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Acne and Earrings?


Posted : 12/18/2009 1:18 pm

This may sound odd, but does anyone know if there is a link between earrings and acne? I've looked all over the internet and couldn't find anything, but I'm convinced that my severe acne got substantially better once I took my earrings out. I got them pierced about 3 months ago, and that's right about when my acne got really severe. This last week I've had them out, and my acne has gotten MUCH better. I'm also on Spiro, but it wasn't really making much of a difference since I've only been on it for a month and a half. I've been changing my diet, drinking a lot more water, eating a lot less sugar and oils, but it didn't really seem to be helping as much as this slight change did. It just prevented it from getting worse. What also makes me think the earrings have an impact is that I'm approaching my period and my acne usually gets insanely bad around now. The fact that it's getting better makes me think that something I did in the last week has caused this change. And that's the only thing I've changed recently.


I'm not sure if it's some allergic reaction I'm having to the metal, or if it's just all in my head. Has anyone had any experience with this? I need to know whether this could be a major contributing factor. For now, I'll continue to leave them out.


Thanks in advance.


Posted : 12/18/2009 1:53 pm

I got my first cysts in my ear lobes when I got my ears pierced for the first time. It was no fun. I don't think earrings could be related to acne in other places though, but who knows?


Also, nickel's a common metal allergy so if you're concerned about that go with stainless steel, at least 14k gold, sterling silver (must be nickel free to be called sterling), or any other alloy that says it's good for those with allergies.


Posted : 12/18/2009 2:15 pm

Lol noo way my earring is far away from my cheeks :D


Posted : 12/18/2009 2:33 pm

Both of my ears are pierced and i wear nickle diamonds!!

I have a slight allergy to it but i dnt even notice it

and it hasnt effected my acne at all


Posted : 12/18/2009 2:49 pm

Hmm, ok now that really makes me wonder. I think I'll leave them out for now anyway, unless I'm wearing my good earrings, just to be sure.


I got my first piercing when I was 18, in my ear cartilage, and it didn't affect me at all. Of course, I got that one done at a tattoo shop with a sterling silver earring. I got my lobes pierced at a Piercing Pagoda with a gun and the cheapest earrings they sold. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, but I didn't plan on wearing those earrings for longer than it took for my ears to heal. I didn't have any allergic reaction on or around my ears as they were healing. They healed quickly and normally. In fact, MUCH faster than my cartilage piercing.


I don't know. I'm at a loss. For now, I'll avoid nickel. And I guess I'll stop trying to figure out the why's and just focus on the fact that whatever I'm doing seems to be the right thing.


Posted : 12/18/2009 5:57 pm

My mom has a severe nickel allergy and if she wears costume jewelry or jeans (the metal parts, any where there is contact (of if she sweats and the sweat contacts the nickel before it migrates) she breaks out in a red, pimply itchy rash. Doesn't sound exactly like what you have -- but a nickle allergy can cause allergic skin reactions.


She got her nickel allergy from ear piercing. Of course, she did it herself at home with a needle -- so that probably explains how it happened.


Guess it won't hurt to avoid nickel and see if your skin improves, but I don't know if it causes acne or rashes where there isn't contact of some sort. My mom has some acne (even at age 60 -- which means I probably will too :(), but she also has PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) so that probably explains it rather than the nickel allergy.


Posted : 12/19/2009 3:49 am

I got mine done the sore way :L:L

They didnt numb my ear and popped a needle through but it got stuck in my right ear and they hadta do it again hahahaha!

I didnt want to wear those cheap sleepers so i got a good one and did it this way :)


Posted : 12/19/2009 4:32 am

Interesting....because, I leave my earrings in 24/7 and the bacteria than can accumilate is probably similar to a horror movie! I don't see why the bacteria wouldn't transfer to my pillow, then to my face. I'm going to try taking them out and cleaning my ears with an alcohol wipe. I'jj report back!


Posted : 01/15/2010 3:40 pm

I agree that nickel might just be the problem. I read somewhere online that nickel poisoning can cause hormonal imbalances, which would trigger acne. This past december I bought some cheap earrings and put em on ( 1 cartilage and 2 in the lobes, each ear). Since then I've had an ongoing breakout of cystic pimples on my chin, a new pimple or two or three each day.


Im gonna take out my piercings and look for a difference.



Posted : 01/18/2010 4:19 pm


I have found a link between my piercings getting infected and generally getting sick (catching a cold etc). Cheap metal earrings can definitely aggravate infections.

I think if your piercings are infected or still healing, your body has less resources available to heal other things - ie acne.

Just a thought.


Posted : 06/27/2019 5:13 am

I'm 58 when I was younger I had acne from ear to jaw /chin

An old German lady told me to stop wearing cheap earrings only to wearsterling silver to sit them in boiling water before wearing them (I'd put them in an eggcup and leave them in freshly boiled water for 10 mins then empty in to a clean sieve and let them cool before putting them on) and take them out at night never to sleep with earrings in once your 6 to 8 weeks after piercing is up

I did all this and my acne disappeared

Occasionally I'd get odd hormonal zit on chin but nothing like I'd had before

So there is something in what you have said.
