Hi everyone,
I have always suffered with acne but in the last few months it has turned from a few small to medium whiteheads at a time to large painful cystic acne. Mainly in the chin area but i've also got one in between my brows.
Some of them have formed over the top of recently healed whiteheads but not all of them.
I am a 27 year old female, great healthy diet, excercise frequently and the only changed to my diet have been adding in maca powder, spearmint tea and flaxseed to help balance my hormones. I also started using psyillium husk in my smoothie. I added these to my diet just before the cysts started forming so i don't know if i'm having some kind of purging effect?! I'm not on the pill.
i use differin gel almost every night which helped my skin so much especially my large open pores on my nose they are all but gone but now instead of small pimples every single one is a large cyst! I also use a BHA sometimes, manuka honey to cleanse, a clay mask once a week and rosehip and jojoba oil to moisturise at night over the differin. None of my skincare has changed for about 4 months( before the cysts)
Thank you in advance if anyone has any idea
Hi Renee! I am 28 and in the same unfortunate club. I had to go off of hormonal birth control for medical reasons, and my once clear skin has been flipping out with cystic lesions. I feel your pain so much. Hormonal acne responds really well to spironolactone. I'd ask your dermatologist about it, if you aren't taking it already. Topicals never seemed to make a difference with my hormonal acne, unfortunately. And I know it's very "YMMV" with oils, but rosehip always breaks me out, despite it's low comedogenic rating... I used to use it all the time, too, but now that my skin is oilier due to the hormonal changes, it seems to clog my pores. I've switched to Hemp Oil, and my skin seems to like it a lot better.
Hang in there! Know you are not alone. I'm right there with you in the same boat!
I don't have any advice for you, because I'm in the same boat! I'm 30, recently (this year) started eating healthy, exercising, and lost 35lbs. I also used organic skin care products over the last year, including jojoba and rose hip. Two months ago I started breaking out with cystic acne around my chin. I'm searching for answers. If I find any I'll let you know. Can you update us if you figure out what triggered yours?