Im 18 years old and I suffer from acne like millions of others. I just want to have a clearer face but I don't know what to do. I have a well-balanced diet, and I've used things like benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, and various other "fixes", but nothing is working. Can anyone tell me what to do to get rid of this acne? I dont know what to do when a whitehead pops up, I have a giant cyst (in one of the pictures attached) and i dont know what to do (ive picked at it an tried to pop it and I know im not supposed to now. Will I get permanent scarring? Im so scared and anxious and just want to live my life.
Leave it alone...put some neosporin cream on it...try some hott compressions w a rag...ive struggled for a long time too n didnt c a more constant change till I was faithful in steaming and added a bit of baking soda to my cleanser...everyones skin is different its hard to pin point anything
Oh n next time u at drug store u might find getting pure aloe vera gel and dabbing it in with your moisturizer will help...ive finally got my cystic acne at bay and that what I do...hope it gets better
Have you seen a doctor/derm for some help/products?
I'm not advocating that people rushstraight to a derm before trying diet and life style changes but it seems you're already doing the right things and havetried some of the conventional products.
Is your skin oily or flaky? Have you considered cutting out dairy as so many people on this forum findit almost directly caused cysts and more inflamed acne.
As for the scaring, there's no way of telling, every person heals differently. I will say, apart from the acne itself your skin looks pretty smooth and *not*red and angrylike mine is currently. LMFAOin the second pic I had to do a double take because you looked like my ex boyfriend, if that's anything to go by then your acne does not make you unattractive hahaha.
Good luck!