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April 8, 2008
initially stings when applied
Try it out!!
April 5, 2008
skin is smoother and clearer
burns a little, but it is not bad
I have started using the lemon juice and I have noticed that my skin is definitely smoother afterwards. I have been using it for 2 days now. I am really excited and hope it will fade all my brown spots as good as the reviews say it will. I am 30 and I am tired of having pimples and scars!!!!
March 12, 2008
good for fading acne scars
stings and leaves red blotches
am i using it right? ive been using jif lemon juice, is that ok? and does anyones skin become red after using this?
March 9, 2008
the scars seem to fade. NATURAL!!
may burn a little, but who cares!!! its working
before i asked my sister if my face is better, and i always get a no or still the same. yesterday i applied lime because i dont have lemon at home.. so i put it overnight, and i asked my sister if my face is better and she nodded her head yes. i was so happy!!
October 5, 2007
Tightens skin, give a nice glow, definatly reduces breakouts and makes decreaces the size of breakouts.
stings a bit for the first 10ish minutes after applying.
I usually use about a quarter of a lemon each day and apply once in the morning and once at night. I squeeze the juice into a container and smooth on like a toner. I dont wash it off, and just apply light makeup over it if i need to. It's been working really well for me... i've noticed some scars fading and have had dramatically less breakouts. It seems to be something that everyone reacts differently to, but it's cheap, so you might as well try it.
September 22, 2007
I haven't used it be4 but i think itll work :P
it stung a bit when i 1st used it
Hope it does work cauz ive been using aloe and other stuff
August 22, 2007
Something you can find easily, Cheaper then advertised products, and its a fruit.
If your skin is sensitive, then it might sting or itch, so you need to mix it with a little water.
I've used to products like Acne-Free or proactive, to get rid of the black heads around my lips and some moderate acne, which showed little results. When I tried applying some lemon (juice squeezed from a lemon) I GOT FAST RESULTS THE NEXT DAY. This is worth trying once. I put some on at night with a little water and the next morning, black heads are lighter and other stuff. You have to try this. I was a little doubting the whole thing but I tried it once and got results. I never knew lemons can work miracles. Maybe I should put this on faded scars o__o
October 14, 2006
hope it works but leaving it overnight i dont think a can because i move a lot. hope my english is good i learn it at school now im learning french.danke
November 16, 2009
works at first
burns your face
makes your face red
big breakout!!!
i thought i would try lemons seeing as its natural...what was i thinking it gave me loads of new spots all over my face...burnt my face and made it red and sore..did not work!!!!
October 6, 2009
makes skin softer and significantly reduces acne scars