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Regimen Cystic Acne Breakout


Posted : 09/06/2024 1:59 pm

I've been on and off with benzoyl peroxide as I still get huge cystic spots when using this however I decided to stop using benzoyl 2 months ago and try retinol, my skin was oily and I had a large number of small spots and these were all over the face. I decided to stop the retinol and go back on the regimen however it's week 3 now and I have cystic acne on my forehead head and chin the likes of which I have never had before. I'm concerned that something is pushing the acne deeper into my skin to get such huge spots and not sure what to do. I have contacted my doctor but wanted to hear if I need to try and stick it out and hope they calm down.

Member Admin

Posted : 09/07/2024 10:14 pm

It sounds like you have severe acne. Have you had your hormones checked? When acne is that recalcitrant, you want to make sure you've turned over every stone.

By week 3 you should be seeing improvement. Some people tend to break out in week 2, but usually by week 3 things are turning a corner. If you're still seeing this after week 4, I'm wondering what else is going on.

Tell me more when you get a minute, such as diet, what other products you're using, physical irritation you might be experiencing, medications you've either started or stopped. Basically rack your brain and list out what's up and I can hopefully help you figure this out a bit better.
