Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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December 23, 2011


I have loss 10lbs
My skin is clearing up from acne
I feel better
I can finally touch myself(not in the wrong way, but If I left my hands on my legs or arms I would end up getting a rash there the next day) without getting a rash
My face redness is going away
and again I just feel actively better!


Tast bad but you get over it

my mom and I been drinking 2 table spoons of Apple cider Vinegar in a bottle of water. One in the morning and one at night, drinking with a straw, for it's bad for your teeth.Though it doesn't go to the gym for you. I would suggest the organic ACV and drink a bottle of water after you drink the one with ACV. Three days can break a habit but it takes a month to start one. You'll see results quickly!! But don't let it take over for exercising and eating healthy.
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November 10, 2009


CHEAP! acne is gone! face is smooth. never dried out. never red. works wonders!


smell and taste, but its worth it!

DO IT! I take a shot every morning and use it as a toner. In 2 weeks, my face is so clear! ive never been so happy with my face!
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June 12, 2014
I've suffered from moderate acne on my face and back and chest for 7 years, and only now has my skin for the first time been blemish free. I've been drinking a little under a shotglass worth of ACV every day for the past 3 months or so, and I can't say enough good things about it. It totally cleared up my skin. In conjunction I also use ACV topically by wiping it undiluted on my face. A couple of warnings: - The taste takes a while to become accustomed to but is definitely worth it - Your skin will take a while to adapt to undiluted ACV applied topically, so always mix it with water first for a while - Do not drink ACV undiluted under any circumstances, it can severely damage your oesophagus - Make sure the ACV you use is unpasteurised, organic and contains "The Mother". I use Bragg's. Don't be surprised if you try just any old ACV in your kitchen and don't see results. Just as a side note, I've also had brittle, peeling fingernails and low energy levels for years and now my nails are unbreakable and beautiful and I feel much more energised and healthy. This is the only thing I would go so far as to call an acne cure, apart from things like roaccutane which I have not tried myself but I know come with handfuls of adverse side effects. If you're getting desperate for an acne cure, please try ACV before you try any acne medications. It'll spare you a lot of doctors appointments, time, money and side effects. The stuff is actually good for you. Give it a whirl!
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October 30, 2011


Cheap, easy to use, fast results


Can harm enamel of teeth

I use apple cider vinegar as a tonic twice a day. I keep a spray bottle in my bathroom, and have an ACV and water solution of about 1:6 in there. I spray a generous amount on a cotton pad every morning and night, and wipe on my face after exfoliating with baking soda. I also drink a tbsp of ACV in a large glass of water 2x a day. Other steps in my regimen: no commercial beauty products whatsoever. I wash my face with baking soda, tone with ACV, and moisturize with pure coconut oil. Important to note: I also cut out nearly all dairy products about 4 months ago. (I'm of Asian descent and definitely lactose intolerant.) Results: No new major zits in over a month, for the first time in 2-3 years. When small zits happen, they dry up quickly and don't leave as much hyperpigmentation and scarring behind as I'm used to from before. My skin has more of a glow, and interestingly, my stomach feels better, too. I'm on my way to being clear, knock on wood, and will probably save over $150 dollars this year on commercial beauty products in the meantime. Conclusion: since I'm doing a combination of new things, it's hard to know exactly what effect the ACV is having. But I intend to keep up with it, and really enjoy using it!
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June 11, 2009


Cheap, readily available in many countries, worth a try


May not work for all people, is very bad for tooth enamel (do not brush your teeth within an hour after drinking it--that just strips the enamel from your teeth!!), can burn the mouth and esophagus if not diluted enough

Firstly, so many reviews here say that people are brushing their teeth immediately after drinking vinegar -- that is the WORST thing you can do. The vinegar softens and erodes your tooth enamel, and right after that is the worst time to scrub your teeth with a brush. This is according to my dentist, who can see brush marks in my tooth enamel from when I would have orange juice for breakfast and then brush my teeth right afterwards (thinking I was doing a good thing for my teeth). Secondly, don't drink the vinegar straight - put it in a good quantity of water first (like 8 ounces). Too strong a solution can cause mouth and esophagus burns. Thirdly, apparently vinegar works on people who have some digestion issues or acidity issues internally--which, it is said (I don't know if it's true), can cause secondary acne if your body chemistry is screwed up. The people who do not have those issues and who have acne for other reasons might not find any relief when using vinegar.
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June 5, 2011


clears acne
lessens oilyness
health benefits of acv
good source of potassium


not good for teeth's enamel

i drink 1-2 tablespoons of bragg's acv in days that i feel my face is full of acne, or when some few acne is about to appear, in days when my skin is dull. it just lessens the oiliness of my face and after 2-3 days acne is gone. i so love it!
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March 19, 2015
Liquid Gold
This stuff has changed my liiiiiifee, no joke. I'll spare you the 20 min intro where I talk about how long I've had acne, that I've tried everything under the sun, blah blah blah. All that's really important is that there comes a time where you are SICK of dealing with acne and are determined to find something that works. Low and behold, ACV! If you think your acne may be hormonal or diet related I highly suggest you try this. I started drinking Bragg's ACV (diluted, of course - 1 tbs to a glass of water, 2x a day) a little over a month ago. The first couple weeks, I purged like crazy - it sucked. BUT - if you think about it, it makes perfect sense - ACV detoxifies your blood and organs so all the built up toxins inside your body have to come out somehow - i.e the skin, or waste (which I experienced as well, not fun). After the initial purging phase my skin began to clear, and I got that "glow" that everyone talks about. Don't get me wrong, I still breakout. But they are MUCH less frequent and smaller than what I was used to. The best part is, you know those tiny under the skin bumps which you try to pop and they would then turn into huge zits? I had a ton of those, especially along my jawline and cheeks - they are DISAPPEARING! Slowly, but surely - which gives me hope that in a couple more weeks my skin will be completely clear with no "hiding" acne :) I also started using this as a topical toner, but that will be another review! Definitely recommend trying this AND sticking it out for at least a few weeks before you decide if it's for you. One last note - I was initially drinking 2 tbs, 2x a day and I was getting pretty bad stomach pains. I cut down to 1 tbs/2x a day and all symptoms diminished :) play around a bit with the ratios and good luck!
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January 28, 2016
Clears my skin
Drinking apple cider vinegar (Braggs or any kind with the "mother") always clears up my skin. I put 2 tbsp in a large cup, then add 1/4 of a tsp of baking soda. After it stops fizzing, I add 2 cups of water and drink it. The baking soda neutralizes the acid in the vinegar. Try it!
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January 12, 2012


Tastes great (dilluted in water that is)
Clears skin tremendously
Keeps hormonal acne at bay for the most part
Detoxing of skin and body- Feels great after you drink it!!!


-Stomach aches if consumed on an empty stomach

Best thing i have used to clear my acne in a long long time! I am however using in combination with Retin A topically. Cut dairy out of diet which helps tremendously along with cutting caffeine down to reduce hormonal break outs and over oiliness of my skin. I have nothing but great things to say about the ACV that Braggs makes. I only buy it organic and will not buy any other brand.. Just make sure not to take it straight for it is back for your stomach and your teeth enamel due to how acidic the drink is. So be careful!
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August 30, 2011


Clears pimples
Stops breakouts
reduces scarring


tastes awful

I started this a few weeks ago and have not broken out since. Results are very quick (1-3 days). Makes skin less oily, however, I use this combined with topical lemon juice nightly. I drink 1-2 tablespoons per day diluted in a big glass of water with apple juice mixed in. Drink through a straw so it doesn't hurt your teeth. Highly Recommended
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