Nexplanon / Implano...
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Nexplanon / Implanon Birth Control Implant


Posted : 04/10/2012 8:45 am

Does anyone have experience with the birth control implant, and whether it causes acne flares?


I have had acne since puberty. Tried the usual treatments of tetracyclines, benzol peroxide, bcp, as well as any fancy treatment system I could get my hands on.


Eventually went on Accutane, which was a godsend. My skin has aged a lot since accutance, and I now have big pores and some scars. But it was worth it: the accutane brought my acne down 95% and was definitely worth it. Since then, I have been on twice daily finacea, which dampens the number of small whiteheads and blackheads I still get. Since I still get flares at irregular points, my doctor has put me on Trimethoprim 200mg/day for 2 months to see if we can tip the balance.


Because of frequent travelling and headaches, I decided to try the birth control implant. I read many user reviews, looked at clinical trial data, and talked to my doctor and gynecologist. My doctors agreed that there was a small chance that my acne might reoccur. I'm still in the "settling in" phase for the implant, and have been told it will take at least a few months for my body to get use to it.

2 weeks in, and no big breakouts yet.


I would really like for this to work, since not having to take a pill every day is awesome. Plus, unlike IUDs, this can't be knocked out of place and doesn't feel uncomfortable.


Does anyone have experience with acne recovery and the implant? Any success stories out there?


Posted : 02/05/2013 11:10 am

how is this working for you? i was thinking about getting this inserted.


Posted : 02/11/2013 2:04 pm

Nexplanon is bad news for acne, for most women.


Posted : 02/11/2013 3:56 pm

good to know green gables. i am trying to figure out the birth control thing with going on accutane. i might just get the copper iud.


Posted : 02/11/2013 5:58 pm

good to know green gables. i am trying to figure out the birth control thing with going on accutane. i might just get the copper iud.

I use that myself, I would recommend it. Any implant takes some getting used to though (bad bleeding and cramps first 3 months), but now I don't even notice it's there


Posted : 02/12/2013 10:44 am

thanks for the info and the bad bleeding and cramping are the exact reason i have been so hesitant to get the iud. i am finally to the place where my periods are a lot lighter and i dont get cramps anymore so it will be hard to get used to that.


Posted : 10/10/2014 1:09 pm



I have seen a lot about nexeplan implant making acne worse.


I have had cystic acne ( hormone related ) for years now-I had the implant about 2yrs ago and it had the opposite effect on me so don't totally disregard it,my acne got much better and although I did get the odd spot it wasn't really more than the average person.


I also hadn't had a period until about 2 months ago, and then my skin went crazy and has been since.


I'm wondering if it could be my implant is wearing out?

brit93, brit93 and brit93 reacted

Posted : 11/13/2014 4:30 pm

I just want to add to this, I had nothing but perfect skin up until I got the nexoplanon implant in my arm 6 months ago. Since then I've had extreme problems of back acne , and chest acne. Also, period for 6 months. Nexoplanon is bad news !!! Cannot wait to get it out !


Posted : 12/25/2014 1:15 pm

I used Implanon, now called Nexplanon for a year. It completely cleared up my skin. I had had hormonal cystic acne for about 6 years before then. The Implanon completely cleared me up. I never broke out. I could fall asleep in my makeup. It was amazing BUT I took it out because I spotted the entire time I was on it.


Posted : 12/25/2014 1:17 pm

Oh and I didnt any other bad symptoms/side effects no weight gain, no moodiness in fact it obliterated my life long depression and anxiety. Mentally and emotionally I was balanced and at my very best Id ever been in all my life. Now I am trying Nora- BE. I hope it helps my acne.


Posted : 09/20/2016 11:43 am

Ok I literally had to make an account just to reply to this post. I know it's a few years old but my answer should still be relevant. First off, I've NEVER dealt with cystic acne before. Aside from the occasional breakout here and there, my skin's been pretty good all my life. I didn't even break out during aunt flo's monthly visit which is apparently pretty common.When i got my Nexoplan implat inserted i thought i'd found my holy grail BC. No period, no remembering to take a pill every day and no worries for up to 3 years? Hell Yeah! Oh boy was i wrong. Almost 3 months to the day from insertion i started breaking out all over my forehead and chin. Like i said i don't have much experience with cystic acne so i figured my normal plan of attack would do the trick. I'd generally use an acne face mask and treat my skin with an Oxy Cleaning Pad before bed and that would do the trick. I expected to have clear skin in a couple of days. NOPE! After about a week of consistent cleaning and face masks not only did my acne remain but it seemed to have worsened. I'd made it mad. The bumps on my forehead multiplied almost overnight (i literally couldn't count them there were so many of them) and the whiteheads on my chin became larger and flaky. For the first time in my life i understood the struggle and the stress brought on by cystic acne. I definitely took for granted the skin i'd been born with. After some research i came to the conclusion that my acne was caused by the implant. Apparently 13% of women experience acne as a side effect. It doesn't even sound like much but i guess i'm one of those unlucky 13% (or the statistic is painfully wrong).

Being that this is an acne forum i wanted to explain that aspect more in depth than the other side effect i experience. MOOD SWINGS! OMG THOSE MOOD SWINGS ARE NO JOKE!I'd go from totally normal to raging maniac in a matter of seconds. Now don't get me wrong I can definitely have my bitchy side, but when it turned to almost physically assaulting my bf (which is sooo not like me) that's when i realized something was up. These mood swings are not to be taken lightly. All in all, from the lack of sex drive to the cystic acne i think i would've stayed with the nexoplan a bit longer if it wasn't for the mood swings. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. My bf put up with a lot from me these last 4 months and i feel like we both need a break from this horrible implant. I have an appointment to have it removed and i cant wait! I want my clear skin, my less bitchy attitude and my insatiable sex drive back. I know he does too.

I know my reply was pretty long and if you stuck around till the end i hope this helped. I'm not saying that you'll experience the same side effects. We're all different. But coming from someone who doesn't ever suffer from any of the side effects advertised in any of the medications I've ever taken (including several different types of BC) I'd say it's worth mentioning.

Jvelez97, Kaneeta, Jvelez97 and 3 people reacted

Posted : 09/22/2016 9:01 am

Marisol - have you had it removed? I have been struggling with bad acne also. I honestly thought it was my hormones trying to sort themselves out from being on the pill for so long.


Posted : 02/16/2017 2:23 am

Never in my life have I had acne problems. Not as a super hormonal teen & not now that I'm in my twenties. & to be honest, I have clear skin without trying & im the world's worst about falling asleep in full make up. But here I am, just 1 week after getting my implant & my face is horrible. My entire jawline is wrecked & it spreads up my checks. It's also kind of itchy & during the night I seemed to really irritate it. So now I basically look like one of those girls on a poster that says "don't do drugs" I'm am lost on my to do bc everything I try to wash with burns it.


Posted : 02/21/2017 2:19 am

I have been on Nexaplanon for about 6 months now , and I have always suffered with acne . Since getting on the implant I feel as though it has gotten worse, especially around my jawline to neck area . I have also been experiencing it on my back and shoulders more than I have before . I've tried multiple things and nothing has worked on it . For this reason I'm removing he implant


Posted : 03/13/2017 1:26 am

Just like Marisol, I made an account just to reply to this. I've been searching around the internet to find reviews about the Nexoplnon and here I am. First of all, let me just say this BC f** my face up. I AM NOT KIDDING. Ive always had minor acne, you know like black heads and white heads a couple zits here and here. I started getting hormonal acne when i started Depo on my chin but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle! But I recently went on the Implant on November of 2016. Everything was great no periods. But when Christmas came around the right side of my jawline (and im talking over night) broke out into cycts!! About 10 of them. Its March 2017 and they keep growing and growing. Ive NEVER EVER had acne on my cheeks. I'Ve taken care of my face but honestly my cheeks aren't nothing to play with because of nasty scars. But let me tell you girls.. My cheeks are full of black heads and white cycts. I'm living with a nightmare. I have done everything but this BC is out of hand! My back is the same. Horror. I've been to doctors and they tell me that the BC releases too much horomone into my body.

Imagine going to work and your wearing little makeup... Few hours in and you go to look at your self in the mirror and you've already gained 3 white puss pimples on your face. Thats whats it like! Living with this. I'm scared to take it out because I don't want to get pregnant but I can't do it anymore. I don't want to get on another BC because I'm scared of the same problem . Not to mention... I gained almost 30lbs and it's impossible for me to lose weight. But i care about the acne taking over rather than the weight.

If anybody has suggestions lmk.
Thanks, #disappointed


Posted : 03/19/2017 1:37 pm

I got my implant in October, since then I didn't really have any breakouts until December. It started out on my chin and has spread to my cheeks and now my forehead. I'm getting it removed this week because I have always had clear skin. I was on birth control pills before the implant. Planning to go back on the pills! Has anyone had it removed and breaksouts went away?


Posted : 03/19/2017 1:39 pm

On 9/20/2016 at 11:43 AM, Marisol3887 said:

Ok I literally had to make an account just to reply to this post. I know it's a few years old but my answer should still be relevant. First off, I've NEVER dealt with cystic acne before. Aside from the occasional breakout here and there, my skin's been pretty good all my life. I didn't even break out during aunt flo's monthly visit which is apparently pretty common. When i got my Nexoplan implat inserted i thought i'd found my holy grail BC. No period, no remembering to take a pill every day and no worries for up to 3 years? Hell Yeah! Oh boy was i wrong. Almost 3 months to the day from insertion i started breaking out all over my forehead and chin. Like i said i don't have much experience with cystic acne so i figured my normal plan of attack would do the trick. I'd generally use an acne face mask and treat my skin with an Oxy Cleaning Pad before bed and that would do the trick. I expected to have clear skin in a couple of days. NOPE! After about a week of consistent cleaning and face masks not only did my acne remain but it seemed to have worsened. I'd made it mad. The bumps on my forehead multiplied almost overnight (i literally couldn't count them there were so many of them) and the whiteheads on my chin became larger and flaky. For the first time in my life i understood the struggle and the stress brought on by cystic acne. I definitely took for granted the skin i'd been born with. After some research i came to the conclusion that my acne was caused by the implant. Apparently 13% of women experience acne as a side effect. It doesn't even sound like much but i guess i'm one of those unlucky 13% (or the statistic is painfully wrong). 

Being that this is an acne forum i wanted to explain that aspect more in depth than the other side effect i experience. MOOD SWINGS! OMG THOSE MOOD SWINGS ARE NO JOKE! I'd go from totally normal to raging maniac in a matter of seconds. Now don't get me wrong I can definitely have my bitchy side, but when it turned to almost physically assaulting my bf (which is sooo  not like me) that's when i realized something was up. These mood swings are not to be taken lightly. All in all, from the lack of sex drive to the cystic acne i think i would've stayed with the nexoplan a bit longer if it wasn't for the mood swings. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. My bf put up with a lot from me these last 4 months and i feel like we both need a break from this horrible implant. I have an appointment to have it removed and i cant wait! I want my clear skin, my less bitchy attitude and my insatiable sex drive back. I know he does too. 

I know my reply was pretty long and if you stuck around till the end i hope this helped. I'm not saying that you'll experience the same side effects. We're all different. But coming from someone who doesn't ever suffer from any of the side effects advertised in any of the medications I've ever taken (including several different types of BC) I'd say it's worth mentioning. 

Did your skin clear up? :)


Posted : 05/04/2017 10:24 am

Hi people,

I had the implant for a little under 2 years. In the past year I have gotten deep embedded acne on my cheeks which I never had an issue with before. I got my implant removed about two weeks ago because of my acne. I am still waiting for it to go away, but I know it will take some time. I will update my results as soon as I see a difference. I have started taking the pill because I need some kind of birth control. I don't really want to take it because then I won't know if my acne is getting better because of the pill or from my body. But I guess I will wait and see what happens for my face!


Posted : 05/11/2017 2:06 am

Y'all are being crazy!Everybodyexperiences different things on every type of medication! I have had nexplanon twice! The first time I took it out after four months because my hormones were completely messed up from being pregnant to not then going on the implant. I thought it'd help, and taking it out for almost two years balanced out my hormones again. I decided to put it back in last August, and it's not terrible, but it definitely has its side effects. I broke out occasionally, usually around my PMS time, and now since I don't have a period, it's a little more complicated. At first I broke out on my chin and jaw, about two months in time disappeared. That acne was itchy, but it was more so like skin bumps rather than acne. Now I just get acne as if I had a cycle again, minus the cycle. You must give it a chance before you completely snap and give up on it! A few breakouts is better than having a child if you're extremely sexually active and can't afford to have one in this moment of your life. However, if the nexplanon does more than minor things like acne or cramps here and there, as in crazy mood swings or depression, switch to something you're familiar with and comfortable with and stay on top of it.


Posted : 05/19/2017 3:18 pm

Hi, made an account just to reply to this feed. I have had the nexplanon implant in for just over4 years in total now. First time around I had no problems on it, my skin was fine other than the odd breakout (which was normal for me anyway). I had it taken out and replaced last march and my skin started to break out a few weeks later but the nurse had pre warned me of this and said it would settle down, so I had some cream prescribed and that worked for around 6months but for some reason it stopped having any effect on my skin and since then I have been suffering really badly with cystic acne all over my jawline and have loads of tiny spots covering my forehead. I have tried everything but nothing works! I am having my implant out next week as I only realised today after a friend suggested it to me that the implant is probably the cause of this (sounds stupid but it never really crossed my mind because my skin was fine on it for so long so I kept putting it down to stress) and I'm going to have a break from hormonal contraception for a while.
Anyway obviously everybody reacts differently on different medications but this is definitely something to be aware of and I wish I'd of realised sooner!


Posted : 05/22/2017 1:55 am

Hey guys. Got the implant Sep 2015. Had normal periods and clear skin for most of my life. It wasn't until a month or two after getting the implant that I started breaking out around my mouth and jaw line! I haven't had a period in 2 years which is awesome! But my face hasn't gotten better and I've been putting up with this for so long! I only reason I keep it is for the BC aspect and no period. Really the only thing its good at for me:/ This is the first BC I've ever been on so I thought maybe my body needed time adjusting but its been 2 years! Hard to be confident at work & in public when I'm constantly breaking out! Face washes and My boyfriend and I both agree it's the BC. Any reccomendations on BC that helps acne? I'm at a complete loss. HELP


Posted : 08/17/2017 10:20 pm

On 4/10/2012 at 8:45 AM, maryamy said:

Does anyone have experience with the birth control implant, and whether it causes acne flares?


I have had acne since puberty. Tried the usual treatments of tetracyclines, benzol peroxide, bcp, as well as any fancy treatment system I could get my hands on.


Eventually went on Accutane, which was a godsend. My skin has aged a lot since accutance, and I now have big pores and some scars. But it was worth it: the accutane brought my acne down 95% and was definitely worth it. Since then, I have been on twice daily finacea, which dampens the number of small whiteheads and blackheads I still get. Since I still get flares at irregular points, my doctor has put me on Trimethoprim 200mg/day for 2 months to see if we can tip the balance.


Because of frequent travelling and headaches, I decided to try the birth control implant. I read many user reviews, looked at clinical trial data, and talked to my doctor and gynecologist. My doctors agreed that there was a small chance that my acne might reoccur. I'm still in the "settling in" phase for the implant, and have been told it will take at least a few months for my body to get use to it.

2 weeks in, and no big breakouts yet.


I would really like for this to work, since not having to take a pill every day is awesome. Plus, unlike IUDs, this can't be knocked out of place and doesn't feel uncomfortable.


Does anyone have experience with acne recovery and the implant? Any success stories out there?

Not sure how youre making out at this point but i started with the implant in february and by april i started having severe acne. It is now August and my acne is out of control, I am now on doxycycline oral antibiotics and two prescription topical creams for morning and night and so far have not progressed at all. Will most likely be getting mine removed by the end of the month. I used to have pretty severe acne in high school, I am now 20, and honestly my skin is worse than it was before.


Posted : 09/07/2017 9:52 am


I came across this thread while researching acne improvement after nexplanon removal . I too like other just made an account to respond to this. I had my daughter in October of 2016 and had the implant placed around December of 2016. At first I had bleeding for about two weeks but then that stopped, about 3 weeks later I got spotting on and off always random but nothing too serious it was bearable. After a while my periods stopped I think that is the only thing I liked about this bc and of course the fact that it kept me from getting pregnant. After the implant I was very depressed but I figured it was post partum and I cant really blame the nexplanon because it very well could have been post partum.

Around July 2017 I started getting headaches almost everyday , I was just taking Tylenol and it would go away. It did not cross my mind it was the implant. Then I also started getting acne around my chin and cheeks. It started small so I was just putting aloe on my face and it seemed to help for a few days, but then the acne got bigger and painful and I had a TON of black heads and white heads. I was on Accutane 6 years ago and I was worried it was coming back. Then one day on my Facebook feed I came across side effects for Nexplanon and a lot of what I was experiencing was listed.

The headaches were theworst for me, and I was always moody . After talking to my Bf about it i decided to get it removed. I got it removed September 5th. when I woke up the morning of September 6th those huge nodules I had were significantly smaller and the blackheads seemed smaller and less as well. Today is only September 7th, so its too soon to tell , but my face still seems to be getting better and I haven't had a headache since I got that thing removed. I'm not saying the implant is going to cause these same side effects on everyone because everyone's body is different but for me I could not stand the headaches anymore, and I think its so strange how quick mu face started to clear. I def still have some blackheads and pimples but they are really getting smaller. I will check back if anyone wants to know how much more my face improves.


Posted : 11/14/2017 8:57 pm

I saw so many other women making an account to tell their experience and I thought it's important that I do too. I have always had oily skin and thought I had an acne problem until I actually developed an acne problem. I would get about two big zits a week before my period and I was used to that. However, I decided to get the Nexplanon this summer because it was more convenient. I REGRET IT! About a 2 weeks after having it inserted I started seeing small pimples on my shoulders and I assumed it was from my conditioner or sweat because it was July. I, then noticed lots of tiny pimples on my forehead but I thought it was from my bangs, I'd never had bangs until then either. I then noticed severe cystic acne all over my jawline and cheeks. I did my research on the best acne routines and I started using cetaphil daily wash, cetaphil foam wash for acne prone and oily skin, witch hazel and oil free moisturizer. I wash my face twice a day, morning and night, after washing I use a cotton ball and apply the witch hazel and once that naturally dries I apply the moisturizer. I cut my nails as short as possible to avoid picking, I cut out dairy, greasy foods, fast foods, soda/pop, and drank lemon water constantly. I keep my hands and hair off my face. I've literally tried everything, the acne is now covering my shoulders and going down my spine, stopping at the middle of my back. My skin is ruined due to this. I've been waiting since September to have it removed and was put on a urgent removal list, having called every doctor in my town I finally scheduled an apt for Nov. 27 13 days!!! I've never been more excited for a doctors apt. I've heard numerous horror stories about this implant and I would never recommend it. I not only suffered from acne, weight gain (15 pounds so far), but it's drastically enhanced my depression. I also have been so insecure due to it ruining my skin. I'm terrified to be on birth control again. I'll be sure to post updates after my removal so you know what changes I undergo.


Posted : 11/24/2017 10:54 pm

Hey I know this is old but I came across this thread because my face is a mess and I've had the nexplanon about a yr now. I just made this account to thank you guys I knew i wasnt crazy! I'm getting this out asap. I was on depo for yrs before I had my son never had a problem im going back
