Hello, just wanted to share my battle with acne and how the intermittent fasting has helped me.
I have been suffering from acne for long time, in my late thirties now. Have tried the regiment, different creams and accutane (gave me tinnitus 16-18 years ago which I can still hear to this day). I have oily skin btw.
I would describe my acne as mild/severe as I do get cysts. In my twenties I would break out all over my body now its mostly my forehead and just a few pimples on the back. The most severe part was on the forehead. It somewhat disappeared for 8-9 years (not sure what happened I was just hoping that I had outgrown it) but then came back with vengeance around 3 years ago. One doctor told me that this could possibly be related to bad cholesterol (high for me) + I am borderline diabetic. I was on sugar free diet which helped a bit but I would still break out and get cysts.
Recently (3 weeks) I tried intermittent fasting of 16/8 and noticed a big difference. I no longer break out, during all this time I only had one small pimple pop out which lasted 3 days.
I would recommend it to give it a try if everything else is failing. I am eating as I normally would during the 8 hour window and drinking good amount of water during the fasting times.