Glycerin & Water

3 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 29, 2011


Cheap, moisturising, no potential comodogenic ingredients


Can feel a tad tacky

I just mix about 5 parts water to 1 part glycerin and pat on to face after washing, day and night.
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January 2, 2013


My face looks plump and hydrated. It absorbs quickly into my skin, unlike my usual moisturizer. I bought pure kosher vegetable glycerin (1 quart for $11). This will last me forever because I mix it in a 1:10 ratio whenever I use it.


If you don't dilute the glycerin with enough water, your face will get sticky. Using pure glycerin on your face is NOT recommended because it can dry out your skin.

I use a 1:10 (glycerin: water) mixture for my face and hair. I mix it up in a spray bottle so application is super easy. I've been acne-free for over a year since I've gotten on Dan's regimen and I only switched out my Cetaphil moisturizing lotion to try glycerin and water in the past week. It works just as well as Cetaphil with an added bonus: my face is much less oily when I wake up in the morning. You'll have to play around with the concentration because it depends how dry your skin/air is.
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June 14, 2015
Really hydrates!
It took me a while to get used to this. At first I wasn't diluting and my skin was horribly sticky and dry. Now I mix it with lots of water and spray it on and it's amazing! Not sticky and it really hydrates my skin and makes it look a bit plumper (my scars are less dented). AFter all kinds of lotions and oils, this has been the cheapest and most effective AND it's all-natural. Big thumbs up!
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