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Low Dose Accutane


Posted : 04/08/2013 7:39 pm

I've read a bunch of stuff saying lower doses, like 20mg, is just as effective as higher doses. Does it take longer to start working? Or is just person specific? I've been on 20mg for a month, I weigh 70kg.


Posted : 04/08/2013 7:53 pm

I'd think low dose accutane would take longer to start working since it would have to build up in your system enough, plus the onset of side effects seems to be much later, which might indicate that it would take longer to take effect. I'm on 60 mg and I'm about 52kg and I noticed huge changes in my skin (not all good) within the first week.


Posted : 04/08/2013 7:56 pm

Well I'm already getting the dry lips, dry skin, and my clogged pores going away slowly.


Posted : 04/08/2013 8:14 pm

I've been on 20mgs a day for over a month now & almost all the spots I had on my face are gone. I have zero active spots at the moment. The stubborn spots that I had during the first week are now just flaking away. I have dry lips, dry skin, all the normal side effects. If anything, I think if I was on a higher dose I'd probably have extensive health problems. The strength of this drug is no joke, in my personal opinion I think it's safer to start on a low dose & slowly go higher. Easing into this medication will be better for our bodies overall.


I bump it up to 40mgs in may. With the side effects I'm already getting on the dosage im on now, I'm afraid to see what's gonna happen when I double it.
