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Daily 30 Minute Massages On Face Eradicates Scars?


Posted : 11/07/2013 10:00 pm

DC girl massage mostly works with the fingers.

The oil create a perfect enviroment to break the fibrous tissue over time that forms the scar.

Vitamin e is widely known to work on scarring.Avocado and olive oil both has vitamin e in them.


Posted : 11/14/2013 11:53 pm

Hi DC girl,

It's my own experience. This is what worked wonders for me. Of course, don't go overboard. You need to leave space between needling (i.e. intact skin) & space between needling sessions i.e. a few days, then a week, then a few weeks, a month, a few months, and then 3-6 months etc. However, I've since stopped massaging & needling for over 3 months. My skin is healing really well naturally. I have reintroduced hyaluronic acid (from New Directions) along with Beta Glucan Liquid (from New Directions) and my skin is rebuilding & the redness subsiding. My open pores are also minimizing. I will use retin-a* next year to polish my skin, but I think my skin needs to rebuild it's tencile strength after receiving 2nd degree burns (and the retin a can slough off skin).

It's a slow process remodeling skin tissue (3 months per skin healing cycle), but you CAN achieve 100% improvement with the right effective, gentle, natural treatment & eating clean raw, unprocessed, non-GMO, wholefoods, mostly vegan organic diet & drinking spring water/ fresh veg/ superfood/ fruit juices etc. And please, don't wash your skin everyday. Wash it as least often as you can (i.e. every 3rd day or once a week with a 100% natural, non toxic, super mild vegan cleanser). But sea water is fabulous for the skin too. So is sensible exposure to direct sunlight (for vitamin D - but don't wash your skin for a few days of being in direct sunlight, vitamin d is really a hormone that needs to be absorbed into your system from your skin - and please don't burn!).

Hope this helps [Edited image out]

* Retin a is very effective to help polish/ buff your skin to give it that "glass" surface smooth texture. But it's not to be used if you are planning to get pregnant. It's also super strong & potentially toxic, so please only consider it short term. However, there is another safe form of retin a called retinaldehyde. See Pure Skin Junkie for their product range.

PS You can use a vitamin c powder to create a DIY serum from if you prefer a mild but effective collagen stimulator after needling. Some people don't like lemon juice on their skin. And topical lemon juice is only recommended for short needle needling or a gentle once a month or every two months natural face peel/ exfoliate/ collagen stimulator.


On 11/8/2013 at 11:00 AM, panos said:

DC girl massage mostly works with the fingers.

The oil create a perfect enviroment to break the fibrous tissue over time that forms the scar.

Vitamin e is widely known to work on scarring.Avocado and olive oil both has vitamin e in them.

Hi Panos [Edited image out]

Vitamin e might be useful in the avocado oil, but alone, it impedes scars healing. I know this from experience. i.e I had a scar on my forehead and applied pure vitamin e to it for a year. The scar only diminished slightly. However, I've since needled, applied the beta glucan & massaged and now it's gone (there's just a little redness that needs to subside - but it's only very apparent when I wash my face).

However, pure vitamin e is excellent under the eyes to stop wrinkles. I have been using it under my eyes since my late teens and don't have any eye wrinkles (but I also don't squint when I smile & try to avoid squinting as much as possible too).

However, vitamin e in avocado might be very helpful. Maybe because it works in a synergistic way with other key ingredients. So, while I think avocado would be immensely beneficial for scarring, pure vitamin e alone is not good for scar treatment. It's only good for scar prevention or wrinkle prevention (and of course, internally, it's vital for healthy skin & healthy heart). That's my understanding & experience anyway.

Cheers [Edited image out]


Posted : 11/15/2013 11:46 am

Natural methods do work but it takes years for that. External and internal treatments can backup this treatment. Try maintaining your diet and make sure you are taking essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Foe external treatment, hypoallergenic scar therapy can be a great option because if it ain't gonna work, it won't harm you either. I'd suggest you to try invicible scars. I have used it and i can pretty much guarantee its effectiveness. The packaging flashy but who cares as long as the cream is providing you benefits ;)

aquasea, aquasea and aquasea reacted

Posted : 11/16/2013 8:13 pm

On 11/16/2013 at 12:46 AM, yanagupta said:

Natural methods do work but it takes years for that. External and internal treatments can backup this treatment. Try maintaining your diet and make sure you are taking essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Foe external treatment, hypoallergenic scar therapy can be a great option because if it ain't gonna work, it won't harm you either. I'd suggest you to try invicible scars. I have used it and i can pretty much guarantee its effectiveness. The packaging flashy but who cares as long as the cream is providing you benefits [Edited image out]

What's invisible scars & hypoallergenic scar therapy? Do you have weblinks to information? Cheers :)


Posted : 11/21/2013 10:29 am

On 11/17/2013 at 9:13 AM, aquasea said:
On 11/16/2013 at 12:46 AM, yanagupta said:

Natural methods do work but it takes years for that. External and internal treatments can backup this treatment. Try maintaining your diet and make sure you are taking essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Foe external treatment, hypoallergenic scar therapy can be a great option because if it ain't gonna work, it won't harm you either. I'd suggest you to try invicible scars. I have used it and i can pretty much guarantee its effectiveness. The packaging flashy but who cares as long as the cream is providing you benefits [Edited image out]

What's invisible scars & hypoallergenic scar therapy? Do you have weblinks to information? Cheers [Edited image out]

It's INVICIBLE SCARS. It's a hypoallergenic scars and spots removal topical cream. You can google InviCible scars and their website link would pop up in the top of the search list. Their website shows that it can cure several other skin related problems as well. I used it for my facial scars, dark spots and the burn scars that i often get while working in the kitchen. It worked out fantastically for me and the best part is, it didn't cause breakouts or stuff alike, and it's a great moisturizer as well. An all in one stuff it is. However, the flashy packaging can be overlooked. ;)


Posted : 01/09/2014 2:59 pm



Posted : 02/28/2014 12:32 pm

This post alone has done wonders for me. Recently my severe acne has cleared up, and left me with tons of scars on both sides of my face. I'm only 19, and my confidence was shot. I found this post, started massaging everyday with coconut oil, and my scars seemed to be fading fast now.

I've tried numerous things to fade my acne scars, from using Ambi, Bio Oil, Lemon Juice, Potatos, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Honey, you name name it and nothing has given me seeable results. A product I've been using also is Neutrogena Fight and Fade Toner, which has also been giving me excellent results, however, it whitens my skin to fade scars and that is something I do not want.

I've only been massaging for 20 mins a day. It woud be nice of more people posted pictures on here so others can see the difference after a period of time.


Posted : 02/28/2014 8:47 pm

This post alone has done wonders for me. Recently my severe acne has cleared up, and left me with tons of scars on both sides of my face. I'm only 19, and my confidence was shot. I found this post, started massaging everyday with coconut oil, and my scars seemed to be fading fast now.

I've tried numerous things to fade my acne scars, from using Ambi, Bio Oil, Lemon Juice, Potatos, Tumeric, Cinnamon, Honey, you name name it and nothing has given me seeable results. A product I've been using also is Neutrogena Fight and Fade Toner, which has also been giving me excellent results, however, it whitens my skin to fade scars and that is something I do not want.

I've only been massaging for 20 mins a day. It woud be nice of more people posted pictures on here so others can see the difference after a period of time.

Do you mean red marks or actual scars?

And how long have you been massaging with coconut oil?


Posted : 03/01/2014 11:40 am

Actual scars. I massaged everyday 30 minutes for a week. The scars are still there, but they went from a dark brown to a light brown. Using coconut oil I've had no breakouts plus it really helps eliminate dry patches on my skin from treating with acne medicine.It soaks into your skin wonderfully, without leaving your face greasy.


Posted : 03/01/2014 4:11 pm

Hi everyone

I've been following this thread and I do believe in this technique. However, I've got questions: does the dermis renew itself? (like epidermis) does our body push the scar tissue out of the body?



Posted : 03/02/2014 5:25 am

Brown hyperpigmentation are not scars..... indentations, holes, pits... those are scars. The dermis does NOT regenerate. That is why when dermatologists do any kind of resurfacing whether it is lasers, dermabrasion, or chemical peels they must stop before they reach the reticular dermis. Past that point, and you will create a scar.


Posted : 03/02/2014 7:15 am

Hi everyone

Blahblah82, you said the dermis doesn't regenerate. Can you please provide me a link with scientific evidences?

Thank you

Can you please read me thread and help me? I would be very happy


And I've also tried massaging olive oil into my scars at night for a week or so. Honestly I don't recommend olive oil because it is greasy and clog your pores but otherwise It's somewhat effective. I haven't seen major change but it softs the scar tissue and slightly helps with the discoloration.

NOTE: I think vaseline is somehow more effective. It's still greasy (not as greasy as olive oil) but on the other hand it makes scar tissue a lot more softer and reduces the discoloration.


Posted : 03/03/2014 11:51 am

EVerything will regenerate.The thing is who can keep a really clean lifestyle in this world?

Who can eat organic fruits and veggies for the rest of his life considering what we eat in our society?Not that easy?
Who has the money for it?Not everybody

Who will put shower filter?ANother problem

Who will drink only pure clean water?Another one

Who will massage a scar for 30 minutes a day?

Its that simple: Get the bad stuuf out and put the good in.Aka diet and lifestyle.

And put some shea butter or cocoa butter on the scars before you sleep if it doesnt break you out the last.

Change the pillow case everyday/other day or put different towels on top of the pillows.

Fruits have the power to heal scars.Especially avocados(but not too much of them) ,pineapple and oranges.

THe diet should be unlimited carbs from fruits and greens.Eat till you are satisfied and your skin will clear but can go through

a detox.

Once the bad stuff is out the skin will start to regenerate.Grains clog my lymph system and give me dry skin.Oils especially cooked give me oily skin.

Dairy is mucous forming and clogs.Just avoid the bad stuff.


Posted : 03/03/2014 12:32 pm

Hi panos,

First of all I have read some of your posts and I loved them.

Did you read my thread?

Well, no one does.

This is not as simple as that but you're right. Everything changes, almost everything heals. Acne scars are so "small" in the body context. I'm sure there are worse scars than this!

Our body is sometimes so simple and awesome and sometimes it is so sh*tty. I'm healthy but I can't solve my only illness - scars. Couldn't the body just focus in that only task?


Posted : 03/03/2014 12:58 pm

Hi panos,

First of all I have read some of your posts and I loved them.

Did you read my thread?

Well, no one does.

This is not as simple as that but you're right. Everything changes, almost everything heals. Acne scars are so "small" in the body context. I'm sure there are worse scars than this!

Our body is sometimes so simple and awesome and sometimes it is so sh*tty. I'm healthy but I can't solve my only illness - scars. Couldn't the body just focus in that only task?

I know man.I am there.

Since going vegan my wound healing has gone extremely slow on the body.I do believe a wound is also a method of the body to expel fluid(from the acids of the

previous diet) so i am waiting for the full detox.Its like internal fluid is being carried from deeper tissue up to the surface.Meat and junk diet was killing me.

My face now is more vibrant and healthy.

The more you think something about your scars,it seems like the more you block your healing methods.

The cells carry the intelligence to heal themselves .You cut your skin and it heals without command it to do so.

So i suggest we and our enviroment that is being made by us are blocking our cells from doing their own job.

The more you desire something,the more you lose it.And even if you acquire it then you completely forget about it.

Thats a fail.I had scars that some of them have dramatically reduced and are being reduced day by day,but when they are not even there,

i forget about them.I forget how many times they have made me miserable.I had large pores completely disappeared and forget about them.

Because they arent there.Only the abstinence of healthy skin makes you conscious.When its there you forget and act like it was never a scar there before.

So we just have to deny the ''YOU''. When we reject ourselves and focus our energy

on others and other things in life,then everything falls in place.

Remember the eyes are deceivers.Dont waste your energy on mirrors too much.Enjoy life

and just do your part aka diet,llifestyle and the methods that you like and are effective.

And even then,just enjoy those methods .

Please redirect me to this thread so i can chime in.

Btw i am into abstaining from masturbation for 79 days ,not a wise choice due to the androgen

production which may cause acne..But then again if i want a natural life ,i have to be natural.

Great for the skin.Dark circles under eyes are not even there.Disappeared.


Posted : 03/03/2014 2:57 pm

I guess you're right Panos. It's our expectations that make things "slower". This is all psychological but it's not easy to ignore "us"...

- some questions about acne scars (I'm young and a bit scared)

- me and my acne scars

I would be grateful Panos, you're awesome!

Oh, quitting of masturbation... Ugh, I read a thread. You might lower and stabilize your hormones but I don't believe it's worth the effort. You will always end up eliminating the sperm either way.

EDIT: I drank a lot of milk and dairy. I cut it down and I got incredible results!


Posted : 03/04/2014 9:36 am

I'm checking out of this thread.... going back to science now...


Posted : 03/04/2014 12:15 pm

Blahblah82, I don't get your previous post.

Masturbation actually imbalances your hormones and the same applies to milk, diary, chicken, etc. Diary possesses hormones which were given to cows to produce milk, get fat, I don't know. Like panos said, what is 100% these days?


Posted : 03/07/2014 9:26 am

i think this will work only on hypertrophic scars which i have i will post my progress on how i do maybe rolling as well everything else probz not anyone else got results to report


Posted : 03/15/2014 11:12 am

Wussup everyone

I've experimented with oil massages a couple months ago and here's my experience:

I had moderately severe acne a couple years ago that was fixed by a 8 month treatment of accutane. It left me with rolling and boxcar scars on my cheeks, not too terrible but they definitely bother me especially in sunlight. My face is also a bit red. I consider myself a very good looking guy and I can honestly get any girl when I'm fully confident (sorry for sounding like a douche but I'm just describing my situation haha) so I'm desperately looking for a solution to fix my scars.

I bought organic olive oil from Trader Joes after reading about the benefits of oil massages. The first night, I took a shower and I massaged for 15 minutes with the olive oil. It left me a bit red but it definitely felt somewhat beneficial. I wiped off as much as i could with tissue paper and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up broken out. But I wasn't well-informed about the clogging properties of olive oil, so I assumed it was an inital breakout and continued the massages for another 10 days. My skin was rough, extremely clogged, and broken out by the end of the 10 days. But the scars on my cheeks seemed to have improved a bit.

I was upset that this miracle method hadn't worked, so i asked my esthetician for a facial and a way to clear up my face. I've been on her plan using osmosis treatment and my skin is clearing up greatly, so I want to try the oil massages again. But THIS TIME, I'm confronting the process with more knowledge and experience.

Here's a website which shows the comedogenic ratings (acne causing) of different oils: [removed]

The scale goes from

0 = doesn't clog pores


5 = HIGHLY clogs pores

A few oils that have ratings of 0 are:

1. Hemp Seed Oil

2. Sunflower Oil

3. Safflower Oil

POPULAR OILS such as olive oil, jojoba oil, and castor oil do not have ratings of 0, so its obvious why people are breaking out using the oils.

So, I'm planning on massaging again, but this time with either hemp seed or sunflower oil. I will do it 20 to 25 minutes every night, maybe 3 minutes in the morning if it helps moisturize and doesn't look greasy.



Posted : 03/15/2014 11:30 am

On 3/15/2014 at 10:12 PM, graysmoke12 said:

Here's a website which shows the comedogenic ratings (acne causing) of different oils: [removed]

The scale goes from

0 = doesn't clog pores


5 = HIGHLY clogs pores

I was bummed that Rosehip Seed oil isn't included in the list, so I did a Google search and found another list that rates it at a 1: . (NOTE: This second list doesn't agree entirely with the first one provided. Take Sunflower and Grapeseed oils, for example. *sigh*)

Those oils rated as zero--and about which both lists agree--might be promising. Still, I just bought an 8-oz. bottle of Rosehip Seed oil, so I'm going to give it a try again.



Posted : 05/28/2014 5:49 pm


I just recently tried Hemp Seed oil, which claims to have a comedogenicy of 0 and it broke me out! Not too bad this time though, luckily I stopped after 3 days.

So here is my best advice, what I've learned from websites and personal experience..

No matter what anyone says about how comedigenic an oil is, you won't know if it will break you out until you try it. Some people are lucky and most oils don't break them out. Some aren't, and only a couple oils work with their skin.

Experiment! Massage the oil on your face for 2 - 3 days, and if you don't break out by then you are most likely safe. Don't make the mistake I did and keep using it if you are seeing breakouts. I don't think there is normally a purging process with oils.

I am going to try Jojoba Oil next, and if that doesn't work I'll try Sunflower Oil or Grapeseed Oil. There has to be one that works! haha

I'll check back with my results, peace.


Posted : 06/07/2014 3:26 am

Good thing I bumped into this thread. I am learning a lot from these. :) I also have deep scars at varying depths of my face. Just one question, does the massaging of rosehip oil help heal my scar on my nose? Its somewhat small but deep. Thanks in advance. And btw Im asian residing ay Philippines. Its really hard to find one here.


Posted : 06/07/2014 7:17 pm

Anyone still active on this thread? Or anyone from the Philippines with the same problem as mine would like to help me out regarding my scars? Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks. :)


Posted : 06/09/2014 10:45 pm

Here is the pic hope someone could help. :)
