I have my Phenol booked in December and just recently received the paperwork... all 20+ pages of it. Makes you realize how serious this procedure is. I've been reflecting a lot on it, since I have to fly in for the procedure (i'm from canada) and it's quite the financial investment (6.5k USD + personal caretaker + hotel + flight + misc) and the personal investment (variable level of improvement + risk of side effects + being tomato faced for months after the procedure). This community has been an important resource for me deciding my next acne scar treatments. Ive been a bit doubtful about what the phenol can do when I read the disappointment @shei514experienced and when I read @getsmart121creating a thread very recently about potentially having a complete cheek graft done when they have told me in the past that they have already done two phenol peels (plus a plethora of other things.)
Can we get real. What does everyone think. Especially looking for insight from those who have had the phenol done.
is it worth it?Why or why not?
also those who havent done phenol but have researched it extensively, please share your input.
edit: I should also mention Im very put off by the laissez faire attitude that rullans office has been displaying
It is definitely not magic. Some scars it works whereas some scars nothing. You can still see edges in other lights. Skin tone looks better. Like i said it is just phenol cross but for full face. New scars respond better old scars not much. It does tighten skin so maybe that helps in scars looking better.
Since Im nearly a year post-op, Im thinking of posting some pictures and comparing them to my baseline pics as that will speak for itself. Im struggling to find lighting thats exactly the same as Im no longer in the house I took my baseline photos in and the lighting where Im at now isnt exactly the same. I think if I got two phenol peels I would be golden haha but thats not going to happen any time soon (so fucking expensive omg). I have terrible body dysmorphia from having acne scars half my life so I tend to be negative and harsh on treatments maybe some photos will help see the situation more objectively. My two boxcars were not significantly improved with the peel so the peel will help for certain skin issues but not for other skin issues IMO. Deep acne scars probably would not recommend. I have old deep acne scars for reference and very white skin.
And Dr Rullans office team are absolutely terrible. They just cannot get it together and they dont respond to emails (maybe one and then thats it). I asked for an afternoon appointment for June, they replied back for an appointment at 10.30 in the morning. I said that wouldnt work, how about the afternoon and they never replied lol. I called up, turns out you now need a zoom appointment first to evaluate scarring and then go from there. They never told me this over email and I had to find out after a phone call. They simply do not respond its so frustrating. I do not even try with them anymore. By the time they sorted their shit out they were fully booked for June. So over it you have to fight with them to get a reply.
Hello! I am new to the forum. I have no acne scars, but I have fractional co2 laser scars. I have been reading the forum for a long time and I have seriously considered phenolic chemobrasion as a correction. did and saw amazing results, at least in the photos they posted. There are a few users who have not uploaded photos but claim to have over 50% improvement. Who here has made phenol without any results?
I'm about 7 months post-op and want to ask Dr. Rullan for a check-up but I'm afraid I'll just be upsold on another service or even a touch up peel.
Not to sound like a pessimist, but I'm starting to have similar opinions to that of @shei514 in that yeah, it's done some scarring improvement but not $6,000+ worth.
I saw a relative last week, one of the few who knew I was getting this done, and she said "your face looks a tad bit beat up". That comment hit hard cause she was referencing the PIH around my eyes and forehead. It's slowly fading, I'd say.
And, yes! His office staff is terrible! My goodness, I hope you're getting paid a terrible salary cause you deserve it.
Hello! Exactly your post made me think of phenol. From your published photos the texture of your skin looks very good. Can I ask what the peeling helped you with and what it didn't? Is it worth traveling from Europe?

Ðеди 34 мини wombatstaywoke каза:Ðз м около 7 мееа лед опеаиа и икам да помол д- Рлан за пеглед, но е а вам, е поо е бде пеподаден о дга лга или дои за пилинг.
Ðа да не зви као пеими, но заповам да имам подобни мнени као ова на @shei514 в ова да, ова е напавено извено подобение на белези, но не на ойно $6,000+.
Ðиналаа едмиа вид однина, една о малкоо, коио знае, е е павм ова, и каза, е лиео и изглежда малко пебио. Ðози комена даи илно, заоо помена PIH около оие и елоо ми. Ðавно избледнва, би казал.
Рда! Ðеонал в оиа м е жаен! Ðоже мой, надвам е, е и плаа жана заплаа, заоо залжава.
5 hours ago, getsmart121 said:It is definitely not magic. Some scars it works whereas some scars nothing. You can still see edges in other lights. Skin tone looks better. Like i said it is just phenol cross but for full face. New scars respond better old scars not much. It does tighten skin so maybe that helps in scars looking better.
So on what scars does it work well on? What scars does it not work well on? How much does it tighten the skin?
3 hours ago, shei514 said:Since Im nearly a year post-op, Im thinking of posting some pictures and comparing them to my baseline pics as that will speak for itself. Im struggling to find lighting thats exactly the same as Im no longer in the house I took my baseline photos in and the lighting where Im at now isnt exactly the same. I think if I got two phenol peels I would be golden haha but thats not going to happen any time soon (so fucking expensive omg). I have terrible body dysmorphia from having acne scars half my life so I tend to be negative and harsh on treatments maybe some photos will help see the situation more objectively. My two boxcars were not significantly improved with the peel so the peel will help for certain skin issues but not for other skin issues IMO. Deep acne scars probably would not recommend. I have old deep acne scars for reference and very white skin.
And Dr Rullans office team are absolutely terrible. They just cannot get it together and they dont respond to emails (maybe one and then thats it). I asked for an afternoon appointment for June, they replied back for an appointment at 10.30 in the morning. I said that wouldnt work, how about the afternoon and they never replied lol. I called up, turns out you now need a zoom appointment first to evaluate scarring and then go from there. They never told me this over email and I had to find out after a phone call. They simply do not respond its so frustrating. I do not even try with them anymore. By the time they sorted their shit out they were fully booked for June. So over it you have to fight with them to get a reply.
Please do post some pics, it would mean eons for people like me who are still considering whether this is the next best step. At the point you did phenol, werent most of your scars near surface level? Or no?
zoom appointment sounds like such BS. No one really evaluated my skin in the zoom call, they were more focused on getting the down deposit in.
1 hour ago, wombatstaywoke said:I'm about 7 months post-op and want to ask Dr. Rullan for a check-up but I'm afraid I'll just be upsold on another service or even a touch up peel.
Not to sound like a pessimist, but I'm starting to have similar opinions to that of @shei514 in that yeah, it's done some scarring improvement but not $6,000+ worth.
I saw a relative last week, one of the few who knew I was getting this done, and she said "your face looks a tad bit beat up". That comment hit hard cause she was referencing the PIH around my eyes and forehead. It's slowly fading, I'd say.
And, yes! His office staff is terrible! My goodness, I hope you're getting paid a terrible salary cause you deserve it.
in that yeah, it's done some scarring improvement but not $6,000+ worth.
that made me pause. Can you expand. Do you think if that money was spent on other treatments, it would have been more worth it?
has Rullans office said anything else to you about the PIH you experienced after the phenol??
I contacted Rullan's office once just out of curiosity I thought maybe he had some ideas to blend my leftover scars better and do some sort of unknown permanent filler stuff on one spot. They did get back to me a few times but ultimately it was very confusing something about the next step being zoom to evaluate but I said "but I sent pics is there anything you think you can do" and never got back to me.
So I can generally confirm the office is just busy and has these procedures if there's any back and forth it usually ceases if it's not a perfect conversation.
To be honest though @shei514I'm surprised they treat someone they treated like they did me a total inquirer/newcomer. Guess it's kind of corporate now lots of people looking for help.
55 minutes ago, Catharsis2018 said:in that yeah, it's done some scarring improvement but not $6,000+ worth.
that made me pause. Can you expand. Do you think if that money was spent on other treatments, it would have been more worth it?
has Rullans office said anything else to you about the PIH you experienced after the phenol??
I don't think any other treatment would've made as big of an improvement honestly. My scars are basically 12+ years old! I think the best treatments for both my complexion and scarring issue would be old school sandpaper dermabrasion but that's close to impossible to find since it's seen as draconian.
And, no they haven't. I've yet to contact them because I don't think it'd be worth my time. The best they'd be able to do would be to just prescribe HQ 4%. But plot twist: I already have HQ 4% and have been using it for some time.
I think he removed the dermabrasion portion from the phenol is to blame for not overall improvement. The original author fintsi added physical sanding of skin on day 2. Dont get me wrong it lifted the skin but the texture was mostly there.
so it just removes epidermis but the healthy tissue is not ablated physically to match the scar skin. That is why it is more regenerative.
whereas with dermabrasion you physically abrade the skin.
2 minutes ago, getsmart121 said:I just want to make it clear. I think phenol is great procedure for the surface and tighten skin and new scars but wont give dramatic improvement to deeper scars. Only shallow to moderate are best
Which results did you have on shallow scars?
1 hour ago, suvvolo said:Which results did you have on shallow scars?
Some 70 percent. Some 30 percent. It depends on each scar. It is very variable
1 hour ago, getsmart121 said:I just want to make it clear. I think phenol is great procedure for the surface and tighten skin and new scars but wont give dramatic improvement to deeper scars. Only shallow to moderate are best
What do you define as new scar vs old scar though
2 hours ago, getsmart121 said:I just want to make it clear. I think phenol is great procedure for the surface and tighten skin and new scars but wont give dramatic improvement to deeper scars. Only shallow to moderate are best
I second this and would add it to my final review. When I look at my laptop or down at my phone I don't notice my scars as much post phenol peel. But there were scars that hand been RF/microneedled the shit out of.
2 hours ago, Candy Says said:i may be wrong but you never did fillers, right? its impressive how you achieved such results without fillers
No filler at least yet. I know fillers get degraded if you're getting phenol peel.
I'd really like to get TCA dermabrasion because the results look very straight forward but it looks more painful since it's quite mechanical. It uses literal sandpaper to scrap off your scar tissue!
It is 100% worth it for me.
I'm planning to make my own review soon with pics and stuff.
I got the phenol peel done in May 2021. Just searching through my album, this is a comparison of before and after with similar angle (different lightning of course).
I have a bunch of mixed shallow/deep scars throughout my cheeks/temple/face.
I circled a few deep scars for easier for easier analysis. The outline of the deep scar still persists but is a lot more shallower.
Some of the shallow scars disappear completely. Easily 60-70% improvement for me which makes it worth it.
25 minutes ago, gynoscar said:It is 100% worth it for me.
I'm planning to make my own review soon with pics and stuff.
I got the phenol peel done in May 2021. Just searching through my album, this is a comparison of before and after with similar angle (different lightning of course).
I have a bunch of mixed shallow/deep scars throughout my cheeks/temple/face.
I circled a few deep scars for easier for easier analysis. The outline of the deep scar still persists but is a lot more shallower.
Some of the shallow scars disappear completely. Easily 60-70% improvement for me which makes it worth it.
Did you had sanding as well using sand paper
18 hours ago, gynoscar said:It is 100% worth it for me.
I'm planning to make my own review soon with pics and stuff.
I got the phenol peel done in May 2021. Just searching through my album, this is a comparison of before and after with similar angle (different lightning of course).
I have a bunch of mixed shallow/deep scars throughout my cheeks/temple/face.
I circled a few deep scars for easier for easier analysis. The outline of the deep scar still persists but is a lot more shallower.
Some of the shallow scars disappear completely. Easily 60-70% improvement for me which makes it worth it.
Thank you for contributing your phenol experience!!! What skin type are you? Any chance we can see before and after photos of the other side of your face? I will be eagerly waiting for you to make a post regarding your phenol lol
1 hour ago, Catharsis2018 said:Thank you for contributing your phenol experience!!! What skin type are you? Any chance we can see before and after photos of the other side of your face? I will be eagerly waiting for you to make a post regarding your phenol lol
Here's the other side. The peel didn't really help with the rolling scars on the side of my face but drastically helped with ice pick + shallow box scars.