Help! Squeezed Too ...
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Help! Squeezed Too Hard - Tissue Slipped And Left A Huge Scab.


Posted : 07/23/2015 6:36 pm

Maybe this will be the time that I actually LEARN and stop squeezing! My face has finally stopped breaking out with these horrible huge cysts and two nights ago I thought it would be a good idea to try to extract a huge blackhead on my cheek. I typically cover the mirror with a piece of paper because one mirror in my bathroom is basically dubbed the "skin picking mirror" by my sister and I because you can get so close and see everything. We had guests staying at our house last week, so the mirror was uncovered.


The temptation was too much.


Now I'm left with this enormous scab! When I squeezed the blackhead (I always use a tissue), the tissue slipped and took off the surface layer of the skin.


It throbs and is pretty painful. I started using aloe on my whole face which seems to help the scars but does nothing for this. I put my topical creams on it the first night, followed by neosporin, and have been trying to keep neosporin on it since then.


Is there anything else I can do?


Also - unrelated, my hyper-pigmentation/scars which you can see on the edge of the picture have started to itch. What does this mean?



Posted : 07/23/2015 11:31 pm

I would just leave it alone. I find my scabs heal best if I leave them dry until the very end when they're about to fall off. When they feel like they're about to fall off I usually cover them with vaseline to try to get the scab to stay on there a few more days so it has extra time to heal.

Lauryn7, *DarkHeart*, Lauryn7 and 3 people reacted

Posted : 07/24/2015 7:02 pm


I've been in this situation a few times, to say the least. I feel that because it's so dark...the darker the better because it means it's almost ready to dry up and fall off. But you can definitely help it along by keeping it moist. Personally, I would recommend putting bacitracin on it with a piece of medical tape or bandaid on top. I thought Neosporin was ok until quite a few of my doctors said that more of their patients experience breakouts from that. In any case I prefer bacitracin, but Neosporin may work well for you. I'm not sure why the other spots itch. if they're definiteliy from former acne breakouts then I feel better but if they've just presented as red spots from the beginning, I personally would wonder if it's something else that needs to be looked into by a derm. I hope this post helps a bit!

Louisemariex, DeLovely, Louisemariex and 3 people reacted

Posted : 07/25/2015 12:35 pm

I've been in this situation a few times, to say the least. I feel that because it's so dark...the darker the better because it means it's almost ready to dry up and fall off. But you can definitely help it along by keeping it moist. Personally, I would recommend putting bacitracin on it with a piece of medical tape or bandaid on top. I thought Neosporin was ok until quite a few of my doctors said that more of their patients experience breakouts from that. In any case I prefer bacitracin, but Neosporin may work well for you. I'm not sure why the other spots itch. if they're definiteliy from former acne breakouts then I feel better but if they've just presented as red spots from the beginning, I personally would wonder if it's something else that needs to be looked into by a derm. I hope this post helps a bit!

I would just leave it alone. I find my scabs heal best if I leave them dry until the very end when they're about to fall off. When they feel like they're about to fall off I usually cover them with vaseline to try to get the scab to stay on there a few more days so it has extra time to heal.


Thanks for your comments! 1/2 of the scab fell off today, yay, but there was puss underneath - boo. Also, the whole area around it is swollen, even up to the area underneath my eye. Makes it look like I got punched in the face... lol. So I'm currently icing the area. But I have been keeping it clean, keeping Neosporin on it when I can and using aloe on my whole face. Seems to be working okay so far, I just hope this doesn't form an enormous cyst. It is pretty painful underneath and I can feel a bump as if it was a cyst. :wacko:


Posted : 07/27/2015 9:18 am

I normally just try to let things like that dry up and flake off. For me personally, I have tried the keeping it moist route and it always just seems to prolong healing for some reason. But that's just my experience. I have been there many times...squeezing the bejeezus out of my skin until the top layer comes off. I have a big flaky scab on my chin right now from doing that a few days ago. Wish I could stop!!


Posted : 07/27/2015 9:52 am

Replying to itchy acne scars. I'd keep an eye on that. If the itching persists and/or the marks crust or bleed I'd have it looked at by your doctor or a derm, could be an unrelated issue.


Posted : 07/30/2015 12:44 am

Replying to itchy acne scars. I'd keep an eye on that. If the itching persists and/or the marks crust or bleed I'd have it looked at by your doctor or a derm, could be an unrelated issue.

Thanks! I'm going to a derm tomorrow so I'll mention it.


The whole scab fell off of that part that I squeezed, but now it is swollen like a cyst but not as painful as a cyst. I think I ruined my skin?? Kidding, but it feels like it right now.


Posted : 07/30/2015 3:51 am


I had a scab like this last week, I covered it with savlon advanced healing gel, soaked a bit of tissue and put it over the ointment then put a plaster over it to keep it covered and left it. I realise that's a bit difficult when you need to go out but I cut the plaster to the size I needed so it just looked like I had a small cut, after two days the scab was pretty much gone and I didn't need to pick it off or anything. The key is keeping it moist so it can't dry out and keeping it covered as well. A week on and I have a faint red mark which will be gone by next week, really impressed with the whole keeping the wound moist mainly because if it is too dry then the scab will come of prematurely and you usually end up with another as a result. Although I do think it's important that there is no infection or anything left in the spot before you cover it really does just need to be a scab.


Posted : 07/30/2015 4:33 pm

Do a warm compress twice a day for 5-10 minutes. It will heal in 3-5 days.


After the warm compress apply BP on top.


The healing time will double if not triple.


Posted : 08/04/2015 10:31 pm

Thanks everyone! The scab is totally healed now but it still has a hard lump underneath like a healing cyst. It also still looks red/pink like the skin is still healing :( I haven't been putting anything special on it for the last few days, just my normal acne stuff. I'm getting a peel on Monday, I hope it helps/doesn't make it worse.


Posted : 08/13/2015 12:46 pm

Update: thankfully the lump underneath has reduced in size. I had a chemical peel last week and she did a lot of extractions, I'm not sure if that was one of them but it seems to be getting better. I learned my lesson! I'll let my aesthetician do my extractions from now on.


Posted : 10/17/2015 4:03 pm

Hi this is my right cheek right now. Any recommendations of getting rid of these scabs?

2015-10-17 13.56.42.jpg
