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Accutane / muscle aches / exercise


Posted : 05/16/2017 1:13 am


I am new here and (fairly) new to accutane. 
I am on my 3rd week at low dose (20mg) for cystic acne. I am in my thirties and have had persistent acne since my late teens, and finally decided to bite the bullet and try accutane. 

My main issue is since starting I have been suffering from muscle aches. The muscle aches are having a noticeable impact on my day to day life, I feel persistently sore and fatigued, despite little to no physical exertion.  Prior to starting accutane I was fairly active (gym / weight training 4-5 times a week), however I am simply unable to do this now and have not been back to the gym since I started (after 2 very uncomfortable initial training sessions when I first started). 

I guess I am looking for other peoples' experiences and any helpful advice? I do not want to stop taking the accutane (I have tried everything else, unsuccessfully) however not being able to exercise is really having a negative impact on my quality of life (and mood!). In other peoples' experience, is this something that is likely to settle? Is there anything you did or took to make this better or easier to manage?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Thanks! LR. 


Posted : 05/17/2017 4:15 am

Yeah, this medication does that, it sucks, i have the same side effects, eating lots of fruits, juices and especially coconut water (amazing stuff for acne too!), All these kinda help but mostly i just got used to it. I just have 1 more month so hopefully things get back on track after that. Good luck to you though :)


Posted : 05/17/2017 7:28 am

My derm warned me about this side effect of Accutane, and she advised me to not play sports or if I had to I should do something light.
but I only go to the gym twice a week, I usually have 2 classes: body pump (weights class) not very intensive and I use light weights, and body pump which is high intensity cardio.
I usually feel dead after body pump and very fatigued (even tho I didn't feel as tired before starting Accutane) , I feel so tired and sleepy and as if I am getting sick or fighting sickness but since I only exercise twice a week that give my body plenty of time to rest and to heal therefore although I feel very tired it didn't really effect mydaily life majorly.
I don't want to stop exercise and I don't want to lower the intensity of my workouts, so I am trying to live with the tiredness.
don't give up on Accutane and don't give up on working out, start working out lightly. Trust me even tho it seems otherwise butworking out will make you energetic later on.
