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Pantothenic Acid / B5 effective at a low dose?


Posted : 08/11/2024 11:55 am

Hello! I'm a 37/f and I've had (hormonal?) acne since I was 13, and I'm turning 38 in November. Many years of ups and downs with breakouts. Things that worked for me in the past but didn't last were:

  • DIM - this had me almost completely clear and more importantly eliminated cystic acne, but it started to give me night sweats especially around my period.
  • Sunshine - obviously not great to have sun exposure so I cut back on that but in my 20s sun exposure would always clear my acne. This wasn't sustainable and I didn't want cancer risk or premature aging. No, vitamin d doesn't help, it was the UV light killing the bacteria forming under the skin.
  • Keto diet - this worked for quite a while and not sure why it stopped working. I got about 2 years of mostly clear before the acne came back. I was taking DIM at the same time so this might have been the actual factor.

Now I've gone the other way with my diet as I've been doing progesterone cream therapy (which has been a major success for my cycle, endo/adenomyosis as well as fibroids). However, my skin has steadily gotten worse since I've started the cream and a more carb-heavy diet and I would say it's been at a moderate to severe level for 5 months at least with NO breaks/relief. I basically have been living with hydrocolloid bandaids on my face every day and I've been miserable.

I tried b5 about a year ago and had terrible heartburn, like breathing fire. I quit it and forgot about it until I came across one in liquid form on Amazon. I started taking it about 3 days ago, about 25mg a day - no heartburn. It doesn't specify to do it this way but I treat it like a tincture and hold it under my tongue for about a minute before consumption.

Well, after day 2, my acne has come to almost a complete halt aside from a breakout on my chin that is working out some clogged pimples (it's a slow process any time I get a cluster of pimples where it's just these plugs that refuse to come to the surface for a week or two, almost like they're glued into the pores).

I'm a little bit wary of such quick success with a lower dose than I've seen suggested on here and other areas of the internet.

I will update as obviously 3 days isn't much time and there could be other variables at play, but I guess I'm wondering if there is anyone else here who has had good results with a lower dose of B5? I was nervous about side effects as well but that would be less of a concern if I can just take this low dose and maintain these results.

For anybody wondering about the brand on Amazon is herb science. I take one dropper in the morning.

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Member Admin

Posted : 10/04/2024 10:56 am

I'm curious to hear how this continues to go for you. Please keep us updated.

Also, remember that The Regimen is always here for you. It's cool you're trying to get to the root of things, but The Regimen will always clear you up if you need it.


Posted : 10/05/2024 1:09 pm

Hi...what's the dosage you've been using, and how many times a day?

