Hello guys, thanks for clicking on the post. I sincerely need your help.
I've been suffering from these bumps on the nose for about 4 months (see the pics below). They might not look as terrible in the pics but trust me they look really really terrible in real life...so these bumps started appearing in the beginning of this Jan. At the time, I had a small breakout on my nose (about 7-8 small pimples only on the nose), and I thought they'd probably be gone in a few weeks. I didn't think about it (and of course I didn't pop them), but sadly they eventually became these raised flesh-colored bumps on the nose. And my self-esteem is ruined.I now have no confidence to even raise my eyes and look straight at other people.
I tried silicone gel sheets and some over-the-counter creams with salicylic acid or glycolic acid, but they seemed to make the bumps even larger...
I sincerely hope that you guys can offer me some solutions of how to diminish/get rid of them... and perhaps just some ways to prevent them from coming because I'm afraid I'll develop more of these over time...
Thank you...