1. Popping my cystic acne - left me with bad icepick scars
2. Not getting them injected by a dermatologist while they are massive and cystic. My dermatologist never recommended it to me
3. Not applying moisturizer while on antibiotic and retionds. I wasn't told to do this by my dermatologist while suffering from cystic acne and i feel a lot of my scars are there because for a good 3-4 months while on these creams and pills I NEVER moisturized!!!!
I don't know if it was just me but I feel dermatologists don't always give the full extent of information to their clients. It was my first time with cystic acne and I had no clue what to do. I hope people learn from my mistakes!
1. Popping my cystic acne - left me with bad icepick scars2. Not getting them injected by a dermatologist while they are massive and cystic. My dermatologist never recommended it to me
3. Not applying moisturizer while on antibiotic and retionds. I wasn't told to do this by my dermatologist while suffering from cystic acne and i feel a lot of my scars are there because for a good 3-4 months while on these creams and pills I NEVER moisturized!!!!
I don't know if it was just me but I feel dermatologists don't always give the full extent of information to their clients. It was my first time with cystic acne and I had no clue what to do. I hope people learn from my mistakes!
Regarding number 3, i dont really think that NOT moisturizing while on those things caused your acne to scar, unless your skin was severely dehydrated/dried out... and even then, the skin should be able to repair itself (that is what several derms told me at least).
DId you pop only one cyst, or more than one? I dont get why you popped one after the other if you noticed one scarred...
1. Popping my cystic acne - left me with bad icepick scars2. Not getting them injected by a dermatologist while they are massive and cystic. My dermatologist never recommended it to me
3. Not applying moisturizer while on antibiotic and retionds. I wasn't told to do this by my dermatologist while suffering from cystic acne and i feel a lot of my scars are there because for a good 3-4 months while on these creams and pills I NEVER moisturized!!!!
I don't know if it was just me but I feel dermatologists don't always give the full extent of information to their clients. It was my first time with cystic acne and I had no clue what to do. I hope people learn from my mistakes!
and i COMPLETELY agree about the derm part... it seems they dont always fully describe information regarding your skin disease (acne in this case).
Its like... they seem to think acne is just "whatever" and just a minor annoyance (LOL)
I didn't notice the scarring actually - I think I was too preoccupied with the other cysts around
ITs now when i'm acne free that i'm seeing all the results.
As for the dehydration of the skin - I felt it was pretty tired and dehydrated. I have upped my water intake and am applying vit e oil an jojoba oil. Will start aloe vera as well to help the skin heal. Since these are relatively new (a few months) i'm hoping some of them will heal themselves (fingers crossed)
In my humble opinion, I don't think popping pimples/cysts or whatever necessarily will always give you an indented scar. A cyst/pimple will normally scar or not scar whether you pop it or not, because the scarring occurs from the destruction of collagen due to inflammation. I think this is a common misunderstanding. I get the impression that people think, oh, I got this scar ONLY because I popped it, when in reality it is the result of inflammation, not popping.
Sure you can make it worst by pushing the infection deeper, but it is not the cause of it. Notice how some people claim they never popped their pimples/cysts and it still scarred? That's because popping is not the cause of scarring. The inflammation from the body fighting the bacteria breaks down the collagen in the dermis layer of the skin, THAT is what causes the scarring. People need to stop blaming themselves for something that they didn't cause.
Sure you can make it worst by pushing the infection deeper, but it is not the cause of it. Notice how some people claim they never popped their pimples/cysts and it still scarred? That's because popping is not the cause of scarring. The inflammation from the body fighting the bacteria breaks down the collagen in the dermis layer of the skin, THAT is what causes the scarring. People need to stop blaming themselves for something that they didn't cause.
I am still trying to figure out a damn way to control my acne...
Yes, I can confirm this.
I had my WORST scarring from one that never even came to a head.
It was a cyst and I could never pop it.
It was huge and created huge scarring; picking had nothing to do with it.
And I agree with number 2: with that one that scarred I waited to long to get it injected.
I didn't have it done until it was huge and maybe could've saved myself some of the scarring if I'd done it sooner.