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We Need Better Methods


Posted : 03/25/2013 10:21 pm

Can't you see it ?

At the end of the day 2 things happen:

a)people are being unhappy with results

b) those money goes to beauty industry,derms,surgeons and so on...

We need to completely alter this shit that flutters around us..

Are you going to help? or are you ''waiting'' for the miracle?

Science will not you help you as much as you think .Don't you see in this world that

bullshiting and creating problems is the key to making money.?

FDA wont approve methods that completely gets rid of problems.(Please dont

attempt to use the word ''conspiracy'' to me,i am far from it)...

Cancer was cured years back using rife.

Considerable amount of regrowth was feasible with colloidal silver ions and electric stimuli..

I am pretty sure this system keeps us back and no its not a conspiracy theory .

Its the complete distortion of what we could live.

Hydrogel has only 40 original likes while 1.000.000 of useless products are being purchased every month..

If you want to keep it like this ,its ok.

Just bear in mind ,whatever you think and do will become an evolving you .


Posted : 03/26/2013 2:36 pm

I posted something similar to this about a week ago in the general section, anyway back on topic, Yeah its true. You know how much money is brought in from people having acne? They would never release a cure because once people are cured they would stop buying products which then = less money. This is no conspiracy this is the TRUTH.



If you had a company selling products that " supposedly helps acne" and we're living a rich life, wiping your butt with 100 dollar bills. Would you want a cure to be released to the general public? Hell no you would go out of business. Money makes the world go round & if people think that the government Would care more about pimples & scars on someone's face then money, your crazy.


Posted : 03/26/2013 5:34 pm

if this world concentrate in humanity (Hunger,disease and happiness) instead of spend billions on weapons, wars ,cars,space researches,movies and useless huge building,i think there will be ending cure for any real pain in this world !!!


Posted : 03/26/2013 7:37 pm

When I look around I feel like an alien. Even after so many treatments scars never go. Treatments just creates an temporary illusion. I would like to quote a doctor:

"Resurfacing treatments like laser or dermabrasion, can only be performed to a certain depth of the skin. If you go too deep, you can actually scar the patient worse. Some acne scars go deep into the reticular dermis and therefore will improve, not disappear 100%. As is always the case, doctors can never duplicate the work of the Divine. This is why an ounce of prevention with acne is worth a pound of cure with lasers."

So it is quite important to aggressively treat acne when it first appears.....


Posted : 03/27/2013 3:43 pm

One thing that pisses me off is that insurance do not cover acne scar treatments. They treat it as cosmetic the same as treating wrinkles etc. which is nothing compared to the trauma we go through. If not more research insurance companies could atleast come together and help us.


Posted : 03/27/2013 8:44 pm

lol i made a thread about this called the ''inconvienient truth'' alot of people disagreed but its good to c im not the only one who knows the facts! with the amount of money the cosmetic industry makes on acne scar sufferers they wont release something that cures us. they could care less they just want whats in our pokets.
