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I've been on acctutane for about a month and a week and my dosage is for the first month 20 mg than I got upped to 30 mg this last week and I wear sunscreen everytime I go out SPF 55 if I'm out more than an hour I reapply every 1 to 2 hours and I only wash my face at night with cetaphil daily face cleanser and I moisterize right after and my face is ether pink or red and the rest of my body is normal!!! Why!!!!!
Another pic of me
In the pics your face really looks only mildly pink/flushed, nothing that draws attention. I honestly wouldn't have noticed it. We are always our own toughest critics. =) Like the previous poster said, it is a common side effect. Hopefully it will go away sooner rather than later. Good luck to you!