Hypopigmentation Ma...
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Hypopigmentation Marks From 4% Hydroquinone + Retin A


Posted : 05/17/2014 12:42 pm

I was using a 4% hydroquinone cream + Retin A cream to remove my dark spots from acne. While that worked really great, some areas I got the reverse effect, hypopigmentation spots. I have tried polysporin, vitamin e, cocoa butter cream, but not nothing has worked to heal the pigmentation back. I have tried a salicylic acid peel, but that did nothing either (maybe made it worse)! I am seeing my dermatologist on tuesday, maybe some sort of steroid cream might help? any help???




Posted : 05/18/2014 11:09 am

please help!


Posted : 05/18/2014 5:41 pm

I think you need to see your dermatologist. From what I understand, hypopigmentation can occur in darker skin from retin-a, hydroquinone, or any kind of peel that can strip melanin from your skin. It should be temporary and resolve once you stop applying chemicals that strip a layer of skin. You need to talk with the derm that prescribed the topicals. Hopefully you are not home treating and under the care of a physician.


Posted : 09/21/2015 8:06 pm


I was using a 4% hydroquinone cream + Retin A cream to remove my dark spots from acne. While that worked really great, some areas I got the reverse effect, hypopigmentation spots. I have tried polysporin, vitamin e, cocoa butter cream, but not nothing has worked to heal the pigmentation back. I have tried a salicylic acid peel, but that did nothing either (maybe made it worse)! I am seeing my dermatologist on tuesday, maybe some sort of steroid cream might help? any help???

how's that going ? I got the same cream for a 8 month old red scar on my nose been about a week I am darker skinned also when should I see results
