I was using neutrogena oil free acne wash. I've been using it for over a month at first I thought it was working but now I think my face is just worse because I now have pimples on my forehead and the ones I was trying to get rid of on my chin are worse and spreading. Not to mention the dryness. I never ever go out without makeup on but because of the way the face wash has made my skin when I apply the makeup it no longer goes on smoothly and I look like a cake face. Im assuming this is not right for my skin and I should stop using it? But what should I do now? Should I just wash with water and moisturise until the dryness goes away? Or can I try something else? I did a bad thing today & had a massive freak out and scrubbed at my face. Yes I know that I will regret that decision but I was so upset. I'm going to make a doctors appointment to hopefully get some minocycline as I used that when I was younger and it worked for me though I don't want to have to rely on pills for this. What happens when the prescription runs out and my skin freaks out again. Any advice would be great.
I was using neutrogena oil free acne wash. I've been using it for over a month at first I thought it was working but now I think my face is just worse because I now have pimples on my forehead and the ones I was trying to get rid of on my chin are worse and spreading. Not to mention the dryness. I never ever go out without makeup on but because of the way the face wash has made my skin when I apply the makeup it no longer goes on smoothly and I look like a cake face. Im assuming this is not right for my skin and I should stop using it? But what should I do now? Should I just wash with water and moisturise until the dryness goes away? Or can I try something else? I did a bad thing today & had a massive freak out and scrubbed at my face. Yes I know that I will regret that decision but I was so upset. I'm going to make a doctors appointment to hopefully get some minocycline as I used that when I was younger and it worked for me though I don't want to have to rely on pills for this. What happens when the prescription runs out and my skin freaks out again. Any advice would be great.
Hey. First thing, make yourself some tea, sit down, breathe, relax.
Stress is one of the worst things for acne, that's why break outs are always worse when you're upset, break up, during exams etc.
Also, most make up makes acne worse for a lot of people - if your pores are already clogged up then filling them with gunky make up just makes things worse. Try cutting down on how much you use, or switch to lighter types such as Pure Minerals or a range designed to be gentle to acne suffers (Clinique do one)
Antibiotics tend to work in the short term, but make it come back worse in the future after you stop, really think hard before you decide to go back on them.
Why not ask your doctor for a cream like Duac (Benzoyl Peroxide + antibiotic), or even Differin or Epiduo (A retinoid cream), both of those creams cleared my skin up pretty well for quite a while, they might work for for, they're usually more effective and a lot less gentler on your body and stomach than those harsh antibiotic tablets.
But I really can't stress the 'stress' one enough, I know it's hard, I know, but by thinking less about your acne, sleeping more, drinking more water, tea, and just trying to relax more is one of the best ways to calm your face down.
Good Luck 🙂
Thank you for your advice. I think a problem may be over cleansing and over exfoliating. I will definitely try to relax. I do have sensitive skin so most cleansers make my skin really red & dry and bumpy feeling. Though my skin has dried out and become flakey it is also oily at the same time. It's a huge mess! The worst thing is the pimples I'm getting are under the skin and big and they hurt & take ages to go away. I will try to take a relaxed approach and see where that gets me! Thanks.
Just an update. The dryness is going away and I have not been wearing full face makeup the last few days which is really hard for me especially when people keep asking me if I am sick. People are mean. Though my pimples are looking a lot less red & inflamed they are still there. If this has more to do with my digestive health which I feel like it does how would I tackle this? I already eat quite healthy and try to only drink water. I'm not sure where I should start?