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Help? Don’t know what’s going on…


Posted : 03/03/2024 7:04 am

Hey, folks. Kind of need your help here. So this has been happening to my face about 2.5, close to three weeks now. Ive been getting these pimples/tiny red bumps above my upper lip, and below my lower lip, above my chin. Ive had this before, but NEVER to this extent. Ive gone to the urgent care and did blood work, including STD/STI check, and they didnt show any signs of infection, and the STD/STI results came back non-reactive.

However, this is annoying! Im currently on day 4 of BACTROBAN, the brand that starts with M, and Ceravee Acne Cleansing.

Will this EVER go away? Youre wisdom is appreciated!

Member Admin

Posted : 03/11/2024 8:07 am

Hmm. At first glance, it doesn't look like acne to me.

Started any new meds lately? I wonder if it's a reaction to something.
