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Posted : 08/06/2008 4:27 pm

Im thinking of trying this but i heard someone say it took 2mths to see any difference!

uaa noooo i wont try it if it takes that long to even see a difference.


How long does it take to fade by a good percent or get rid of the red spots by using this regimen??


I need something to try i have to be IN a wedding in a week and a half lol


Posted : 08/07/2008 12:20 am

Im thinking of trying this but i heard someone say it took 2mths to see any difference!

uaa noooo i wont try it if it takes that long to even see a difference.


How long does it take to fade by a good percent or get rid of the red spots by using this regimen??


I need something to try i have to be IN a wedding in a week and a half lol


hey! i just started this regimen about two weeks ago and already notice a difference. my skin is much smoother and even toned. i plan to keep it up for at least 21 days. if you really want a quick fix maybe look into microdermabrasions or laser treatments. I had a smoothbeam done about two years ago. i had a really bad reaction, but my derm was a pretty ethical guy (licensed revoked 10/07) anyway, GOOD LUCK!


Posted : 08/08/2008 5:11 pm

Hey Delna, Im new to the site and joined today cuz I just had to get in on this forum. So anyhoo,

As for the egg/lemon mask, can I use lemon juice from the bottle or does it have to be a fresh lemon?


How long do I keep the baking soda mask on? Do i immediately wash it off? and apply ACV right after? And do I put ACV all over or just spot treat?


Thanks.. so anxious to try this. I am an accutane already going into my 4th month and mostly all acne is gone except for my red marks on my cheeks and a few icepick scars/ rolling scars. But Im mostly concerned for the red spots cuz they make me soooo self conscious!! even with makeup.




Posted : 08/09/2008 6:06 pm

Hehe, well I started this today.


We will see what happens.


I don't really have a problem with dry skin, I have so much oil as it is that I really don't think I need to use a moisturizer though. Plus, It would be pretty hard to find one that won't break me out.


Acne creams always either cause irritation and even worse breakouts or do nothing at all so I am not going to use one of those either.


Posted : 08/11/2008 2:44 pm

Ahh! Help I'm starting to break out on my cheeks! I've been using this regimen for almost two weeks now. Any suggestions??


Posted : 08/12/2008 7:03 pm

Ahh! Help I'm starting to break out on my cheeks! I've been using this regimen for almost two weeks now. Any suggestions??


According to your signature, you're exfoliating everyday with the baking soda. That could be part of the problem. You might want to start using it once or twice a week. The excessive use of it could be irritating your skin. You may also want to limit the amount you use. Say if you're using a teaspoon, then you may want to cut it back to half a teaspoon.


Also be VERY gentle when scrubbing your skin. It doesn't take much to remove dead skin cells.


Hope this helps.



Posted : 08/14/2008 8:01 pm

Ahh! Help I'm starting to break out on my cheeks! I've been using this regimen for almost two weeks now. Any suggestions??


According to your signature, you're exfoliating everyday with the baking soda. That could be part of the problem. You might want to start using it once or twice a week. The excessive use of it could be irritating your skin. You may also want to limit the amount you use. Say if you're using a teaspoon, then you may want to cut it back to half a teaspoon.


Also be VERY gentle when scrubbing your skin. It doesn't take much to remove dead skin cells.


Hope this helps.



Thanks, oryon!! I will definitely scale back on the baking soda. I've also noticed that as the day goes on my skin is greasier than normal and my cheeks are redder. Do you think that could also be BS related? I plan to invest in Philips MoM to help with the oil.


Posted : 08/15/2008 1:17 pm

Ahh! Help I'm starting to break out on my cheeks! I've been using this regimen for almost two weeks now. Any suggestions??


According to your signature, you're exfoliating everyday with the baking soda. That could be part of the problem. You might want to start using it once or twice a week. The excessive use of it could be irritating your skin. You may also want to limit the amount you use. Say if you're using a teaspoon, then you may want to cut it back to half a teaspoon.


Also be VERY gentle when scrubbing your skin. It doesn't take much to remove dead skin cells.


Hope this helps.



Thanks, oryon!! I will definitely scale back on the baking soda. I've also noticed that as the day goes on my skin is greasier than normal and my cheeks are redder. Do you think that could also be BS related? I plan to invest in Philips MoM to help with the oil.



Exactly. Your skin is irritated thus creating more oil. Don't worry, same thing happened to me. It may take a series of trial and errors to figure out how to use the baking soda, but it really does help.


My regiment:


I exfoliate (VERY gently) with baking soda 3 times a week in the evening while showering. The reason for the evening is that if I happen to scrub to hard, my skin will have time to heal as I sleep. I've pretty much got this baking soda thing down to a science now and it works fantastic.


Good luck!




Posted : 08/15/2008 4:16 pm

^So you're saying the red marks are fading?


Posted : 08/18/2008 2:49 pm

Hey Delna,


thanks for ur advice ...seems very interesting ..Im very interested to try but my concern is I have very sensitive skin due using too much bp 5% which was too strong for my skin and it really burned my skin like almost a 2nd degree burn on my cheeks but this was months ago ....but even still my skin feels very tender and sensitive stilll since then I have been getting many red pimples and pimples ...and looks kind of blotchy and uneven ...and I been to the derm and he put me on minocin antibotic I was just wondering should I skip the baking soda and vinegar since my skin is too sensitive and also since I am taking antibotics ? and will the mask eventually take away the skin blotchiness and uneveness ??? thanks alot !


Posted : 08/18/2008 3:10 pm

Hey Delna,


thanks for ur advice ...seems very interesting ..Im very interested to try but my concern is I have very sensitive skin due using too much bp 5% which was too strong for my skin and it really burned my skin like almost a 2nd degree burn on my cheeks but this was months ago ....but even still my skin feels very tender and sensitive stilll since then I have been getting many red pimples and pimples ...and looks kind of blotchy and uneven ...and I been to the derm and he put me on minocin antibotic I was just wondering should I skip the baking soda and vinegar since my skin is too sensitive and also since I am taking antibotics ? and will the mask eventually take away the skin blotchiness and uneveness ??? thanks alot !


I know this is directed toward Delna, but I too have VERY sensitive skin due to being on two courses of Accutane years ago. In my opinion, you can use the baking soda, but be VERY gentle with it. For instance I barely even touch my face when using it. I basically just let the grains of baking soda roll over my skin for a few minutes, then rinse. It really doesn't take much to exfoliate. Minimal pressure is your best bet if you have sensitive skin.


As for removing red marks, I have noticed a decrease in the redness. Nothing drastic as of yet, but I've only been using it for approximately a month. I don't use the vinegar, so I have no idea if that helps or not.


I'm also on Benzaclin (2.5% BP) btw and exfoliating with baking soda seems to have enhanced the effectiveness of the it.



Posted : 08/19/2008 6:10 pm

hi. I m new here on this web site, but i usually come here to read stuff. my question to u is that r u sure this method works really well? i have few red marks too and i want to start this regime that u wrote. Also in step 4 u said apply ur acne cream and then following that u said to apply moisturizer. Does the moisturizer goes on right after the acne cream or do i need to wait and hour or so to apply?

Please reply to me soon.


Posted : 08/19/2008 9:09 pm

I have one question about this



cleanse with a mild cleanser for sensitive skin.

Posted : 08/19/2008 10:47 pm

Yeah buddy you are waaaay off. A gentle cleanser is something like dans cleanser or purpose or something like that. NOT soap. Acne cream is benzoil peroxide. When it says cleanse the second time delna tells you what to do with baking soda, acv etc...


Take the time to read trough the first couple pages to really understand the regiment before trying it. Questions like these are somewhat redundant throughout the 70 whatever pages.


Oh and you are most likely not going to see results in a week. Give it two solid months, and if no improvement then its not for you.



good luck














Posted : 08/20/2008 11:31 pm

another question...



3) tone to balance pH


now that baking soda is basic in nature..something acidic is needed to balance the ph. ANSWER? APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!


use a 1:8 (vinegar:water) solution first and then gradually increase to 1:1 ..never apply it neat. BALANCED pH = BEAUTIFUL SKIN! wash off after 10 mins. dont leave it on.


Posted : 08/21/2008 4:05 pm

for the toner(ACV) could i use proactiv's toner instead?


Posted : 08/22/2008 1:05 pm


OK, I have been sitting here for about 2 hours trying to read this very extensive post and could not find anything about a few questions that I have. 87 pages is a very long post


First of all my skin is extremely sensitive, I cannot use hydroquinone, AHA (glycolic), BP, although I can use SA.


#1 My skin is extremely oily (oil slick here), I see that most people are having success here with their dry skin. What about oily skin people?? Will this cause more oiliness or help with oily skins?


#2 I really do not want to buy tons of lemons because I hate them, can I just buy the 100% lemon juice in the bottle?


#3 I have been using Olay Foaming Face Wash for years (marked for sensitive skins) really great stuff, but they discontinued it!!!! I tried Neutrogena's similar brand, but it has fragrance and seems to irritate a little. Is there something similar to Olay that I can use that is not pricey??


#4 Will my pores REALLY become smaller??


For the record, I already use Paula's Choice 2% SA and I am not sensitive to it (I can't believe that) something that I am not sensitive to!!!!!!!!


Sorry, this is a very long thread and hard to read all of it!!! And thanks :)


Posted : 08/22/2008 4:28 pm

I've been using just the ACV part of this regimen for 4 days now. It has really noticably faded my red marks. I wish I'd taken a picture a few days ago, but pictures of my red marks are depressing, and I didn't really expect ACV to make a difference. But it did, so, yay. I've been using it diluted, 2 parts water, 1 part ACV, swiped on with a cotton ball.


My cheeks now barely need any makeup to cover the marks, which is so nice. I had one small new red mark when I started, and that is almost entirely gone, so I'm guessing this works super-great for new marks.


I'm really happy with my results, and I'll post after a couple more weeks to update my progress, as I see that many people are breaking out after a couple of weeks on this.


Posted : 08/22/2008 9:05 pm

I'm gonna start trying this from now on. :D


Posted : 08/22/2008 9:41 pm

did you just post this skin regiem? because for some reason my computer sais it was posted november 2004?


anyways im still going to try the baking soda and eggwhite/lemon mask to my skin care routine


Posted : 08/22/2008 9:46 pm

um after i put the acv my face turned red for a while is tat normal, and when i use on the spot, is it ok if i put it on the red marks or just put it on my pimples


Posted : 08/24/2008 2:47 am

Delna, THANKYOU! This is amazing, I've only done this regimen twice now and my red marks have faded, my skin feels so much softer and I've also added some baking soda to my tooth paste and my teeth are looking whiter! THANKYOU, this is genius. :D


Posted : 08/24/2008 12:32 pm

i just do the baking soda mask and wow improvemets already 3 days into it


Posted : 08/24/2008 10:08 pm

ait i heard bp can slow red mark healing process down is this true


Posted : 08/25/2008 1:28 pm

Hey Delna , I've just come across your post on the acne treatment that's currently working for you . We are both in the same boat with the hypothyroidism and im as well on the medication similar to yours . Now my main question is as far as an acne medication goes I was told on youtube by a girl that using an anti fungural cream similar for athletes foot is great on acne would that be a good substitute for this or should I try one of the ones sold at walmart now ? I've done the accutane and it was dangerous and made my legs feel like they were on fire after taking them . It aparently is what is a good reason why I have my hypothyroidism as well from what i've read up on . If you could private message me that would be great . I have to return the St. I've scrubs then which I recently purchased .
