I started using the regimen almost two months ago and i started to see a difference nothing drastic. I still would get break outs. The bp started to bring out the clogged junk in the pores to the surface that was about the only differnece i saw. I stopped using the regimen about two weeks ago because i got sick and ive started breaking out badly all over. I was recommended to use raw african black soap. Will this have any effect on the regimen?
Raw African Black Soap may dry out your skin a little bit more (depending on the ingredients and the brand you use). It's all dependent on your skin type.
I would, however, recommend using the regimen continuously and routinely for as long as you can. Even gaps like ~two weeks can "restart" your skin. I've experienced this myself. When you go back in with the regimen, don't go too heavy handed since your skin's tolerance for BP has probably been reduced a bit.