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Hi.. Would Like To Ask For Some Help 🙂


Posted : 10/01/2012 6:59 pm

Hello everyone,

This site is really cozy as I read through the forums. My mom and younger brothered referred me here when I asked how he managed to control his acne and they told me that they got the advice/products from this site so right now I'm hoping to give it a go too.

So like I just arrived here in the US like a year ago and since before then my acne wasn't that much of a problem to me. Though I had a really bad history of acne back when I was in my adolescence since on my father's side they really had some issues regarding acne. My acne started to stop being a problem when I got into college probably around when I was 17. There where times where it breaks out but not that much of a problem. I also workout so I usually take in whey protein and control my diet ( except my cheat days XD ).

So my problem started around April when we visited Las Vegas. I reckon it was probably because of the heat and weather at that time that caused the break out. Later in May I visited Texas and I guess that's when things went of hand. Luckily though the worst part only occured on my left side while my right side had a milder break out. I don't follow a regimen when I take care of my face but right now its already annoying how it breaks out.

The products that I've been using on my face are the daily face wash for Men by Neutrogena. The shaving cream for Men by Neutrogena and a daily face lotion with spf 15 from Neutrogena. My cousin though recommend to my the clearasil 4hr cream with 10% BP for the growing acne but somehow I think its what caused them to become bigger. Luckily though right now on my left side the acne aren't inflamed anymore but you can still see the red spots.

I've also included some pics to this one so you can grade how bad the acne is and if you can recommend a change in the products that I am currently using. And if you can suggest products for a full regimen so I that I can start taking care of my face. I'm also gonna ask my bro on what products that he got from here that treated his acne.

Sorry if this post was too long. I think I've placed my introduction and problem together. XD\

Edit: Somehow the pictures are supposedly in portrait already but when I upload it here it turns to landscape. ~_~


Hey dont worry your acne isnt that bad i will kill to have your face(acne).
