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I have "allergic acne", looking for a good face wash, please read...


Posted : 08/03/2022 3:51 am

Hello, I'm a 36 year old male and my skin is very weird. Almost all face washes and soaps break me out. As soon as I use a new product on my skin I can feel whether or not it's going to break me out (and 99% of the time it's not going to be good). Say I use a new face wash in the shower. If it's good, I won't feel anything, skin will feel completely neutral. If it's bad, I'll immediately feel a tingling sensation and I know that I'll break out later. The breakout won't be mild either; I'll get some moderate spots and if I continue to use the face wash it'll get worse and worse. I hate this crap. It's not hormonal as I'm 36, I have very strange sensitive skin that breaks out because of what I put on it, and like I said almost every product I've tried does it. I've also tried an insane amount of stuff. 

I didn't know in the beginning that I was breaking out because of the products I was using. I thought I just had bad acne prone skin. This was until I bought a random face wash called 'Saeed Ghani Kheera Face Wash' many years back. (I live in Pakistan, 'Kheera' means cucumber.) As soon as I started using this my acne completely cleared up and I had no more problems. Since it was so cheap and one tiny bottle would last four months I bought a huge supply of these to last me years. I was worried that the formula would change and I didn't wanna take any chances. Well unfortunately their formula DID change and now when I use their new bottles I break out. My own supply is finally coming to an end and I need a new face wash asap. 

I've lived in both Pakistan and the UK and like I said I've tried so many different brands including Western products. Apart from this one Saeed Ghani face wash, there was only ONE other random product that didn't break me out and felt neutral on my skin just like the old Saeed Ghani face wash did. It was a random face wash in a hotel room I was staying in. I took the tiny bottle home with me and used it for the week it lasted. I liked it so much I emailed the company making it, asking them if I could buy it for myself but they said they only mass supply to big hotel buyers :(.

So yeah, I really need something that works. I've seen a lot of recommendations for things over the years. I've tried the "mild" face washes that are advertised as good for acne prone skin but none of them worked. I've tried some of Saeed Ghani's other face washes but they also didn't help. Maybe there's a particular commonly used ingredient that causes me to break out but Idk what that is. Anyway if you guys have any suggestions I'd be super grateful. I'm even considering making my own home made face wash, any good suggestions for that? Thanks! Really hope you can help.

Member Admin

Posted : 08/05/2022 7:42 am

Hmm. I wonder if you tried a cleansing oil if that would be better for your skin. Ever tried one of those?

Also, ever considered making one yourself? I'm thinking maybe get some jojoba oil or sunflower oil or safflower oil. Mix in about 5% polysorbate-80 and voila. Try that. That should be as gentle as possible, and if that's still bothering you, well, you only have 2 ingredients you need to consider. If it doesn't bother you, you can make more batches, adding in 1 ingredient at a time to each batch to see what bugs you and what doesn't.



Posted : 08/25/2022 7:21 am

On 8/5/2022 at 5:42 PM, Dan said:

Hmm. I wonder if you tried a cleansing oil if that would be better for your skin. Ever tried one of those?

Also, ever considered making one yourself? I'm thinking maybe get some jojoba oil or sunflower oil or safflower oil. Mix in about 5% polysorbate-80 and voila. Try that. That should be as gentle as possible, and if that's still bothering you, well, you only have 2 ingredients you need to consider. If it doesn't bother you, you can make more batches, adding in 1 ingredient at a time to each batch to see what bugs you and what doesn't.


Hello, thanks for your reply, apologies for my late one, I forgot I made this account/thread haha. I've never heard of a cleansing oil before, I can use it as an alternative to a face wash in the shower? If so that sounds good. I hope it doesn't make my skin oily though. Any suggestions on how to make one at home? Thank you very much!


Posted : 08/30/2022 10:05 am

I am wondering if the Acne .org face wash would be helpful? Its pretty inert. I have the same problem with fabric softeners and any detergent other than Tide. I thought for years I had hormonal acne and tried literally everything to clear it up. It was so frustrating because it was disfiguring and severe. At one point I accidentally ran out of fabric softener and never made it back to the store to get more. Eventually all of my clothes went through the wash without it. Annnnnd, magically my face, back, neck and chest cleared up quite quickly.
