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Have I Become Immune To Doxycycline?


Posted : 10/01/2012 10:30 am

Started taking 150 mg of Doxy a day back in January. Took about a month for it to work and then my skin cleared up beautifully - no pimples for a long time.


Presently I am still taking 150 mg of Doxy a day. I also use Epiduo at night. But for the past month and a half or so I've noticed that I'm starting to get some pimples again. I've been getting mostly tiny, pore-sized whiteheads which aren't a big deal but they would never pop up before. I've been getting moderately sized pimples every two weeks or so. Everything's much more mild than it was last year, but nevertheless, I was clear for a while so I'm wondering if my body has become immune to the Doxycycline. What do I do if it has?


Posted : 10/01/2012 2:23 pm

Started taking 150 mg of Doxy a day back in January. Took about a month for it to work and then my skin cleared up beautifully - no pimples for a long time.

Presently I am still taking 150 mg of Doxy a day. I also use Epiduo at night. But for the past month and a half or so I've noticed that I'm starting to get some pimples again. I've been getting mostly tiny, pore-sized whiteheads which aren't a big deal but they would never pop up before. I've been getting moderately sized pimples every two weeks or so. Everything's much more mild than it was last year, but nevertheless, I was clear for a while so I'm wondering if my body has become immune to the Doxycycline. What do I do if it has?


Either you've become immune to it, or your body's inflammation level has increased so the dosage isn't strong enough anymore.


Posted : 10/01/2012 5:10 pm

Started taking 150 mg of Doxy a day back in January. Took about a month for it to work and then my skin cleared up beautifully - no pimples for a long time.

Presently I am still taking 150 mg of Doxy a day. I also use Epiduo at night. But for the past month and a half or so I've noticed that I'm starting to get some pimples again. I've been getting mostly tiny, pore-sized whiteheads which aren't a big deal but they would never pop up before. I've been getting moderately sized pimples every two weeks or so. Everything's much more mild than it was last year, but nevertheless, I was clear for a while so I'm wondering if my body has become immune to the Doxycycline. What do I do if it has?


Either you've become immune to it, or your body's inflammation level has increased so the dosage isn't strong enough anymore.


What should I do then? I have a few wks left of my Doxycycline before it runs out. I have a feeling my derm will prescribe a different antibiotic.
