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Has anyone used Doxycycline and Differin together?


Posted : 04/27/2011 8:37 pm

I have been using Duac once daily gel for about 1 and a half years, but wanted to try something to clear my skin better. I have been prescribed Doxycycline 100 (pill) and Differin (gel) to use.


Has anyone used these together? or have used one? have they been good? after stopping using them did your skin go back to being bad? are they harsh on sensitive skin? any side-effects? anything else?




Posted : 04/27/2011 8:46 pm

doxycycline did nothing for me.



Posted : 04/27/2011 8:59 pm

Hello HelloMyNameIs :D


The common is for your derm to prescribe an oral antibiotic which includes the 'cycline' family of antibiotics that treat infections: tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, etc. There are a number of antibiotics out there to treat acne. Those are the most common.


I am currently on Bactrim, I had previously been on minocycline and doxycycline, but those stopped working. It is common for people to become immune to a drug they have been taking for a while. Unfortunately :wall: So then you have to go back and try 'another antibiotic' all the same rotation, it's trial and error for your derm too, really. I have always hated being the guinea pig.


To answer your question I have used DUAC for four years, I use it in the morning under my make up. At night I use Differin then a layer of clindamycin on top. My face is sensitive and it will get red some days. I usually alternate between aloe vera at night instead of the Differin because yes, it is drying and a little harsh. I do not break out from the aloe vera, you must get a natural one 97% to 100% pure. I like Jasons Aloe Vera 98% Moisturizing Gel. I have a huge pump of it. It may sting a little bit when you apply it. Never get the drug store ones, they contain alcohol, so don't even LOOK in Walmart or CVS ha, I know natural is more, but that's what works ;)Keep with your regime. Use sunscreen outside, you face will definitely be more sensitive.


I never had side effects other than redness and dryness, it takes all the gunk outta my skin, keeps me clearer for the most part, but I am definitely not 100% clear.




Posted : 04/28/2011 12:32 am

hi! my experience using differin and doxy has been pretty oK. eversince coming to uk, i broke out uncontrollably, i personally dont know what the heck happened, i spent hundreds of pounds on cosmetics and facials to get the freakin thing sorted but, to no avail. asian in origin, i figured it could be the weather, water, etc.. anything you could possibly think of that sort of "change" what im used to. going back to your question, the reason why antibiotic was prescribed with the gel is that, differin seeps deeply into the pores of our skin and kills the bacteria that causes acne. the antibiotic prevents the horrible initial break out to a minimum because it will somehow get worse before it even gets better. im on my 5th month on this dual acne fighting system and im not really really that exstatic about the results, but, its working for me, not as brilliant and fast as i wanted it to be. like everybody else, it really is personal, and a hit and miss system. i hope this has proven helpful to you. i would like to post some of my pics on my profile but i havent edited the before and after pics yet. good luck to you and suck suck suck freakin acne!!!!


Posted : 05/05/2011 9:45 am

I have been on the differin/doxy100mg boat for 5 months. My acne was moderate; whiteheads, pustules, and cystic in places. I noticed improvement after a few weeks, but I had some improvements & relapses up until the 2nd month on it. The progress was very slow and not a steady line up.


After about 2 months in though, I have stayed pretty much clear.

Sure maybe a small whitehead here and there that I didnt even notice because acne was completely off my mind.


Now I have about a week left on doxy. I will continue the differin, that is said to work slowly and improves only 10% a month. I'm kind of expecting to relapse after the antibiotics wears off but I hope the differin will then take over. Or I might try and get on another antibiotic.

It may not be the healthiest thing to do and it's not a cure, just a temporary solution, but I don't care really. I reckon getting depressed over acne is even unhealthier and I'm thankful for a few months of no-acne-related stress.


Good luck, I'm pretty sure it'll work! Just don't forget to eat the doxy and religiously apply differin every day.


Posted : 05/29/2011 1:32 am

I just got on differin and 100mg doxy as well. Been on it for about 6 days, I broke out after about 2 days and that's starting to fade, but it looks like some of my blemishes are starting to fade slowly.


Posted : 05/31/2011 9:00 pm

I've been on them for over a year now, and in my experience they work very well. It will get worse at first, and expect it to take at least a few months before you see any major improvement. Consult your dermatologist before you go off it. I stopped taking the meds for a while, and my acne came back slowly, but eventually it was back in full force.


Posted : 05/31/2011 11:26 pm

There are a number of factors that contribute to acne: hyperkeratinization, oil, bacteria and inflammation.




For optimal results in terms of reducing acne lesions, it is best to target as many of these factors as possible simultaneously.


Doxycycline kills acne bacteria and Differin normalises hyperkeratinization while both may reduce inflammation, so it is best to use both simultaneously:

(Note: Adapalene = Differin)


Posted : 09/28/2011 1:31 pm

Just started this same combo yesterday.

Doxy 2x day

Differin cream/lotion in pm (start slow, not every night).

AND a sulphur based Rx wash called Plexion (I got generic because that is what the Pharmacy had) once a day in am.

Derm told me that the doxy, although it is an antibiotic, is really for reducing inflammation more than killing bacteria. She said always take it with food to avoid stomach upset and bad side effects, because the empty stomach part is about absorption for bacteria killing and that isn't why it is really helpful for acne.

Now, this was the first time I had ever been to this Dr, and I wasn't all that impressed. But, has anyone else been told this?

I do have to say that my inflammation was markedly reduced within hours and even more so the next am.

That is only 14 hours after 1 pill, first night, and one app of Differin. Just used sulphur wash for the first time, nothing to report.


Posted : 09/17/2020 2:35 pm

Yes I have also been on this duo for about 3 months now. It has stopped new cystic and surface pimples from popping up on my face. Although it has done nothing to address scaring from previous acne. I remain on it because I dont want a relapse but am looking for new things to heal scars. In the end I think it helped me pretty well but everyone responds differently and this may not be the combo for you.
