Coconut Oil

234 Reviews

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July 31, 2009


I have now been using coconut oil for three years. I am 34 years old and have always struggled with acne. Since I have used coconut oil as my only moisturizer at night, my skin is flawless. I can't even remember the last time I had a pimple.


absolutley no cons!

I wish I could go back in time and discover how wonderful coconut oil is for my skin. I would have had avoided many many years of acne. My skin has never looked better. I buy a $9.00 jar of organic virgin coconut oil at Whole Foods twice a year. I used to spend hundreds of dollars a year on expensive moisturizers and skin care products and they never improved my skin. Coconut oil is now my miracle oil. Last year my 14 year old daughter began having acne, she even tried Pro-Active and it only dried her skin out and made it worse, I finally was able to talk her into using the coconut oil at night and in only 3 weeks her face is acne free! I recommend this oil to all of my friends and family! It's amazing. It's also great to cook with, incredibly healthy and delicious.
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October 9, 2013
I think this stuff ruined my skin


it does calm redness
good for body


clogged pores
dry patches

AHHHHHHHHHHH I had read all about how awesome coconut oil was for acne & anti aging. So a year ago I bought a jar of virgin unrefined cold pressed organic coconut oil and started washing with it & slathering it on my face. I broke out but figured it could not be the coconut oil its too awesome right? So I kept using it thinking my acne was caused by something else............welll...nope..pretty sure this has ruined my skin It caused larger pores, black heads, acne on places I never broke out before (my cheeks) ,dry patches, skin coloured & red coloured rash looking stuff as well I will say it works fine on my body ANYWAY I have only stopped using it completely for two days & I think my skin is starting to look slightly better......IF YOU USE THIS AND BREAK OUT ALL WEIRD STOP IT NOW STOP IT GO BACK PUT THE OIL DOWN IT IS NOT FILLED WITH THE KISSES OF ANGELS NO MATTER HOW GREAT EVERYONE SAYS IT IS
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December 1, 2015
TRY IT. I've had cystic acne on and off since 4th grade, I'm currently a senior in high school. I put on coconut oil before going to sleep and it has improved my skin more than retin a and benzaclin. My advice is to at least try it. Something else that worked for me (I just want to put it here because the only way I found out about it was specifically looking it up), if you also get a cyst every month or so like I do, try drinking less or no milk (if you drink it). I used to drink tons of milk until a couple of months ago when I simply stopped drinking it as much. Every once in awhile I would have a glass of milk and the next day I would end up with a huge cyst on my face. After awhile I started noticing a pattern and decided to stop drinking milk altogether- it just isn't worth it. What I found strange is that no doctor ever brought this up that drinking milk could be the cause of my problems. I would advise to stop drinking milk in combo with coconut oil, it certainly can't hurt and it could end up being VERY worth it. I just wish someone had told me sooner. ***TLDR; TRY COCONUT OIL, DRINKING WATER, AND DRINKING LESS MILK. IT CAN'T HURT!!***
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August 15, 2015
The type of oil you use on your face depends on skin type!

I really wanted to find a moisturizer that was chemical free; however, most natural moisturizers are extremely expensive and not that effective for me. I also had acne on my nose, so I was searching for natural ways to cure it. I came across coconut oil one day as a treatment for acne. I used it on my face for about a week until I realized that it was causing more pimples to pop up. I was really disheartened because I didn't want to go back to my chemical moisturizer. I did some more research on facial oils and I found this article: (It won't let me post a link, so just google [Removed] Oils Specifically for Acne Prone Skin. The article should come up). Apparently, the reason why certain oils work for some people but not others is because we all have different skin types, so we need to choose our oils accordingly. I would recommend experimenting with coconut oil for about a week. It is a more balanced oil according to the article, so if it doesn't suit you then you have too many more pimples than before. Then I would try an oil that is a little higher in linoleic acid, like sesame oil (coconut oil is a little higher in oleic acid). If coconut oil didn't work for you, sesame oil should. If you don't see a difference in your skin, then I would go for an oil that isn't as balanced. If you read the article, this should all make sense. Don't worry! You will find your perfect facial oil soon!

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August 26, 2015
Interesting article thanks for sharing. I was wondering if sesame oil or any oil with higher linoleic acid is working for you?
August 27, 2015
I have been using sesame oil for about 2 weeks and it has been working well for me!
August 27, 2015
the brand CeraVe has good moisturizers for different skin types without being expensive. Plus they have facial sunscreens, washes and such that are very gentle yet effective. My dermatologist recommended it and it works on my acne prone skin (:
September 2, 2015
Coconut oil treatment for acne. Its widely known you have to give this treatment time. It gets worse while the impurities are leaving your skin and then gets better.
September 2, 2015
Coconut oil treatment for acne. Its widely known you have to give this treatment time. It gets worse while the impurities are leaving your skin and then gets better.
September 5, 2015

I tried coconut oil and it gave me more pimples. Then, I tried sesame oil and my skin was the clearest it has ever been in just one week. The article was so amazing! Thanks for sharing!

November 2, 2011


Busted a cystic that had been around for a month.


Scary to put oil on zits!

I started ingesting 2 Tbsp of coconut oil in a morning smoothie 2 months ago. My long time troubled cystic skin improved. But I had one cystic that would never go. Only ebb and flow. So irritated, a friend said put coconut oil straight on it. I did, before bed. The next morning I got in the shower. Used the usual cetaphil. Got out, looked in the mirror and it had erupted! It was gushing gross infected looking gunk. I hadn't touched it! I put more oil on it and it felt flat. The next day a big scab layer came off revealing a tiny spot, almost healed! I'm sticking with it!
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October 30, 2011


Cheap, easy to use, smells good, can also use for lots of other uses like cooking and body/hair moisturizer


A little expensive, hard to know which brand to choose

I use pure, unrefined coconut oil as a moisturizer 2x a day. Other steps in my regimen: no commercial beauty products whatsoever. I wash my face with baking soda, tone with ACV, drink 1tbsp of ACV a day, and moisturize with the pure coconut oil. Important to note: I also cut out nearly all dairy products about 4 months ago. (I'm of Asian descent and definitely lactose intolerant.) Results: No new major zits in over a month, for the first time in 2-3 years. When small zits happen, they dry up quickly and don't leave as much hyperpigmentation and scarring behind as I'm used to from before. My skin has more of a glow, and interestingly, my stomach feels better, too. I'm on my way to being clear, knock on wood, and will probably save over $150 dollars this year on commercial beauty products in the meantime. Conclusion: since I'm doing a combination of new things, it's hard to know exactly what effect the coconut oil is having. But I intend to keep up with it, and really enjoy using it!
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January 6, 2011


Soften skin
Give a glow
Reduces redness
Helps pimples heal faster
Prevents wrinkles


Could cause breakouts for some

I've been using coconut oil for a few months now. I apply it at night after washing my face and misting it with Avene thermal water. I apply only a small amount. Let it soak in and then apply Benzoyl Peroxide on top. Perhaps it's because I use it with Benzoyl it hasn't caused me to break out. My skin is pretty much clear since using it, a white head here or there but nothing that stresses me out and they go away so much faster. It's so much better than using products with chemicals that are bad for your body and lots cheaper. Make sure it's the virgin kind. I also use it on my whole body now and then and have used it to clear a yeast infection.
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August 25, 2009


great price and great results!



i've been using extra virgin coconut oil on my skin for almost 6 years now and i had no idea that it helps with acne problems; i just thought my skin finally cleared up on its own! growing up i had really bad cystic acne and suffered from dark marks from the acne as well. since i've been using coconut oil morning and night on my face for the past years, my skin has improved wonderfully! i used it on my body and scalp for a while but only started using on my face because one day i ran out of facial moisturizer so i thought it might work as well. it worked as the best moisturizer i've ever had so i stuck with it. who knew that all these years i was helping my face out in other ways as well? very cool.
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October 26, 2015
Clogs pores, good for hair though
This clogs my pores and breaks me out like crazy! All these dumbasses commenting "cleared my acne in a week" are lying. Acne cannot be cured with anything topical. It must be internal. However, i do recommend this for hair growth. It has helped alot with growing my hair!!
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October 13, 2012




It ruined my skin :(

I read all the fantastic reviews and was stoked (I ignored the few reviews that warned against using it). I attributed the initial breakout to the "purging," only the purging didn't stop. I even emailed the author of "coconut cures" when I started to get concerned. His wife responded saying to keep with it... and so I did (I was still hopeful). Finally, a month later (I used it three-ish months) I accepted the reality that this highly comogenic stuff was not purifying my skin... oh no. It was clogging it in the worst possible way. Fast forward two months and I am still dealing with this nightmere. I have officially gone from "mild" to severe. All in all, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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