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Just Had Ablative Fraxel:repair And Ultrapulse Co2 With Photos


Posted : 05/25/2012 7:12 pm

About 4 hours ago I had Fraxel:Repair (the ablative CO2 fractionated laser) done on my temples, forehead and cheeks. The doctor also used the Ultrapulse CO2 done around the eyes because it was better for skin tightening. The total cost 3000 USD here in California. I decided to have the treatment done for icepick scarring on my cheeks and poor texture. I should also note that I have had 6 treatments of the non-ablative laser treatment, Cynosure Affirm Multiplex, with ok results but I decided it was time to take a more aggressive approach. Scroll down to next post for after pictures.





Posted : 05/25/2012 7:34 pm

Wow it looks very good. Did you use affirm for enlarged pores? did it work?


Posted : 05/25/2012 7:38 pm

I went in 1 hour before the treatment was set to begin. They cleaned my face with alcohol, checked my medication that I was told to bring in and began applying numbing cream to my face. They then wrapped my face with seran wrap and gave me 3 anti-anxiety medications, hooked me up to a heart monitor and turned on some relaxing music. The nurse told me to hang tight for about 1 hour as the medication/numbing cream kicks in. When it was time go to work they gave me a Valium, reclined me back on the operational table and gave me a stress ball. The numbing cream was not put close enough to my bottom lid so the doctor warned that it would hurt.


I would like to note that I have an extremely high pain tolerance but the pain was the WORST I have ever experienced. The pain was horrific around the eyes with the CO2 Ultrapulse where there was no numbing cream. They made several passes with the Fraxel:Repair which wasn't quite as bad but still pretty excruciating. I was squeezing that stressball like no tomorrow and the nurse was rubbing my arms to calm me down but I made it through. She said I did really well as we took no breaks between passes but I am sure they say that to everybody.


When it was all done I was very shaky/trembling which the doctor states was a result of the valium. My face looked like I was dragged down a highway by a car. Now I am at home doing vinegar soaks and applying Aquaphor ( Beta Oat Glucan ) every hour or 2. The pain now is nothing compared to the procedure itself. They told me to eat alot of vitamin C and protein to heal faster.


I'd like to note that ALL my old skin around the eye where they zapped me with the Ultrapulse is gone, I can clearly see brand new pink skin underneath. As for the rest of my face hit with Fraxel:Repair, I can't really see anything as it is pretty bloody.

And here are a few photos.


Wow it looks very good. Did you use affirm for enlarged pores? did it work?



Those are the before pictures buddy. LOL. Scroll down for the day 1 after pics. **Warning** they are ugly.





Posted : 05/25/2012 7:43 pm

Oh lawd, no thank you that looks painful as hell but congrats now you have pretty much perfect skin


Posted : 05/25/2012 7:44 pm

Wow it looks very good. Did you use affirm for enlarged pores? did it work?



And yes the affirm worked well for the enlarged pores, but not so much for my deeper ice-pick scarring.


Posted : 05/25/2012 8:06 pm

Ill post more photos for the next 10 days.


Posted : 05/25/2012 8:18 pm

good luck with the results.

I had the ACTIVE FX 2 weeks ago done for ice picks and it didnt do crap =/, next time i will try to get the deep fx depending on how impressed I am from your after pictures since Repair and DEEP FX are essnetially the same.

451, 451 and 451 reacted

Posted : 05/25/2012 8:22 pm

What can this do for people who have alot of trapped sebum under the skin?


Posted : 05/25/2012 8:22 pm

good luck with the results.

I had the ACTIVE FX 2 weeks ago done for ice picks and it didnt do crap =/, next time i will try to get the deep fx depending on how impressed I am from your after pictures since Repair and DEEP FX are essnetially the same.



Thanks, I will definitely keep everyone posted considering I am not going any where for the next 10 days. As you can tell I am really bored right now. :P


Posted : 05/25/2012 8:40 pm



I just played video games all week, and even after a while I got borred. But 1 week of downtime vs a lifetime results is definatlly worth it.


Posted : 05/25/2012 10:40 pm

I dont get it.. So the first few pics was before the procedure? your face looked fine? There was ice pick scars but they werent even that noticeable, even with the close up pictures..


Posted : 05/25/2012 10:54 pm

I dont get it.. So the first few pics was before the procedure? your face looked fine? There was ice pick scars but they werent even that noticeable, even with the close up pictures..



Just bad lighting and a bad angle. My scars look much much worse outdoors from natural lighting. Definitely pitted/wavy scarring mostly on cheeks and that is not an exaggeration by any means. These photos don't do my scars any justice. I can only wish my scars look like they do on camera, then I could have spent that 3k on a down payment for a new truck then my freakin' face.


Posted : 05/25/2012 11:02 pm


I dont get it.. So the first few pics was before the procedure? your face looked fine? There was ice pick scars but they werent even that noticeable, even with the close up pictures..



Just bad lighting and a bad angle. My scars look much much worse outdoors from natural lighting. Definitely pitted/wavy scarring mostly on cheeks and that is not an exaggeration by any means. These photos don't do my scars any justice. I can only wish my scars look like they do on camera, then I could have spent that 3k on a down payment for a new truck then my freakin' face.




Oh ok fair enough, I hope it heals soon plus you might want to avoid seafood for now until it fully heals. Seafood will make the injured area swollen.


Posted : 05/26/2012 12:05 am

About 4 hours ago I had Fraxel:Repair (the ablative CO2 fractionated laser) done on my temples, forehead and cheeks. Dr. McClaren also used the Ultrapulse CO2 done around the eyes because it was better for skin tightening. The total cost 3000 USD here in California. I decided to have the treatment done for icepick scarring on my cheeks and poor texture. I should also note that I have had 6 treatments of the non-ablative laser treatment, Cynosure Affirm Multiplex, with ok results but I decided it was time to take a more aggressive approach. Scroll down to next post for after pictures.



In a previous thread of yours you seemed thrilled with the results from your affirm treatments, what changed? Your skin isn't perfect but it seems good you said the scarring is much more shallow than it was.


Also I have the opposite experience with my scars with lighting. Indoor lighting looks bad...but natural lighting my skin seems amazing. I hate it!


Posted : 05/26/2012 1:06 am


About 4 hours ago I had Fraxel:Repair (the ablative CO2 fractionated laser) done on my temples, forehead and cheeks. Dr. McClaren also used the Ultrapulse CO2 done around the eyes because it was better for skin tightening. The total cost 3000 USD here in California. I decided to have the treatment done for icepick scarring on my cheeks and poor texture. I should also note that I have had 6 treatments of the non-ablative laser treatment, Cynosure Affirm Multiplex, with ok results but I decided it was time to take a more aggressive approach. Scroll down to next post for after pictures.



In a previous thread of yours you seemed thrilled with the results from your affirm treatments, what changed? Your skin isn't perfect but it seems good you said the scarring is much more shallow than it was.


Also I have the opposite experience with my scars with lighting. Indoor lighting looks bad...but natural lighting my skin seems amazing. I hate it!



Yes I can see how that may be confusing to many. I did a follow-up post on the Affirm-Multiplex treatments months later which explains that the treatment did help, but did not get rid of some of my deeper ice-pick scarring. More so I felt like the Multiplex got rid of pores, some wrinkles and did fill-in my ice-pick scarring but I don't think quite to the degree that I initially reported. It is so hard to say with Multiplex because the process happens over months not days like this Ablative treatment. After awhile my mind starts playing games with me. After staring at your face for months you almost forget how good/bad your scars were to begin with. That is why I am taking photos and posting on this site so people can come to their own conclusions.


I began believing the bullshit my doctor fed me, only to be disappointed in the end (though there was definitely improvement). If I could do it all over again, I would probably just go straight for the Ablative treatment as 10 days off for immediate results is better then taking 1 weekend off every month for 6 months for slow, accumulative results.


As for the lighting it kind of depends for me. Indoor lightning can make my skin look bad too depending on the type of light, location of the light etc. For example, a "natural" light bulb or "bright" light bulb coming from only 1 direction can make my face look awful. But the more soft indoor lightning, coming from all angles ( like a room full can lights hanging from the ceiling) really hides my scarring. Same with the sun. If the sun is directly in front of me, or behind me, my skin looks so-so, but from the sides (especially when the sun is low like sunrise/sunset) it really gives my face a very cratered textured look that I absolutely hate!


Posted : 05/26/2012 8:09 pm



Posted : 05/26/2012 9:16 pm

Kinda of a random question, but do you feel like your scars are much worst whenever you look at them in a mirror in person than the ones you see after you uploaded a picture onto the inernet?


Posted : 05/27/2012 9:27 am

hope your skin is healing well..., it looks so painful...!


Posted : 05/27/2012 1:40 pm

On 5/27/2012 at 10:16 AM, LZOMG said:

Kinda of a random question, but do you feel like your scars are much worst whenever you look at them in a mirror in person than the ones you see after you uploaded a picture onto the inernet?

Definitely worse in person.

On 5/27/2012 at 10:27 PM, myskin2012 said:

hope your skin is healing well..., it looks so painful...!

Thank you! The only pain I felt was the 20 minutes of them zapping me with the laser, but after that, I haven't felt any discomfort at all.

Here are photos post-op 48 hours. Face very red, very swollen, the photos don't do justice for how red my face really is. No bleeding but I do see some whiteheads forming from keeping the Aquaphor on my face 24-7. I have to do vinegar soaks every 2 hours (including the middle of the night) so that is by far the worse part about the last few days. Aside from that, just sitting at home watching movies. [Edited image out]





Posted : 05/27/2012 5:47 pm

wow, only 20 mins of pain! can't imagine because it looks so painful lol...!

sleep is important to heal your body and sucks you have to get up every 2 hours at night...

how long more will you have to keep doing vinegar soaks [Edited image out]?

recover soon =)!


Posted : 05/27/2012 7:39 pm

Go for it man. I wish I had your abs. You guys are sissies, all that one picture is right after the Re:pair and it is blood that washes off. That is what the vinegar and aquaphor are for. Well the Aquaphor is to prevent dryness, and the vinegar solution washes off the Aquaphor. I applaud CollegeBoy for going for it instead of sitting back and saying "oh no that might hurt". The later picture is a good example of the redness you can expect. Actually after my first Re:pair I was unrecognizable on day 2 so CollegeBoy has nowhere near the swelling I experienced. Of course I was shot at 70mj-60% Each subsequent Re:pair has been much easier. CollegeBoy you did do this at a rather bad time though just because you will have to be very careful about the sun. I forget to mention this. I did my first one in May, just because I was so eager, but the rest have been in the fall. I fully understand your eagerness. Great job man!!


Posted : 05/27/2012 8:51 pm

On 5/28/2012 at 8:39 AM, DudleyDoRight said:

Go for it man. I wish I had your abs. You guys are sissies, all that one picture is right after the Re:pair and it is blood that washes off. That is what the vinegar and aquaphor are for. Well the Aquaphor is to prevent dryness, and the vinegar solution washes off the Aquaphor. I applaud CollegeBoy for going for it instead of sitting back and saying "oh no that might hurt". The later picture is a good example of the redness you can expect. Actually after my first Re:pair I was unrecognizable on day 2 so CollegeBoy has nowhere near the swelling I experienced. Of course I was shot at 70mj-60% Each subsequent Re:pair has been much easier. CollegeBoy you did do this at a rather bad time though just because you will have to be very careful about the sun. I forget to mention this. I did my first one in May, just because I was so eager, but the rest have been in the fall. I fully understand your eagerness. Great job man!!

Hey Dudley I appreciate all your posts on the Fraxel:Repair. You were one of the success stories that I read about which gave me the motivation to go in for a consultation for the laser resurfacing. I probably read every one of your Fraxel posts at least 5 times over the last 6 months.

As for the swelling, part of the reason I did not take a full face photo shot the 3rd day was because I was so swollen I looked like Jocelyn Wildenstein. I totally agree evading the sun's rays will be very challenging as I work in construction outdoors in the sunshine state of California. In recent months my coworkers have really been busting my balls for applying sunblock and wearing a full blown sombrero with a neck flap. Unfortunately, the only time I can take off from work/school without holidays getting in the way was this 1st 2 weeks of summer vacation. Though depending on how fast I heal this time around, I may try to squeeze in a second round during Winter break before Christmas, as my doctor thinks I will most likely need another treatment on my right cheek where the deepest ice-pick scarring is.

From reading your posts it seems you heal faster and swell/bleed less with each treatment? Did you assist your skin in peeling by delicately rubbing off the loose/flakey skin during soaks? Or did you just let the skin peel 100% on its own? I have this layer of skin that is just dieing to come off but I am afraid if I attempt to scrub at it at all it may scar my pink skin I can see underneath. At this point I am just dabbing the loose areas with the vinegar water and a baby cloth instead of actually dragging the cloth against the skin.

Myskin2012- I think I have to continue with the vinegar soaks until all my skin is peeled and healed to the point where I can use a cleanser like Cerave or Cetaphil (so hopefully in 2-3 more days.)[Edited image out]


Posted : 05/27/2012 9:12 pm

Oh btw, In case anyone was wondering... this is where I had my treatment done at.


Posted : 05/27/2012 11:12 pm

Wow your scars look exaclty like mine. In straight lighting it isn't bad but at angles it is wavy and the texture is terrible and it looks like my whole face is cratered. I also have a bunch of ice picks on the left side of my cheek (I have 2 deeper boxcars though, but I haven't had any scar treatments yet). I ALSO am half asian half italian (wow similarities?) I, however, still am battling acne and am on accutane. I am hopeful that when I am done I can follow in your footsteps (haha) in what treatments work. Looking forward to your updates, good luck!


Posted : 05/28/2012 12:33 am

...It's bad idea to peel the skin off yourself [Edited image out]Let your skin heal naturally, because your skin is extremely sensitive and raw right now, it's most likely to scar your face...before you do anything, I think you should ask your doctor about it.

found this tips, hope it helps you! Most doctors recommend to use vinegar soaks for a few days, so most likely you'll be free from vinegar soaks very soon =)

[Edited link out]

[Edited link out]

good luck [Edited image out]
