Hello again sorry for the dramatic headline hehe. This method has gotten me clear and I have been off forums.
It could not be more simple.
Skip ALL products. All you need is water and.... drumroll please... YOGURT!
Rub yogurt on your face whenever you can/ leave it on as a mask and wash it off. And wash only your face with lukewarm water. Before you go out, rub a thin layer of yogurt on your face. Once it dries/ is absorbed it wont smell and it can't be seen.
This worked for me, i suggest you give it a try for a few days.
For best results and a fresh looking skin tone, try peach yogurt! But seriously, who knows if it works, and who wants their face to smell like dried dairy and yeast? The advice you've given is too general, what of someone rubbed some lunch pack yogurts on their face? I can't imagine that stuff is healthy.
I doubt yogurt works best than benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Agree and a half.
Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid both F'd me in the A. I was in a vicious cycle, more product -> more breakouts -> more products and so on. If I missed even one evening/morning wash, my face would be so oily that a piece of toilet paper would go see through if I wiped my face with it.
Mixed reactions is exactly what I was expecting. This has been successful for me, and plenty of people I know. I can safely say that I definately did not have mild acne, although now it is very mild. It definately doesn't hurt to try.
Whoever said that they don't want to walk around with food on their face, needs to reassess the severity of their acne. Mine was bad enough for me to try urine therapy, which actually worked somewhat.
All I did was try to help others. You can take the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink.
P.s Ill change the title for dem haters!
What type and flavor of yogurt?
Haha, no flavor... just plain natural yogurt.
Cool, thanks for the input, it's worth a shot, did you notice a difference for red marks DNG?
Olive oil is awesome for red marks. Also have a go at ACV.
This is stupid. His acne was probably barely mild.. How the hell do you expect this to work on moderate to severe cases?!
tishtashtosh, why all of the hostility? Give me a break, Im only trying to help. My acne was far from mild, do you honestly consider yours to be moderate/severe? Have a good long look in the mirror:
No, haha thats not me in the picture. Its tishtashtosh She started arguing about how my acne wasn't bad at all, when hers is barely noticeable... Quite pathetic.
Yeah all I use is water and yogurt. Sometimes I put a thick mask on and wash it off. But every morning I was my face with water, then put on the yogurt and leave it on for the day. You only need about half a teaspoon for the entire face, but just put it on the acne prone areas. Keep massaging it in until it dissapears.
If you put the right amount it shouldn't smell, or be seen. You can experiment with different amounts the night before or so.
The good thing is that you can't use it too often, it doesn't irritate the skin even if you have on a thick layer for a whole week.
I have been doing it for about a month now. Unfortunately I don't have any before and after pictures, as it wasn't a period of my life I wanted to remember for ever
I dont know if it works for blackheads or enlarged pores as I had barely any of them. It works well for facial redness.
I havent gotten a single breakout since I started, and I havent washed my face with a cleanser for a month.
Its cheap and easy, kannattaa kokeilla UFO
Doesn't anyone else hate these self-proclaimed "doctors" that come on here telling YOU exactly what you need to fix your skin? Freakin' morons.. I vote for ban.
Please move to "Haters Section"
Its cheap and easy, kannattaa kokeilla UFO
I bought a yogurt today. I'll give it a try for a few days. Thanks for sharing your success story.
L¤psi sit¤ naamaan nii paljo ku ehit, se on ylivoimasesti paras juttu mit¤ oon ite kokeillu.