I have dark redness on the sides and underneath my nostrils as well as around my mouth and all over my chin. I haven't gone to a dermatologist because it has been difficult for me to do so. I've had this issue for about ten years and have assumed I have seborrheic dermatitis and/or perioral dermatitis and rosacea. (I turn very red easily due to weather, stress, etc.) I am very insecure about this and have never let anyone see me without makeup. It doesn't itch too much but I do experience some flakiness. It is mostly just aesthetically awful and it has taken a toll on my self esteem. My skin is extremely oily and at the doctor I have found out that I have a hormonal imbalance. I have an excess of androgens (DHEA sulfate) and I also suffer from blepharitis so I believe this is all correlated. On a side note I have had cystic acne but as of lately I've kept it to a minimum.
What can I do to help resolve the ugly redness? Any natural remedies? I have uploaded a few pics but the lighting actually makes the skin look less red than it really is.
your probably have to do some experimenting of your own to find what will work for you, there is tones of good advice on the acne forum but i have the same. redness / inflammation which ive been able to improve quite a lot.
the main two trains of thought when you have redness on the chin is that the problem is hormonal or either diet related. in my option and experienceits diet related because if i ahear to a strict diet and avoid fizzy drinks, sugar, dairy and spicey foods and drink more water my skin calms down a lot. (ive also stopped drinking milk for over a year now and that alone solved half of my redness problem)
you probably also noticed washing your face does not solve this acne problem, again i think its the opposite, you need to consider a type of "caveman regiment", avoiding using soap/creams and washing your face once a day with water only. - by avoiding soap your find your skin will not over produce oils (a lot of soaps have SLS which is a skin irritant and over washing will result in irratation)
once you start to solve yourredness /inflammation problem, your also notice you will get control of your red flushes, that's myexperience.
but on a side note is that blepharitisof the eyelids? ive read you can cure it by using eye cleaning wipes daily for a few weeks.
hope this helps
Thank you MrBakery. I really appreciate the feedback. I made this thread seeking input since I don't even know exactly what this redness is on my face. I can only assume I have a combination of all the skin conditions I mentioned before. I've tried things like raw honey but I didn't stick to that for too long because it caused my skin to itch like crazy. I might try again. I do have a poor diet and think I should try to eat clean and go back on probiotics. Sugar seems to trigger a lot for me and staying away from dairy sounds like a good idea. Fortunately I don't experience the painful and unsightly cystic acne as often as I used to. I honestly don't even remember the last time I've gotten a really bad cyst on my face.
I've also used selsun blue for my face but it was way too harsh. I agree that if I make some lifestyle changes things will improve. Adhering to a strict diet sounds like a good start though. I don't like the idea of going on prescription medicines and I can't even go to a dermatologist because I need to sort out my insurance. To be honest that's why i've tried so many different things. It was because I wasn't even sure if malasezzia fungus or bacteria or demodex mites was causing my redness. I think it also has to do with the fact that in the past I'd use harsh things like tazorac (my cousin gave hers to me since she said it would help the bad acne I used to have), toothpaste, hydrocortisone, and benzoyl peroxide all over areas of my chin. I definitely made a mistake because my skin hasn't been the same ever since and that was like ten years ago.
As for the blepharitis I have eyelid scrub (Ocusoft brand) which does seem to help.
Anyway, this was pretty long, but again, thanks for taking the time out to reply to me!
Having lived with red skin for more than 5 years myself I know how much trouble it can cause and how embarrassing it can be. It seems like you understand what many of your facial redness triggers are, such as, cold weather, stress, etc. Knowing what can cause facial redness can help you figure out how to handle it. Since you cant go to a dermatologist I think its a shot in the dark to think about a skin condition diagnosis. But I do know that using an anti redness cream helped me a lot. The cream soothes the skin and alleviates any redness, itching, or burning that may accompany it. Have you ever used a cream or anything like that for your facial redness before? New anti redness cream is coming up in market, to get on the VIP list you can sign up here (removed)
I have suffered from this for years, and it wasn't until my husband, who has also suffered from a type of rosacea, started taking vitamins that it cleared up. We both started taking 1000 mg of Vitamin D and for the first time in many years I am one week before my period with NO redness, irritation, or flaking around my nose and chin. We both cleared up fairly quickly, and I would urge you to at least try it.
I realize this post is old, but the young lady looks like she has a bad case of seborrheic dermatitis. Switching to a diet that eliminates sugar, bread, alcohol and preservatives is a start. Eating healthy foods and adding a diluted organic apple cider vinegar drink 1-2 times a day should help. It's a lifetime commitment and it won't be easy. Things will get worse before they get better but they will get better if these guidelines are followed.
On 11/29/2016 at 4:21 PM, marchie1 said:Did you ever find out what was causing the redness on your face? I have the exact some problem and am desperate for a solution. Every doctor seems to prescribe a contraceptive pill which doesn't work at all.
Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I haven't been on here in a while but I finally went to a dermatologist and was just told I have rosacea and was suggested to also go on contraceptive pill . I didn't do this but I was prescribed clindamycin gel and sodium sulfacetamide /sulfur cream as well. I still use them but to be honest nothing has improved. My chin is the worst and has the most redness even though i hardly break out much anymore there. I think it could be worth a try to change up diet and try to stay as stress free as possible. I've been looking into natural skin products for sensitive skin that specifically are soothing for redness but it's a trial and error thing. Good luck! you are not alone
On 12/25/2016 at 2:54 PM, omniboogie said:I have suffered from this for years, and it wasn't until my husband, who has also suffered from a type of rosacea, started taking vitamins that it cleared up. We both started taking 1000 mg of Vitamin D and for the first time in many years I am one week before my period with NO redness, irritation, or flaking around my nose and chin. We both cleared up fairly quickly, and I would urge you to at least try it.
Thanks!! I actually started taking vitamin d because I was told a couple of years ago I had vitamin d deficiency. Do you take it daily? I'm very intrigued by this and very much appreciate your input. I will continue to take it
On 2/16/2017 at 3:39 PM, Cheyenna said:I realize this post is old, but the young lady looks like she has a bad case of seborrheic dermatitis. Switching to a diet that eliminates sugar, bread, alcohol and preservatives is a start. Eating healthy foods and adding a diluted organic apple cider vinegar drink 1-2 times a day should help. It's a lifetime commitment and it won't be easy. Things will get worse before they get better but they will get better if these guidelines are followed.
I have always believed I needed to do this! Thank you so much for being helpful! I think that is definitely what I need to do to repair my skin. It has always been difficult to stick to and I also believe I need to be more active and exercise more. Thanks for the words of encouragement too!
I am a man with the same problem. Been having this permanent redness under my lip for years. Its only where hair doesnt grow. I wanted to check if you tried vitamin d and if it worked. Perioral dermatitis is the closest thing that I have read that might be what I have. The redness though is not bumpy or itchy. Im gonna try vitamin d 1000 and a couple of creams i read about. The creams are Mustela Stelatopia, exederm, zinc cream, and then an expensive one which is dr jart+ cicapair. Will try one at a time.
Hey, I've been researching for 2 days and i think just now i can confirm it is Perioral dermatitis although the photos online may look different. This link helped me a lot [removed]
I have been taking flonase for years for my sinus allergies and one of the main reasons for this rash is using a steroid cream on spray. I'm gonna stop using it and get some suggested treatments for perioral dermatitis that you can find in that link. It might be chronic now since it's been years but i should see at least a small improvement. Please let me know if you use any steroids. That might be the main reason.
I had the same issue with redness on the sides of my mouth and on my chin. I stopped using toothpaste with fluoride & that helped to bring the redness down. I'm not sure if it's the fluoride or the sls but try finding a toothpaste without these ingredients to see if that helps you.