Hey everyone
My face has been redder than ever as of late. Its really been affecting my confidence to leave the house. Its especially depressing whenever I look in a mirror, it just feels like Im a Monster.
My current skincare routine is:
- 2.5 BP in the morning followed by 99% Aloe Vera Gel
- Adapalene today night before I go to bed.
These were all prescribed by my doctor. Are there any other products/things I can do to fade this crazy hyperpigmentation and scarring?
I have used 2.5%bp and adapalene at night, when I used it for the first time, it cleared me up completely in 3 weeks, all the acne and the hyperpigmentation was gone. Anti biotics are a good option but I would suggest you first stick to bp and adapalene for a while and if that does not give good results then you can get the antibiotics.