White Pus Zits Arou...
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White Pus Zits Around Mouth And Chin! - Help! Help!


Posted : 02/16/2015 1:24 am

** Editing the original post ******

hey guys! 

Thanks for keeping healthy discussion. I apologize for being away... I broke up with my gf and i went into depression :( so I couldnt keep track of this thread. few updates.  I am learning ways to minimize these symptoms and live with it.
6 months ago or so I developed gastritis issues (acidity) due to which doctor suggested me to cut down all acidic foods, coffee etc and prescribed prilosec (USA ...u can look up medication). And all of a sudden the symptoms are gone temporarily. I took medicine for about a month so upto 2-3 months after symptoms were low. that makes me think these are related to gut issues. so I would advise you guys to check if you also have gastritis issues when you go to your primary care doctor. I am also curious if you guys have any thyroid issues etc

whats been helping / working lately ?

Life style changes :

 Breakfast : switch to fruits etc, no refined or processed foods with sugar...aka no bakery foods etc I eat whole hawaiin papaya + banana every day. Still testing if wheat toast is culprit or not. please let me know if you guys have any thoughts.
NO DIARY : This has been a huge factor. I still drink 1or 2 times a week coffe with milk but thats that. overall avoid drinking straight up milk, cheese, ice cream etc.

Lunch / Dinner : NO SPICY food, No cheese, No creamy soups etc, Again avoid all acidic foods (you can google about it). get into salads.

Damage control : Ok despite doing all these, fu*k'in zits show up on important days - so what do you do right ? depending upon your skin color get a permanent marker and color the white portion of the zits. as hilarious as it might may sound trust me it still helps avoiding getting awkward stares :) get virgin coconut oil and apply only on the zits before going to bed. Coconut oil makes them dry faster. and when u take shower next day they are gone automatically.

Proactive measures :  Identify list of things that are working for you and cycle them during the week. The virus is smarter that us, it learns us pretty quickly and adapts faster. so we can let it get used to our medicines. right now I use - 

Hair condition : I noticed when my symptoms are worse I also have bad Dandruff or scalp acne issues. I apply lemon juice twice a week to hair and let it sit for 30 min. its been helping. i also apply apply cider vinegar diluted. it smells like shit but its been helping keeping dandruff at the bay. 

Body and face wash - Hiblicens diluted with 50% water
night time - Neosporin ointment, AHA skin lotion (Alpha hydroxy) , cocnonut oil if white zit shows up, miracle oil (essential oil on amazon), abreva cold sores ointment (so switch among these every day).
Intake (from whole foods ) - apple cider vinegar.   Don't apply any other commercial products like neutragena etc. 

Please comment with more updates on whats helping and whats aggravating it. together we can fight this menace. I am trying to build a webpage where can track these remedies so its easy to understand whats working for most of us.stay tuned. have a nice weekend you guys.


First thank you all for your posts and sharing experiences.

I am constantly developping white pus zits around mouth and chin! I started developing this about a year ago.



- constant small white pus zits around mouth and chin. dry up in about 2-3 days.

- few more start when one stops!

- red bumps

- redness irritation.

- All these symptoms only around nose , mouth and chin. rest of the face is clear!

- constant Dandruff also.

Didn't work : Tried following from Derm,


- Doxycline Hycyclate

- Minocycline

- Differin

- Promiseb

- Zaina

- Aczone

- pretty much all steriod crap.

Remedies worked that helped a little but not cured completely



Clay masks

Yogurt masks

Candida Diet - No sugar, No milk

ACV for dandruff.

SLS free stuff

Non flouride tooth paste

brush with sodium bi carboate (ew!)



I have been eating like a monk from past 2 years,

fruits for breakfast


bunch of green vegetables

yogurt once in a while.

tried candida dietfor couple of weeks which seem to clear up a bit and not complete relief.

Things next to try:


- Connection of these symptoms to histamine intolerance ?

- Connection of these symptoms to fungal ?

- what is the damn white pus ?

- supplements - L-Lysine, L - Glutamine

This thing brought me down so much in my life! There are days when i just sit in my room and cry because I have pretty much tried everything under the sun. I am even worried to go meet my sisters kids Please help share your expertise and what worked for you guys. Please drop a note and i really need your support to keep me motivated to see the light at the end of tunnel.










Posted : 02/16/2015 9:47 pm

HI rocketboysf,

I am suffering with same kind of problem as yours. I have the same kind of white pimples exactly like yours around my mouth and closed corner of nose. They start with pain, slowly gets white filled in with white pus, become big, break and one other starts near that and they keep on popping and starting. Its been so hard for me to survive in this state. Its killing all my confidence. Can't go for work.Can't meet freinds as everyone who looks at me keeps on shooting questions, "Hey!! What happened to your face...whats all that white pimple stuff....what have you been doing". Want to go away out of this world till it gets better. Its been better only when I am using some Antibiotics. Once I stop using antibiotics, it starts again within 2 -3 days and story comes to begining.

I was recommended by a Dermotologist to use " isotretinoin ".Its been a week that i started it. It didn't make any difference till now. I heard it might take atleast 1-2 months to see the effect of this medicine. I did see some good reviews for this medicine but the hard part is i need to be suffering with this issue for 2 months just to know that whether this medicine works for me or not. I donno know how to face the world with this face. But got no other option other than to wait. Will keep you posted on how its working over the time.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Posted : 02/18/2015 10:33 pm

Hi yoyoitsnani

Thanks for responding and sharing your story.

@ Folks - Can you please help us out here ?? we really need your help and experience!


Posted : 03/02/2015 1:53 am

hey rocketboysf, Im pretty sure what you're going through is gram negative folliculitis, its basically a leaky gut manifestation on the skin due to all the antibiotics taken prior..you can search for gram negative folliculitis and look through the images and see similar condition as yours..(pustules around mouth).

I am some what having this but much milder mine just happen to dry off/disappear after a shower and are very superficial pustules without inflammation due to a somewhat strict diet..

mine anyhow appeared after a course of accutane or may be i was too oblivious that i didnt notice it being there with my normal acne (cause i had taken several courses of antibiotics before accutane)..its been 1 and a half years after accutane and i get no acne except these white fellows.. doesnt bother me alot since i told you it sort of happens to disappear after a shower..

I compiled some links which might be helpful for you and others..(leading to other forums also)

[Edited link out] (the comments section)

(scroll down to recreants comment..he talks about foliculitis ..l-glutamine..)



hope these links are helpful..its all about healing the gut and restoring the gut flora..

stay strong bro i know its messed up to be having these after you have long gone the acne phase..


Posted : 03/05/2015 1:26 pm

I've had the exact same condition as you for the past few years. White pus filled pimples around mouth and chin only, which seem to spread to other areas....not cool! I was on tetracycline, as well as Accutane in my teens......probably the cause.

I did find BP kept most of them at bay, but never clearing 100%. Right now I'm on week #2 of a modified caveman regimen (water only), while applying polysporin in my nose. So far I've had an increase in breakouts around my chin (driest area for me), but this is expected after the years of benzyl peroxide and cleansers.

I'll keep ya posted throughout this regimen!


Posted : 03/13/2015 9:06 pm

So I definitely think the "water only" caveman regimen has eliminated the white pustules I was experiencing while on BP. I'm on day 17 of this regimen which consists of:

- Washing face with water at night only, applying jojoba oil on dry areas

- Applying polysporin (antibacterial) to my nose and ears 2x a day

- Oil pulling (swishing oil in mouth) with coconut oil 2x a day

I haven't seen anything in 7+ days, other than some very small whiteheads around my chin and mouth. This would have been unheard of while using BP, as I would break out every other day. I'm not sure if it's folliculitis or staph that was causing these white pustules, but it seems to be going away! Also, my skin is finally evening out and it's not oily anymore.....so that's a plus!

I can post a detailed log if anyone wants me to. I weened off of BP for a few weeks before doing the modified caveman, so this has been about a month in the making.



Posted : 03/19/2015 1:11 am

I also have identical symptoms as the original poster. I'm 34 and it's been about 15 years since I took accutane. I have never taken anti-biotics for any prolonged periods, but I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the same condition. I'd love to hear a follow up on the isotretinoin from YoYo. I'm thinking about doing the caveman as well because I've used top $$$ products and nothing helps.

[Edited image out]


Posted : 03/19/2015 6:23 pm

I also have identical symptoms as the original poster. I'm 34 and it's been about 15 years since I took accutane. I have never taken anti-biotics for any prolonged periods, but I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the same condition. I'd love to hear a follow up on the isotretinoin from YoYo. I'm thinking about doing the caveman as well because I've used top $$$ products and nothing helps.

I'd definitely try out the caveman, it has helped quite a bit. Most of the white pustule pimples I get now are very very small, and almost unnoticeable. I'm on day 22, so it is a work in progress! My skin around my mouth is still very very flaky though.....which I find weird because the rest of my face is fine. But I've read that dead skin is a sign of healing.

Unfortunately I did have a breakout on my chin a few days ago. This also coincided with me adding some grains (brown rice) and a bag of chips into my diet. Not sure if this is really what caused it, but I'll stick to my strict diet and find out.



Posted : 03/31/2015 8:24 am

Guys you have described the story of my last 10 years of misery. My problems with those pustules started 10 years ago after doing first round of accutane. Among the years I have tried almost everything including diet (gluten free, dairy free, low GI), every supplement known to mankind, antibiotics. Nothing works really - if it does it is only temporary then everything returns to back it was. I did bacterial culture tests they all came back negative - meaning only normal flora was found there (no gram negative or fungi as well). This fuc****g thing ruined my life and still does.

Right now I am thinking about another course of accutane mostly because I have no other option left. If you will find any remedy for that please let me know.


Posted : 03/31/2015 10:24 am

guys I forgot to add few things, any of you have/had following symptoms:

- digestion problems (bloating / gas) ?

- anxiety / depression ?

- joint pain / inability to gain on weight ?

- hepatitis ?

- low b12 levels?

- any problems with breathing (stuffed nose)?

- do you have sudden pustule breakout after having sex?


Posted : 04/03/2015 11:16 am

Get clear !!


I've struggled with persistent cystic acne for 13 years. I am finally crystal clear (I get a small breakout if I stray away from my regimen or eat the wrong things but whatever sometimes you need junk food!) now I'm no expert, but I do know what it's like to cry when you see your face without makeup If this is you, read on!


Now, after visiting the dermatologist many many times, I've had some short-lived success. The only thing that has given me consistent success is changing what I put into my body. Ever feel like you are taking amazing care of your skin and still breaking out? That's because our skin is a direct reflection of our health-acne is a symptom of a bigger problem: lack of nutrition!


Many people have food intolerances and don't know it. So we eat the same things day in and day out and our body tries to eliminate them (via our skin for some people like me and you). Some common triggers: dairy, gluten, processed sugar (me), corn (me). By eliminating corn and corn products-read labels!! And lowering sugar intake while adding whole food nutrition via my diet and juice plus capsules (life saver! Also helped with weight loss for me)...I am totally clear and confident. Check my profile for before/after pictures.



Eliminate corn products in diet

Reduce sugar in diet

Take juice plus capsules

Eat mostly non processed foods



Am: wash with cera ve sensitive skin wash

Moisturize with Jergens for face spf 15

Almay clear complexion makeup

Mac bronzing powder



Pm: wash with cera be sensitive skin wash

Moisturize with neutrogena oil free

Treat with acne.org treatment (3 times a week)


I've done the regimen without the diet change. Helped but did not keep the giant, under the skin cysts from forming! Hit me up for any questions you have


Posted : 04/10/2015 3:16 am

Hey, Screwthish*t!

I see your symptoms, and your gas and bloating are definitely consistent with digestion issues. Gut flora/bacteria aren't the only things that point to digestion problems. Plus, most tests aren't actually very accurate. For example, a stool test that tests for worm parasite can literally only detect %1 of the variety of parasites out there. It's rare that a lot of these allergen, bacterial, or blood tests are going to get it right.

I suggest not doing another round of accutane. It will make your insides worse. However, if you have money and you want to spend it, I suggest ordering a mediator release test from Florida for $495. If you don't have money, you can check out my topic of food journey. alternativista and TreatAcne are two people to check out on here as well. They have some pretty helpful topics.

In fact, alternativista has unlimited amounts of information on any and all routes she's heard of. You can check her out, but go ahead and take it slow and check out some diet threads. If you search "Leaky gut" on acne.org, a really helpful thread will pull it which pretty much holds your hand all the way through it. Screw it, man. Just take it slow. Feel free to message or qoute me if you have any questions. Good luck!


Posted : 04/11/2015 10:31 am

guys I forgot to add few things, any of you have/had following symptoms:

- digestion problems (bloating / gas) ?

- anxiety / depression ?

- joint pain / inability to gain on weight ?

- hepatitis ?

- low b12 levels?

- any problems with breathing (stuffed nose)?

- do you have sudden pustule breakout after having sex?

I don't have any of these symptoms, maybe a bit of anxiety. I haven't checked any of my vitamin levels.

I'm on day 45 of washing with only water, and I can tell you that it has reduced the amount of white pusty pimples that were occurring. I only use jojoba oil on problem areas as a moisturizer and recently manuka honey as a mask at night. This regimen has completely cleared anything along my jawline, upper temples and upper lip. However, I do still get smaller whitehead / pustules around the corner of my mouth and chin. Not sure why!

My chin has always been the worst area for me, and it was the most flaky and dry throughout this regimen. I can see how it will take a few more weeks / months for this area to become clear. It seems that I go two steps forward and one step back with my progress around my chin, but everything looks to be progressing. The pustules at the start of this regimen were huge in comparison the ones I rarely get now.

My diet is extremely strict, paleo without eggs. I've been on this diet for roughly 1 month, and I've noticed a sensitivity to nightshades (slight flushing). I'm going to introduce some brown rice in a couple weeks.

Supplements I'm taking:

- Now Probiotic 50 billion

- Now Vitamin D3 - 4000UI / day

- Now Oregano Oil

- Glucosime

- Glutamine

- Now Curcumin (Turmeric)

- Now Super Enzyme 2x / day

- Now Zinc w/copper

My face is no longer oily anymore though, so that's another plus! My skin feels normal. Hopefully this helps someone out!

Maybe I'll post some pics sometime soon, I've documented my progress.


Posted : 04/18/2015 11:39 am

I apologize if someone has already brought this up-- but do you think it's possible you might have "barber's itch", caused by a fungus tine barbae? Dandruff is often caused by a fungus, too.... Since it seems you already tried numerous antibiotics, I'm wondering if it could be a fungal infection. Maybe if you were able to get the right doctor, someone could do a culture on one of the lesions. They look really painful!

Not to make you try yet another thing, but maybe nizoral would help, or anti-fungal cream.

danika_nin7, danika_nin7, danika_nin7 and 3 people reacted

Posted : 08/17/2015 9:17 am

I have the exact same problem. Lots of tiny pimples in bearded area. More severe around the mouth, chin and moustache. But i also have that problem on my body and scalp (mildly) I've been suffering from it since many years. Maybe because of genetic oily skin i have this problem.


I tried many things but nothing has cured it. Doctors says that it is bacterial not fungal but i am not sure. Sometimes i feel very desperate because i cannot find the cure. I still hope someday we will find it...


Posted : 08/20/2015 11:53 am

perioral dermatitis people


Posted : 08/23/2015 6:57 pm

perioral dermatitis people


I don't think it's PD, the pustules aren't really accompanied by a red rash or anything. I'm more inclined to think it's gram negative folliculitis or a demodex issue. Still dealing with this on my chin!


Posted : 10/24/2015 1:44 am

I just started reading on gram-negative folliculitis and I think I might have this condition, especially since I've been on oral antibiotics several times in the past - never more than a month though. However, instead of pustules, I get cysts instead. I really very rarely get pustules around my mouth area.


Posted : 11/21/2015 12:05 pm

For me, this condition was definitely fungal related. I've been using an anti-dandruff shampoo (active ingredient climbazole) with great results. Please see some of my log posts!


Posted : 01/21/2016 4:10 pm

Has anybody found a solution to this problem? I am fed up having those zits on my face.


Posted : 02/01/2016 7:53 pm

I think I have read through this post about 10 times scavenging the internet for answers. I have exactly the same issue and it has been going on since last summer. Seems it came about after the Dr. tried tocure my scalp folliculitis with a round of antibiotics. Since then I have had these damn things on my mouth and chin and nothing seems to take them away. I have been to several doctors and I swear each one tells me it is something different and all of them prescribe antibiotics which are great while im on them but as soon as I am off of them it comes back and even worse than the first time. I will say that diet plays a pretty big role in how bad they are (especially my scalp). Since I feel it is possibly a candida issue (which most doctors wont recognize), I try to remain gluten, dairy and sugar free as well as take a good probiotic daily and it keeps them to a minimum most days however I still get them (just not the big ones that hurt anymore).

Along with this issue I was also having some pretty bad digestive issues (I feel they maybe tied together) that I feel were caused by the antibiotics as well. For this reason I have been seeing a Gastroenterologist now and am scheduled to have an EGD and a colonoscopy done in a couple of weeks. I mentioned to him everything that has happened and he mentioned celiac disease and possible SIBO. Its worth a try I guess to see what they may come up with. Fingers crossed. If I get no answers there, I will not stop searching because this has taken every bit of confidence I have. I find myself constantly looking in the mirror to see if my face might by some miracle be getting clear. It also seems like everyone looks at it and I hate that feeling.

A naturopath is my last hope but I just don't have the cash to see one right now because insurance will not cover it....

I don't wish this crap on anyone but at the same time I am happy I am not the only one. I will be sure to keep everyone posted on my results from the GI Doc.


Posted : 02/05/2016 11:20 am

On 2/2/2016 at 4:53 PM, damn this to hell said:

I think I have read through this post about 10 times scavenging the internet for answers. I have exactly the same issue and it has been going on since last summer. Seems it came about after the Dr. tried tocure my scalp folliculitis with a round of antibiotics. Since then I have had these damn things on my mouth and chin and nothing seems to take them away. I have been to several doctors and I swear each one tells me it is something different and all of them prescribe antibiotics which are great while im on them but as soon as I am off of them it comes back and even worse than the first time. I will say that diet plays a pretty big role in how bad they are (especially my scalp). Since I feel it is possibly a candida issue (which most doctors wont recognize), I try to remain gluten, dairy and sugar free as well as take a good probiotic daily and it keeps them to a minimum most days however I still get them (just not the big ones that hurt anymore).

Along with this issue I was also having some pretty bad digestive issues (I feel they maybe tied together) that I feel were caused by the antibiotics as well. For this reason I have been seeing a Gastroenterologist now and am scheduled to have an EGD and a colonoscopy done in a couple of weeks. I mentioned to him everything that has happened and he mentioned celiac disease and possible SIBO. Its worth a try I guess to see what they may come up with. Fingers crossed. If I get no answers there, I will not stop searching because this has taken every bit of confidence I have. I find myself constantly looking in the mirror to see if my face might by some miracle be getting clear. It also seems like everyone looks at it and I hate that feeling.

A naturopath is my last hope but I just don't have the cash to see one right now because insurance will not cover it....

I don't wish this crap on anyone but at the same time I am happy I am not the only one. I will be sure to keep everyone posted on my results from the GI Doc.

I think you're on the right track here. Mine are definitely fungal related, as I developed seb derm in the exact same areas that the pustules occur. Candida could very well be a possibility.

I've been making homemade kombucha and sauerkraut to further help out my gut, along with supplemental probiotics, and I feel that it's really helped my digestion overall. Give it a try!

Please keep us posted on your gastro results.



Posted : 02/06/2016 6:17 am

I've read just about all the comments and there are a hundred different suggestions!! I have this same problem and have been suffering with it since 2008 its now 2016. It's hard for me to face my family, I hate going to work, and I'm tired of making up excuses trying to explain to people that it's not a sexually transmitted diseases. White pimples start off very small and get bigger by the day, bust and turn red leaving a scab and sometimes even pus under the scab. New ones come while old ones scab or repus, my skin turns flacky and red its just horrible. I've taken antibiotics changed my diet and even started applying Bragg's apple cider vinegar as a topical. Nothing gets rid of this. I have a talent I love to sing but I don't even have the confidence to showcase myself because my face is the first thing people notice. I just don't know what to do! I thought about just growing a full BEARD and maybe I can hide it because after trying everything I'm left with no options. I've read that this can happen after taken taking antibiotics for a long time but nonono when this started I was a virgin and was just living my life no medications. It just started and has never went away. My heart is really broken by this I had no idea that something like this could take charge of my life the way it has. I'm just so tired of this.


Posted : 02/07/2016 1:47 pm

Wow. I have exactly this too and have had it for over 10 years. Destroyed my self esteem and confidence, ruined relationships, social life etc. I feel for you all.

I have just seen another doctorwho prescribed antibiotics for the next 20 days but reading the comments here worries me greatly that they will make matters worse.

The hard thing to deal with is that it will often be considered mild and not be taken too seriously. Just a few spots etc but for people dealing with this it is debilitating.

I have often worried that they are cold sores due to location which makes me not want to kiss or be kissed which is just awful.

I have had periods with good skin which weirdly correlates to living in other countries. I have considered diet before but when cutting things out it had not improved.

I have hada beard to attempt to hidee the problem but when clean shaven it tends to not be as bad.

I am thinking of keeping a food diary to see if I can find any answers there but I'm not hopeful. I'm in my late 30s and at my wits end.

I hope we find an answer.


Posted : 02/07/2016 4:08 pm

Looking at this post again, I just had a bout of what was probably peri-oral dermatitis. Since I'm female, I can't grow a full beard... However, if I were a male and had this kind of problem, I would grow a full beard. I have a young relative with similar dark facial hair (similar to the poster) that's prone to becoming ingrown-- Sometimes I think my mouth/chin acne is hormonal in nature, and kind of hard to tackle. I try to stay away with fluoride toothpaste, since it's supposed to aggravate the condition. Interestingly, topical steroids are supposed to be bad for this kind of condition.
I've been prescribed Dapsone recently, and it seems to have helped (probably because I've never used it before).
