies to nuts/seeds - I also think I have a small allergy as I can get a rash when I've eaten nuts of food containing nuts in the past.

So, what the hell can I nibble on pre-lunch and post dinner or just in general throughout the day. I'm stumped as everything I look into seems to be bad for your skin.

Any suggestions would be really welcomed.

hey have you tried adding smoothies with greens.
like rice or soy milk, chia seeds and spinach or kale. I'm not sure if you'd add fruit or not but cherries and blueberries don't real most people out. Maybe pumpkin too.

maybe add oatmeal or oatmeal bars, guacamole and hummus.


Posted : 06/04/2016 11:42 am

Hi mrFringe,

I had the same problem and wanted to share what worked for me. I went from 135 to a current 195 (6'3) - it was impossible for me to bulk at the gym as everything I ate gave me breakouts. I still get acne if I don't eat right.

Raw nuts and seeds will be your best friends. However some nuts/seeds break me out (i.e. brazil nuts, sunflower seeds), and other nuts and seeds are fine (pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews). You'll need to do an incremental test to figure out which ones work.

Other foods I use for bulking:
- Almonds and cashews (I take in 1200 calories a day no issues)
- Raw coconut, no preservatives (I purchase from Thailand in bulk)
- Canned tuna in water or salt , no preservatives for protein.
- Bananas after eating fat; spread throughout the day to prevent blood sugar spikes
- Avocados
- Oats (can be eaten raw - soak them)

If these foods don't work for you, look into something you can eat with high fat content.

Beware of the following foods and incremental test, as these foods break me out (and many others here) for weeks if I eat them - eggs, soy, dairy, gluten.

Good luck.
