Adult Acne Made Wor...
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Adult Acne Made Worse


Posted : 03/26/2019 10:17 am

Hello Everyone,

So I am in my late 20's and this is my first post here. Last night I admit I was messing with a spot and unintentionally rubbed the skin around it way too hard for way too long! Well of course I woke up to a massive red inflamed patch of skin on my chin. Its like I rubbed my skin raw! I am so embarrassed and now I have to go to class looking like this! Can anyone tell me what to do to promote healing? I dont wear any makeup and would hate to cover it up with that stuff but at the same time I am mortified at myself for causing this!

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this and or respond.



Posted : 03/26/2019 1:49 pm

Pure zinc and aloe is fantastic. I bought 100 % pure zinc powder and mix it with aloe vera to create a white calming gel. I have found this to work great.
