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My Accutane Log - 17M - Pictures


Posted : 02/26/2017 11:13 pm

28 Days Post Accutane

I plan on making a more in-depth post soon but here are some details as to my situation: Lips still mildly dry, not nearly as dry around mid course. Face seems to be gaining some oil back, although it is hard to tell. I believe I have had about 3 spots appear since taking my last pill, all of which did not or are not lasting long (one popped up yesterday but I doubt it lasts long). I hope I continue to see results, it would be so amazing. Stay positive!

Future - Coming out Strong


Posted : 03/08/2017 4:57 pm

Hey, welcome to the post accutane club... sad to report I developed a cystic lesion near the side of my nose :( my derm immediately precribed Atralin (retin-a) to help continue the process. Are you going to start retin-a at all? I am pretty depressed @Diamond98 I don't understand why this is happening. I just hope this is some kind of fluke and my skin adjusting. Praying this goes away. I hope things are going much better for you. I cried for nearly an hour about it the other night! 


Posted : 03/16/2017 6:39 pm

On 3/8/2017 at 3:57 PM, CNA7 said:

Hey, welcome to the post accutane club... sad to report I developed a cystic lesion near the side of my nose :( my derm immediately precribed Atralin (retin-a) to help continue the process. Are you going to start retin-a at all? I am pretty depressed @Diamond98 I don't understand why this is happening. I just hope this is some kind of fluke and my skin adjusting. Praying this goes away. I hope things are going much better for you. I cried for nearly an hour about it the other night! 

I'm very sorry to hear about the spot, I hope things are going well for you now and that the retin-a worked. I currently do not want to jinx anything, but I feel like I am doing well so far off of the drug. Just closely monitoring and taking things day by day. I hope to hear from you soon and I hope things have gotten better.


Posted : 06/06/2017 1:53 pm

4ish months post accutane. Wow, can't believe how long it has been. My face is doing well so far, have had a few smaller breakouts but nothing major so far, hopefully it does not get worse. Pretty happy right now, cannot complain! Although I do wish I was completely clear, this is good enough for me! I just hope it stays like this. Stay positive!

Dj Quik - Across the Map


Posted : 10/06/2017 11:44 am

8+ Months Post-Accutane

Been at least 8 months since finishing my course. All is going suprisingly well. Have had a few patches along the way with a few minor breakouts, but they tend to go away more quickly than before accutane. As of now, very happy with my results. Any questions, feel free to ask. Stay positive!

Lute - Home


Posted : 10/07/2017 10:31 am

How are you now?


Posted : 10/13/2017 1:41 pm

On 10/7/2017 at 10:31 AM, Juwalker said:

How are you now?

I feel pretty decent. Still happy with the results. How are you?


Posted : 10/13/2017 2:59 pm

Week 15 and still breaking out quite a lot. Very dry, cracked lips but skin isn't at all dry. No other side effects. Hope it works. Good to hear from someone who has come out the other end.


Posted : 10/16/2017 1:29 am

On 13/10/2017 at 2:59 PM, Juwalker said:

Week 15 and still breaking out quite a lot. Very dry, cracked lips but skin isn't at all dry. No other side effects. Hope it works. Good to hear from someone who has come out the other end.

stay strong, it will get better. I still break out occasionally (did 2 days ago, have one spot on my lower lip and 2 on my forehead) but they typically are not as intense and fade at a faster rate than before accutane. Still makes me mad sometimes but my skin certaintly looks better, and with time, im sure your skin will look better as well.


Posted : 10/16/2017 5:03 pm

Was your skin much more delicate while on accutane. A slight scratch to the face causes a big cut that takes a long while to heal. It's happened a couple of times now. I read that healing is slower on accutane. Corners of lips are dreadful. Cracked, scabby and sore. Using hydrocortisone cream in the corners. Lips peeling and dry as I said. Can't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel to be visible!!


Posted : 10/18/2017 1:30 am

On 16/10/2017 at 5:03 PM, Juwalker said:

Was your skin much more delicate while on accutane. A slight scratch to the face causes a big cut that takes a long while to heal. It's happened a couple of times now. I read that healing is slower on accutane. Corners of lips are dreadful. Cracked, scabby and sore. Using hydrocortisone cream in the corners. Lips peeling and dry as I said. Can't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel to be visible!!

yes. My skin was delicate, much more so than normal. Dry and irritated, it didnt take much to create a visible red mark or scratch on my skin. Wasnt terrible though. Be sure you are staying hydrated. Part of the reason i think that my skin wasnt overly sensitive and easily irritated was my consistent water consumption.


Posted : 10/23/2017 3:30 pm

Glad to hear you are staying clear @Diamond98I am officially almost 9 months post and clear of cystic acne since mid August. I went back on spironolactone at the end of March, I got two cysts on my forehead in May, and once again in August. Nothing since. The retin-a is doing wonders for my skin as well. Once in a while I will get an inflamed pore to two, but it heals within 2-3 days.

Diamond98, Juwalker, Diamond98 and 3 people reacted

Posted : 11/03/2017 1:10 am

On 23/10/2017 at 3:30 PM, CNA7 said:

Glad to hear you are staying clear @Diamond98I am officially almost 9 months post and clear of cystic acne since mid August. I went back on spironolactone at the end of March, I got two cysts on my forehead in May, and once again in August. Nothing since. The retin-a is doing wonders for my skin as well. Once in a while I will get an inflamed pore to two, but it heals within 2-3 days.

glad to hear you are doing well now! Happy to see retin a is working well for you, I think it is doing OK with my skin also. Been quite a journey, awesome to see we are both doing well.


Posted : 02/10/2018 12:48 pm

12 Months Post Accutane

Been a while since my last update. Face is doing well, only small breakouts here and there. Amazingly, I am still working to completely rid myself of hyperpigmentation from a while back. Breakouts are less severe than before taking accutane as of now. Still happy in my decision to take the medication. No lingering side effects as of now. Stay positive!

Dave East - Paranoia


Posted : 02/11/2018 6:01 pm

So good to hear from you. 6 weeks post accutane now too. All good. Skin is great. No lingering side effects now at all. Hallelujah!!!!


Posted : 02/14/2018 7:35 pm

On 11/02/2018 at 5:01 PM, Juwalker said:

So good to hear from you. 6 weeks post accutane now too. All good. Skin is great. No lingering side effects now at all. Hallelujah!!!!

Great news, glad to hear your skin is well! My fear going into accutance were lingering side effects but it is awesome how we both have no lingering effects!


Posted : 02/17/2018 12:57 am

Wow your skin is looking great. Im very happy about your results, your acne almost looked (since you dont have it anymore) identical to mine. I just started 40mg of accutane on thursday and will be taking it for 8 months and hopefully I get the same results as you did.


Posted : 04/11/2018 2:24 am

14.5 Months Post Accutane

Wow, been a while. Skin still healing, red marks still here but gradually fading. Still have a spot here and there, but still nowhere near as severe as before accutane. Staying hopeful. Trying to move past what acne did to me socially and psychologically, harder than I thought. Stay positive!

Fetty - Trap Queen


Posted : 10/21/2018 11:06 am

21 Months Post Accutane

Still deal with occasional breakout, still nothing compared to what my spots looked like pre-accutane. Still happy with results. Psychologically the effects still remain, my confidence has still been gravely affected by acne to tell the truth. Honestly I think the breakouts I get now are purely stress induced, and I'm working on correcting that now. Gotta keep moving forward. Stay positive!

UGK - 3 in the Mornin


Posted : 10/30/2019 11:52 pm

I don't know how long its been but.... hello

My face has honestly been great since accutane. It is in now way as severe as it used to be, but every few months I still get a few spots. Nothing major and so much better. As it stands now, taking accutane and taking it the way I took it was one of the better decisions I have ever made. Nowadays, I only wash my face once a day. Cutting back on a lot of products on my post-accutane face I feel has made it much healthier and less prone to breakouts. I still try to eat a diet catered towards clear skin and I have used all natural face products since beginning my treatment. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me. I plan on updating again. Stay positive!


Blood Orange - Hope




Posted : 10/22/2020 7:16 pm

Okay, so, been about a year since my last update.

My skin so far has been breakout free for quite some time. Hoping things stay that way, but you never know. Fingers crossed. I haven't noticed an abundance of lingering effects. As it stands now, I really only had dry skin, dry lips and what I believe was thinning hair. I do think my hair suffered a little bit, but I'm not devastated nor do I regret taking this medication. I still am glad I took the medication, it REALLY improved my skin. Skin is looking good and REALLY hoping it stays that way. Thanks for reading. Any questions will be answered, but I don't get on often. Stay positive!

Discliples - Tame Impala



Posted : 09/01/2022 5:07 pm

Skin still feeling good :) 


Penguin - young Dolph 
