To treat a pathology, from the skin to the occurrence, we must first understand how it develops. Today most diseases related to the dysfunction of our cells are curable like vitiligo, alopecia or even acne.
Speaking of the latter: acne; Scientists agree that it is caused because the hair canal is blocked or encumbered by too viscous sebum, produced in excess or very low levels of vitamin E. This would therefore reflect a momentary deficiency of the cells that are responsible for its production: the sesbocytes. To regenerate these cells and obtain healthy sebocytes would lead to restore in the body a production of good quality sebum and thus cure acne. Remember that any degenerative disease does not begin the dysfunction of a cell that contaminates others. Therefore treating one, to one cells will lead to treating the entire diseased organ.
The PhytoCellTec technology is the name of the technology developed by the Swiss laboratory Mibelle Biochemistry to generate and grow plant stem cells. It is based on the healing capacities of plants. Indeed, when a plant is injured, the first phase of healing consists in the formation of a callus. The constituent cells of this cal are undifferentiated cells (plant stem cells) which, depending on the nature and location of the injury, will differentiate into specific cells. Plant stem cells have a totipotent character no longer possessed by adult human stem cells: from a plant stem cell it is possible to reconstitute the whole plant. All stem cells, regardless of their origin (animal, human or plant) contain these epigenetic factors whose function is to maintain the self-renewal capacities of the stem cell. This is why the addition of plant stem cells helps to regenerate or preserve the vitality of cutaneous stem cells.
PhytoCellTec technology is part of a true sustainable development approach since plant stem cells are grown from a small part of the plant. In addition, these products are certified by the FDA and NAFDAC in the USA. Do not hesitate! There is a definitive solution for your skin problems.
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