Hello fellas!
I am very oily too, especially on my forehead. I just recently found something about thatin an old book that recommends natural remedies but points out that oily skin like most skin conditions are very prown to stress and is usually psychosomatic. In the book oily skin is said to be due to low self esteem or some other reason as to why somone wants to build a wall to protect him/herself. Pardon my english, I hope this makes sense. 🙂 So the skin and the eyes show also how one feels on the inside and triesto protect the soul or ego(?) so one would be less vulnerable or it would be less feasible to get hurt.
For me this must be true, because I am studyingnutrition at university and know a lot about it and no matter how little fat I was eating, how healthy and fresh I was eating, the oil on my forehead would not reduce. But when I am nervous, I will usually have very oily skin. When I am 100 % relaxed, I have it a lot less. But I am very rarely relaxed the whole day. Some kind of social anxiety, namely feeling not good enough, wanting to be loved or accepted will keep me from being relaxed and really myself all the time.
I am currently going to therapy because of another skin issue (neurodermitis) which is also known to be causes by the psyche very often. I hope the therapy will be able to help me with my nervousness and my feeling of not being good enough and ultimately with my oily skin too. If anyone is interested, you can try to do it by yourself, the technique is similar to "The work" by Katie Byron, or if you want someone to help you with it, I booked the session with Guido from Apsolvo. This is not an advertisement, I am just sharing my experiences here with you. Having oily skin sucks but I am sure we can all be freed from it just by changing our thoughts/mind. Have you heard about the Law of Attraction? If not please look it up on YouTube, you will find thousands of videos about it and how to manifest. 🙂 I have had some successes with it too already.
Wish you all best of luck! I hope you can all find the root cause and cure the roots and never have to deal with the symptoms again. Much love!!