User's Review Comments

Vitamin B5
September 22, 2017
Another update, I still take B5 every day. I don't mind if I need to take this supplement for the rest of my life. Everyone comments on how beautiful my skin is. Everyone asks me what's the secret to my perfect complexion. Every time I tell them it's my B5 and B3 regime. It's funny to think people are asking me for skin advice when my skin was god awful years ago. At the time I made this review I think I was taking 10 grams a day, which I still do. I am taking less B3 though, I usually take 2 grams a day. If you're looking for a good acne treatment I recommend trying B5 for a month. You'll be convinced after a week, trust me.
December 4, 2012
I had very severe acne, I then stumbled upon an article years ago and decided to try it out. It worked wonders. I no longer wake up running to the mirror to see how much worse it has gotten like I use to do. I wake up pretty (as some of my friends say). I highly recommend this for OILY acne sufferers. To help explain my cons comment, the capsule doesn't release slowly into your system like a caplet would. I highly recommend a caplet form because they are digested slower than the gelatin capsule. Also you don't want to over drink your vitamin when you take it. This is going to flush the B5 out of your system because its water soluble. You should drink water through out the day. If you are taking certain medications like antibiotics I noticed that these interact with the B5 poorly. I am not sure why but when I took Doxycycline for a few months (for malaria prevention) it made my skin worse. I am not a doctor, however I know it has some weird interactions for some reason. Just consider this when taking prescriptions.
Vitamin B3 : Niacin (Vitamin B3)
September 22, 2017
Just wanted to add an update. I'm still currently using B3 in my regime and I could never be happier with my skin. I can't remember what my face looked like when I had acne, which was over 5 - 6 years ago. B3 and B5 seriously saved my life. I still recommend this supplement.
October 7, 2014
I am currently taking 500mg 4 times a day in conjunction with B5. I have have taken this product for approximately 3.5 years and I have noticed a large improvement to my skin. Not only did this clear my skin but it is also said to improve natural HGH production. In addition to other health benefits that I've listed in the pros section. I'm not a doctor but I do know this works to clear acne (especially cystic acne) from experience. Toxicity levels have been cited to be above the 3 gram level and I have not experienced any adverse side effects when taking this product above those levels at 4 grams a day. If taken daily the side effect (flushing) becomes less apparent as time goes on. This product can still be extremely efficient when taken only once a day, however the flushing effect is more noticeable. I recommend if taken only once a day to take it at night to avoid any lingering stares or curious onlookers. I highly recommend taking a regular Niacin product and avoiding the "non flush" products. The non flush seems much less effective. The flush is evidence of the vitamin removing toxins from your body. This is why over time you experience a less intense flush when taken regularly. Pros: Cheap if taken at the minimum dosage all while still maintaining effectiveness. Greatly improves skin clarity and vibrance. Reduces bad cholesterol. Improves blood lipid profile. Said to increase HGH production. Also said to increase sex drive. Cons: Flushing will occur if taken haphazardly or at smaller doses.