Forum Replies Created

Irritated eyes

Could be the BP...make sure you're not using too close to your eyes

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
Non-Comedogenic Hair Products

That's awesome, thanks for this post!! I feel like it's enough work to research makeup, etc ,let alone shampoo, so thanks for doing the extra work!

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

6 years ago
Best moisturizer for barrier repair?

Soothe by Rodan and Fields, hands down. It helps to replenish your skin's natural moisturizing factors as it soothes(hence the name, lol), conditions and nourishes dry skin. It's non comodogenic too!

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

6 years ago
Butylene Glycol

I've used products with butylene glycol in them and didn't experience any break outs I would say give it a shot - if you do experience new break outs, then you'll know what it's from and can cut it o...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

6 years ago
Does benzoyl peroxide bleach or degrade plastic glasses?

I haven't personally experienced this, but I don't see why not - the stuff is powerful! It bleaches pillowcases and towels; I don't see why it couldn't do the same to something that sits on your face ...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

6 years ago
Why did my acne return?

That's because when you lose that much weight, your hormone production stops. You mentioned your period stopped - that's due to low/no hormone production, due to your body not getting enough calories...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Adult Cystic Acne That Nothing Touches (what am I missing here???)

Ahh I feel like I wrote this. First off, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Acne SUCKS, especially when you work your butt off trying to treat it, and it seems like nothing works. That b...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Worried about getting Pseudo tumor Cerebri

It'd'd honestly be best to check with your doctor if you're experiencing that many side effects. Could be anxiety, could be your new meds, could be the Accutane - it's hard to know for sure! None of u...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Feeling like a freak

What is the prescription, if you don't mind me asking? That's so frustrating that the doctor wouldn't re-prescribe it unless you saw them! Especially if it was working. I hope you get it prescribed ag...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Haven't had acne in 4 years -- here's my story, and your potential cure.

Glad the minimalist trick worked for you! I tried that but it didn't help any. Luckily after 13 years of cystic acne, I finally am clear!

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
What Should I Do?? Please Help

Are you referring to the tiny bumps?

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Oily skin, More acne, bad moisturizer

The purging is definitely normal. It sucks, but it's normal! Give it some more time before giving up. You could cut back on the amount of BP to see if that helps with the dryness. For drugstore b...

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
I am Allergic to benzoyl peroxide with bad neck burns!

So sorry you experienced this! Good luck finding something that works for your acne! <3 Happy holidays.

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
My face is extremely itchy!! Help

I would stop the BP for a few days, and let your skin heal/get back to normal. Once the itchiness has subsided, then slowly introduce it....I would use the amount of BP that works for you. I used th...

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
After 1 month

Have you noticed ANY improvement? If so, stick with it (unfortunately it can take 3-6 months to see drastic results) If not (and if your skin has gotten worse), I would suggest looking for something ...

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
Finished month 1

Continue using the regimen has you have can possibly cut back on the amount of BP though, as I found they recommended way too much. Glad you saw results! That's awesome!

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
Can I do regimen only at night?

If it suggests twice a day, I would use twice a day (even if it is a pain in the butt). You'll get the best results that way.

In forum The Regimen

6 years ago
Solving Adult Acne

I totally agree, it's so unfair! To see people who didn't even wash their face or give it a second thought; and there I was changing my pillow case every night; changing towels to dry my face every ti...

In forum Adult acne

6 years ago
Bad break out caused by hyaluronic acid???

I wouldn't think it's the hylarounic acid, but it definitely could be caused by the inflammation from the derma-roller. Try cutting back (not sure how often you currently use it, but maybe try every c...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

6 years ago
Thayers Witch Hazel and Benzoyl Peroxide?

Definitely! Witch hazel is in the toner I use (which is a dermatologist recommended regimen) and I have no issues.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

6 years ago
I need an inexpensive oil free moisturizer!!

I like Cerave PM moisturizer. It's like $12 where I live.

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Dehydrated & Acne Prone Skin

If you find just general dryness and not flakiness, I would get a non-comodegenic moisturizer and use it 2-3 times a day! Should notice a difference.

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
How I Cleared My Skin

That's awesome! So happy you finally figured out what works for your skin! Thanks for sharing

In forum Other acne treatments

6 years ago
Its The Water! Wish I Knew 25 Years Ago!

That's amazing!! Good for you for sticking it out and getting to the bottom of it. I'm so happy your acne is clearing up and your face feels better! Thanks for sharing; very interesting.

In forum Other acne treatments

6 years ago
Help! I have this from time to time and dont know what this is

Ouch! That looks like contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. I had the same issue with the skin around my eyes- it turned out to be dermatitis, I had an allergic reaction to an eye cream I was usin...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago