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Real or just marketing?


Posted : 01/07/2021 12:41 am

Dr. Davin Lim keep posting these type of content on his IG:

I'm wondering if it's just post procedure swelling or real results.




Posted : 01/07/2021 3:36 am

Different lighting, angle, swelling. But nice improvement still.

If you want to see 'real' b&a I'd recommend to see papers from websites like for example. Still many lighting tweaks but not as much as oninstagram

Ishayat, KavenCare, Ishayat and 3 people reacted

Posted : 01/07/2021 4:30 am

'post procedure 3 weeks' should give you your answer!

In a video about lasers posted here recently a plastic surgeon mentions he takes the after photos 1 year after the treatment.

Photos like these above are utterly useless. All they show is swelling and redness.

That being said, both TCA cross and fractional CO2 have been shown to deliverresults. It's a pity that doctors don't want to show us how much is possible realistically.


Posted : 01/07/2021 4:47 am

Also I often read that doctorssay I do this or that procedure punch elevation, elevation with a blade for boxcar scars for example, you name it... but they never post any photos of this or if they do it's always the 3 weeks or 4 weeks post procedure useless kind of photos.


Posted : 01/07/2021 9:11 am

Looks like marketing and a Little Bit of Photo Shop to me 

8 hours ago, gynoscar said:

Dr. Davin Lim keep posting these type of content on his IG:

I'm wondering if it's just post procedure swelling or real results.





Posted : 01/08/2021 1:36 am

Isnt it a 9 month gap?

Anyway, i already saw Dr.Davin Lim deliverying results like this before.

Dr Davin is the best, he knows how to polish it. Unfortunately we cant expect our local doctor/ surgeons to deliver the same results. Still hopeful for many though


Posted : 01/08/2021 3:14 am

Judging by the visible redness on the 2nd photo, it's probably 3 weeks after the fractional laser (as Dr Lim writes) and 9 months since the start of the treatment with TCA CROSS.


Posted : 01/08/2021 2:41 pm

I don't think swelling itself will fill these boxcar and icepicks. From my own experience, the swelling from laser only flatsrolling and large shallow boxcars. You can still see icepicks and narrow boxcars.


Posted : 01/08/2021 4:18 pm



I believe it's possible. But the real question is can it be done in just 9 months as advertised? That I'm not too sure of.


Posted : 01/09/2021 3:21 am

12 hours ago, Jack817 said:

I don't think swelling itself will fill these boxcar and icepicks. From my own experience, the swelling from laser only flatsrolling and large shallow boxcars. You can still see icepicks and narrow boxcars.

Swelling improves every scar. It makes shallow boxcar scars disappear, ice picks appear shallower, it evens out the wavy like appearance of rolling scars. I am not talking about the macroswelling immediately after the procedure, I'm talking about the microswelling. It gives the effect of afull face subdermal filler that plumps upthe skin beautifully. All starlets' reviews that rave about the lasers giving them "amazing skin"are due to this effect.Everybody who has had some kind of laser or energy device treatment will tell you this.

In cases of fractional co2 lasers, energy devices, it takes minimum 1-2 monthsfor the skin to return to normal. For more aggressive treatments, it takes longer.


Posted : 01/09/2021 3:38 am

11 hours ago, Sirius Lee said:



I believe it's possible. But the real question is can it be done in just 9 months as advertised? That I'm not too sure of.

Look at the distinct redness, limited only to the scarred area, probably where the person got the laser treatment. With such pronounced redness, the laser must have been performed shorty before. 3 weeks before is believable; if such redness persists for months after a laser treatment, something has gone wrong. 


Posted : 01/09/2021 7:13 am

24 minutes ago, can i get a new life please said:

Did he say 98 percent improvement?? It looks amazing look at this post.

You can use pubmed to find studies that show how the skin changes at the different stages of therapy. See photos during/ immediately after the procedure ( as in the video) and 6 months after. And you will see what is a misleading photo /video and what are realistic results.:)

Also take a look at Dr Emil Henningsen's FB/ IG and photos. All taken under the same lighting, as much as possible similar angles, and a few months apart( mostly 6 months post procedure).


Posted : 01/13/2021 4:25 am

On 1/7/2021 at 6:41 AM, gynoscar said:

Dr. Davin Lim keep posting these type of content on his IG:

I'm wondering if it's just post procedure swelling or real results.




I think there's a bit of marketing. But still there's a lot of improvement I would say at least 60% ?

He claims that he can get 90% in some cases with tca wich is a bit hard to believe for me. But still lots of people in this forum have claim that tca cross done right has improved their scars tremeandously.


On 1/8/2021 at 10:18 PM, Sirius Lee said:



I believe it's possible. But the real question is can it be done in just 9 months as advertised? That I'm not too sure of.

In some of he's videos and Instagram he claims that when a scar has been leveled out enough with tca cross treatments, if he can laser below the scar, the scar would be gone, what do you think about this claim of his? is it just marketing ?

Personally I think the laser after the tca will just give that last 5 - 20% improvement. Leaving you with a flat textural scar instead of the pit/pore/ice pick scar because scars can't be removed 100%.

But this is only my uneducated opinion.




Posted : 01/13/2021 5:08 am

I personally share your opinion about scars only improving and not going away 100%. An uneducated opinion, of course.

Dr Lim has made some many interesting claims. If he can really achieve these results, it's difficult to tell.

I just wish that Lim and Hwould stop posting instagramable b&a photos, with clearly manipulated results to attract more trafic to their pages, and show us the real results instead!

Because from what I read all these treatments can gice some degree of improvement. The question is if the doctors themselves are able to achieve this improvement and if it's worth the risk.

They keep explaining themselves that it is oh so difficult to take proper photos and are waiting fot some new 3D technology to better show scars, but other doctors do a very decent job of documenting real progress and I've also seen lots of threads here with very good photos b&a!


Posted : 01/13/2021 6:46 am

On 1/9/2021 at 1:13 PM, Sisi90 said:

.You can use pubmed to find studies that show how the skin changes at the different stages of therapy. See photos during/ immediately after the procedure ( as in the video) and 6 months after. And you will see what is a misleading photo /video and what are realistic results.:)

Also take a look at Dr Emil Henningsen's FB/ IG and photos. All taken under the same lighting, as much as possible similar angles, and a few months apart( mostly 6 months post procedure).

So Emils B&A are better ?


3 hours ago, Sisi90 said:

! I personally share your opinion about scars only improving and not going away 100%. An uneducated opinion, of course.

Dr Lim has made some many interesting claims. If he can really achieve these results, it's difficult to tell.

I just wish that Lim and Hwould stop posting instagramable b&a photos, with clearly manipulated results to attract more trafic to their pages, and show us the real results instead!

Because from what I read all these treatments can gice some degree of improvement. The question is if the doctors themselves are able to achieve this improvement and if it's worth the risk.

They keep explaining themselves that it is oh so difficult to take proper photos and are waiting fot some new 3D technology to better show scars, but other doctors do a very decent job of documenting real progress and I've also seen lots of threads here with very good photos b&a!

My opinion is that all of these recommended doctors are trash. I did a lot of research about them in the last few days and found out a lot of Bullshit about them(exept of Emil) he is quite nice, I mean I think my scars got worse from his treatment, but he is willing to help me and mistakes can happen always. But what I heardfrom Weiner and Lim is really really bad.

there is a internet site name you can type intogoogle with Limsname for example and I think that the bad reviews there are true. Lim is pretty defensive when you ask him about negativ reviews. If somebody is so defensive he mostly has something to hide.

He offers treatments that damage your skin and that cannot be fixed. Analyse the writing style from BA, Lim and positive reviews, they are very similar. I think there is a skript that exists how to answer towards patients, if its positive or negative.

I also traced in most of theIPaddresses from this internet site and other and compared them. My conclusion ist that these doctors all have fake accounts. I knew this a long time, I also know that BA knows all of these doctors even thoughhe sometimes did state that he doesnt.

I have really gathered a ton of evidence. And actually Im just waiting for him to contact me or something like that, because I know that all of these doctors are going to read this. I really know it because I have the technology to check this out. I also know what they sayto each other. I have evidence for all of this, this is no speculation !I really know to much. Its really disappointing. Im not a doctor Im not competing with them, so I dont benefit from all this, but I just want justice and I want doctors to be honest and dont blame everything on patients and on their healing ability. I dont want them to say that patients are mentally ill because they complain about bad treatments. I just want them to care ( like Emil did).IfI would go to another doctor and he wouldnt care I would sue him for sure. My conclusion is that all of these treatments wont let you be statistfied, and dont be a foolby fake reviews they are mostly written by doctors themselves. These pictures are defiantly misleading people. And it is interesting that Lim doesnt mention anymore and BA is away you can guess why this is so. Moreover his registration with AHPRA had been temporarily suspended. Dr Lims profile on AHPRA suggests this is true. No need to take my word for this, you can check for yourself, the claim is(ethical decision making) search his profile and read the conditions section. This record in Nov 2020.

do you all think this happened for no reason ?

Do you all know Lims old clinic ? It only had 2 stars, then he changed the name and it has 4 stars now with his YouTube appearance.

BA works together with Lim and other doctors, so they probably make money together, so dont go to his website and get a consultation from him, he will lead you to them. And these doctors are only recommended because of Lim and BA. So be careful.

It is also present that all of these doctors are on different continents. Probably to grab a lot of clients. They did need a doctor on every continent ! So Lim picked some and advertised them to gain maximal profit !

IfLim has the balls he should contact me and I will setup a YouTube live stream with a huge crowed and give him the option to say something about this.

I have the tools and the crowed to do this. When he doesnt say nothing I will gather more information and reveal them where the biggest audience ist.

Please believe me I swear I dont make one penny from this, I just want you all to be safe nothing else, I dont want you all to regret you decision. I just want to protectyou. Im no competing doctor or anything like that. All of these positive reviewsfrom Lim is just from his YouTube appearance.


Posted : 01/13/2021 11:08 am

4 hours ago, Stef3000 said:

So Emils B&A are better ?


My opinion is that all of these recommended doctors are trash. I did a lot of research about them in the last few days and found out a lot of Bullshit about them(exept of Emil) he is quite nice, I mean I think my scars got worse from his treatment, but he is willing to help me and mistakes can happen always. But what I heardfrom Weiner and Lim is really really bad.

there is a internet site name you can type intogoogle with Limsname for example and I think that the bad reviews there are true. Lim is pretty defensive when you ask him about negativ reviews. If somebody is so defensive he mostly has something to hide.

He offers treatments that damage your skin and that cannot be fixed. Analyse the writing style from BA, Lim and positive reviews, they are very similar. I think there is a skript that exists how to answer towards patients, if its positive or negative.

I also traced in most of theIPaddresses from this internet site and other and compared them. My conclusion ist that these doctors all have fake accounts. I knew this a long time, I also know that BA knows all of these doctors even thoughhe sometimes did state that he doesnt.

I have really gathered a ton of evidence. And actually Im just waiting for him to contact me or something like that, because I know that all of these doctors are going to read this. I really know it because I have the technology to check this out. I also know what they sayto each other. I have evidence for all of this, this is no speculation !I really know to much. Its really disappointing. Im not a doctor Im not competing with them, so I dont benefit from all this, but I just want justice and I want doctors to be honest and dont blame everything on patients and on their healing ability. I dont want them to say that patients are mentally ill because they complain about bad treatments. I just want them to care ( like Emil did).IfI would go to another doctor and he wouldnt care I would sue him for sure. My conclusion is that all of these treatments wont let you be statistfied, and dont be a foolby fake reviews they are mostly written by doctors themselves. These pictures are defiantly misleading people. And it is interesting that Lim doesnt mention anymore and BA is away you can guess why this is so. Moreover his registration with AHPRA had been temporarily suspended. Dr Lims profile on AHPRA suggests this is true. No need to take my word for this, you can check for yourself, the claim is(ethical decision making) search his profile and read the conditions section. This record in Nov 2020.

do you all think this happened for no reason ?

Do you all know Lims old clinic ? It only had 2 stars, then he changed the name and it has 4 stars now with his YouTube appearance.

BA works together with Lim and other doctors, so they probably make money together, so dont go to his website and get a consultation from him, he will lead you to them. And these doctors are only recommended because of Lim and BA. So be careful.

It is also present that all of these doctors are on different continents. Probably to grab a lot of clients. They did need a doctor on every continent ! So Lim picked some and advertised them to gain maximal profit !

IfLim has the balls he should contact me and I will setup a YouTube live stream with a huge crowed and give him the option to say something about this.

I have the tools and the crowed to do this. When he doesnt say nothing I will gather more information and reveal them where the biggest audience ist.

Please believe me I swear I dont make one penny from this, I just want you all to be safe nothing else, I dont want you all to regret you decision. I just want to protectyou. Im no competing doctor or anything like that. All of these positive reviewsfrom Lim is just from his YouTube appearance.

The results of Emil on the photos look realistic to me because he states6 months post procedure, the light looks similar, so does the angle.

I don't know about the doctors. I voiced my opinion of those that I had a consultation with and think are not very ethical. But we've got to trust somebody if we want to improve ourscars. Everybody decides for themselves who they are going to trust.


Posted : 01/13/2021 11:52 am

43 minutes ago, Sisi90 said:

The results of Emil on the photos look realistic to me because he states6 months post procedure, the light looks similar, so does the angle.

I don't know about the doctors. I voiced my opinion of those that I had a consultation with and think are not very ethical. But we've got to trust somebody if we want to improve ourscars. Everybody decides for themselves who they are going to trust.

Wich one do you think ist not ethical ?


Posted : 01/13/2021 12:10 pm

15 minutes ago, Stef3000 said:

Wich one do you think ist not ethical ?

A doctor in London who talked BS about the risks of his treatments. And generally anyone who manipulates the results on b&a photos in any way shape or form.


Posted : 04/17/2021 6:00 pm

I feel like people who are accusing this as being marketing have never seen before/after pics of TCA cross. Results can be this dramatic if done in a series. The lighting is kind of manipulative, but it could be true that the laser removed some of the hyperpigmentation.
