Got subcision done 2/3months ago,there is swelling as expected it healed but it doesnt 100% healed, it formed lumps but its not that severe i can live without covering it up.
Then last 5 days ago I played basketball and noticed that area is swelling again like hematoma, Im not even sure whether or not it is hematoma.
I heard that the longer hematoma stay the better results I will get but Im not sure because it healed before but now its coming back someone please help!
@Wilson777Please see a dermatologist. See the below. Yes your right, hematoma or infection possibly.
@Wilson777, OF course, it can, it's your Dr's discretion. Please see a professional Dermatologist or Cosmetic / Aesthetics based Dr.
@beautifulambitionhi there, the swelling does resolve with ice compress,however there is still bruising like part,my derm told me to keep it compressed with ice, is she right? I saw that after 2 days i should use warm compress instead so Im confused now lol which one should i use now warm or hot?
@Wilson777IS she saying your issue is a hematoma? I do not understand what ice or cold will do for your wound/scar at this point. Most practitioners would use a pulse dye laser on this and or steroid as needed.
Or is it an infected cyst, ... hard to tell, I know you have inflammation going on.
Did she give you a steroid cream?
Iwant you to get a consultation from another aesthetics Dr for a second opinion.
@beautifulambitionat this point, its just a dark purple ish lump, theswelling has gone down with ice compress, pretty sure its not a cysts, is dark purple ish lump normal after subcision??
@Wilson777Yes it's normal in the forehead. This area is pretty dangerous to treat, lots of arteries, little fat, thin skin, muscles, etc.
Some ideas:
Rest and immobilize the injured part.
Apply a cold compress on early onset of injury.
Apply a warm compress during the recovery phase of the injury (after 24-48 hours).
Do vasodilating activities after early onset of injury.
Elevate the site of injury.
Take pain medication.
Healing a Hematoma through Diet
Eat more protein.
Get enough vitamin B12.
Get sufficient vitamin K.
Get more vitamin C, too.
Drink plenty of water.
Use turmeric.
Steriod injection can help if these don't work
Thanks for the advice!! @beautifulambition