Guysss, have you guys facing the ball up problem of benzoyl peroxide? Initially I thought it was the moisturizer which caused the ball up problem, but whenever I use the moisturizer with other products such as tretinoin, adapalene etc there won't be any ball up on my face. However, when I apply it with the benzoyl peroxide, there will be lots of ball up all over my face. Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
@Dan I'm using the Benzoyl Peroxide, when I use the moisturizer with the BP it keeps on balling up. But whenever I use the moisturizer with other products, such as tretinoin cream, adapalene gel and salicylic acid serum, it doesn't has any balling up effect, only when using BP, it does.
@Dan btw, I always make sure to wait 10-15mins for the Benzoyl Peroxide to completely dry before applying the moisturizer. I've done an experiment once, 15mins after applying the benzoyl peroxide without applying the moisturizer, I rub my face, and it is balling up. So, I am sure the is the one which cause the balling up. May I know is there any ways to fix this bug, this is quite annoying
@DanI didn't use anything else actually, after washing my face and let it dry for 5 mins, I apply the benzoyl peroxide and wait for 10-15mins and I tried to touch my face, make sure it is completely dry then I apply the moisturizer, that's it hahaha.
@DanYes I did, should I try to reduce the amount? Cuz I'm using amount of 2 full fingers length.