Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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December 30, 2011


This works!!!


Very bad for teeth so drink through a straw. This takes a lot of self discipline to do everyday, but it's worth it. I know my bottom line is long, but you have to read it! I took a nutrition class and acne isn't just an image thing, it's a sign your body isn't functioning properly!

In nutrition I learned about how the liver processes so many hormones(major job) and toxins, not just it's normal job, but it also processes stuff left over from the colon and kidney. If the liver can't process it all, then it goes 2 your skin(2nd major excretion organ)!I learned all these excess hormones and toxins do come from what we consume and our environment(polution), this stuff is acidic to our body(meats, milk, junkfood), and lemons are the *ONLY* thing that can alkalize your body. This is important because your body doesn't function properly when it is acidic which means more toxins and hormones are accumulating. Cleansing your body daily is so important, this is what I do: Boil water(has to be distilled) and then I add green tea(antioxidants), a whole squeezed lemon(cleanses liver), a few shakes of cayenne pepper(cleanses the intestines), and two spoonfuls of local honey(has local microbial agents). I drink this every morning and wait thirty minutes so my body can cleanse itself. This doesn't just help with acne, it helps with so much stuff I can't even list it all. To further this cleansing of course drink water, but make sure to do it after an hour of eating so your stomach juices can properly digest your food(drinking with meals dilutes stomach acids). Then after an hour of drinking water eat a fruit high in vit c(major antioxidant cleanser) like kiwi( its vit c content is higher than an orange) or an orange. Snacking on vit c fruits throughout the day will further help keep your body cleansed. It's important to snack on them between meals so your body has a while to absorb nutrients before cleansing. Of course try to avoid foods that make you breakout because it's a sign your body doesn't do such a great job at digesting those foods, these are mainly foods that spike your insulin. Insulin is the master hormone so if it spikes you can bet your testerone hormones are spiking too(more acne). Also make sure to consume protein daily, it's vital to
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July 19, 2010


- reduces pores
- makes skin look and feel smooth
- breakouts diminish


- acidic for teeth. you should NOT brush your teeth right after drinking lemon water because the enamel will wear off. you need to wait at least one hour before your brushing your teeth after eating/drinking acidic stuff. i use a straw, and i just rinse my mouth with water that has baking soda dissolved in it (as baking soda is alkaline).

i thought it was a bunch of hearsay when i heard that lemon water was good for acne. but i tried it anyway, and lo and behold, my skin is looking so freakin' good i cant believe it. i havent looked this good in YEARS, literally years! to top it off, ive had jaw surgery a few months ago and my skin was acting absolutely insane afterward (breakouts like never before). so i am absolutely ecstatic and still in disbelief that mere lemon water could've wiped out much of my misery over a period of just a few days. if you're a skeptic, i understand. but give it at least a week before you write it off.
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February 12, 2015
Amaze 10/10 saved my life
I've had cystic acne for as long as I can remember, tried all the medical and beauty treatments on the market. I started drinking lemon water a few weeks ago and my face is 100 percent clear! I haven't got a single pimple on my face since. Seriously recommend to get on it ASAP and see the results in just a few days. Saved my life!!!
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September 13, 2016
I have been drinking lemon honey water over past two months. It hasn't cured my acne at all. I still observe painful zits all around me cheeks. How long will take for my skin to get clear by drinking this solution?
August 12, 2010


Cheap, Easy, No topical side effects (like dryness), Tastes good, added health benefits, Works fast. Good for freshening breath.


None So far.

Been using this for a couple months.I drink about 3 tablespoons twice a day(I just buy lemon juice concentrate), sometimes straight sometimes with water, adding as little or as much as I want to dilute the taste of the lemon. Also, sometimes add a tablespoon of honey, which doesn't seem to alter its effectiveness. I started using it for energy and cleaning out the body but I quickly noticed that it was making a difference in my skin. I have been prone to blackheads for a long time, some just sitting there starting at me for what seems like forever, within the first week a couple of bh's that I had for weeks just fell off. Within the first couple weeks my chin was soo smooth. At the point where I am at now, after a couple months or so, nearly all of the deep and stubborn clogs are gone from my skin. Nothing I have used topically has worked this well, this fast, and with so little side effects as this does. I use it in conjunction now with my Mario Badescu skin care regimen and for once I can really see a future without breakouts, which is not something I could have said at any other point in the last ten years of my life.
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August 28, 2011


glowing complexion
little to no breakouts
kills acne
leaves me feeling energized


hard to drink at times (suggest drinking with water)

OK so here's the deal. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND drinking lemon juice. I have been using it for just under a week now and I am already seeing a noticeable difference. This treatment really is a godsend for me. I have had acne since 6th grade and am now entering my 2nd year of college. Toward the end of high school and the beginning of my freshmen year of college my acne started to progressively get worse, which surprised me because I thought the older I got the less I would have. I have been going to a dermatologist for more than a year and have been prescribed everything short of accutane. About 2 weeks ago now I broke out pretty badly. I started to look up natural remedies and this one seemed easiest and most surprising to me. I began drinking the lemon juice without anything and saw results instantly, my acne on my forehead all but disappeared over night and the other acne on my face and body began to dry up and heal. A week later my face looks the best it has in years and I have no noticeable acne with a few small but healing marks where acne used to be. Hopefully the treatment keeps up, I will post another review in about a month. - side note: I am a very healthy person. I workout almost every day, diet and drink tons of water. I also take vitamins and use my prescription medicine at the same time but after all this did not work to fight my acne the lemon juice did. I recommend this for everyone, even those with less severe acne. USE THIS AND GOOD LUCK. :)
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June 24, 2011


-Clears acne on face & body
-Fast results


-Bad for teeth

I love this. Okay so I'll just tell you my story. In the end of 7th grade I would get the ocasional pimple here or there. Then 8th grade began. it was fine in the beginning of the year but by the end I hated my face. I had like 5 pimples on my forehead but then 1 night I had cheer for 5 hours & 2 of those hours we worked out the whole time, so obviously I sweat a lot. The next morning, I couldn't even see one part of my skin in the middle of my forehead cause the acne was so bad. So I decided to try this out. I started it last wednesday. On Thuresday, I didn't really see any results, on Friday, it was starting to clear up a little(: Then I went camping until sunday. That means not washing my face or body for 2 whole days. I didn't even drink any lemon water those days but it still worked. I get home & my parents even saw a difference! The redness had gone down & I could see a lot more clear skin. So I've been using it since then & I've loved it. I drink it in the AM & PM when I don't have an empty stomach (cause I think it can do damage). I take a cup & put 2 spoons of water (the big spoons the ones you use for soup) & then I add 2 tea spoons of the lemon juice (not from concentrate) I put it in the microwave for 20 seconds (because your body absorbs the nutrients faster when it's warm) & then I take a straw & drink. You get used to the taste so it isn't as bad later. I brush my teeth 30-40 minutes later because I read somewhere you shouldn't brush them directly after & I wash out my mouth with water. I loved this & I think I will actually have perfect skin for Freshman year which I would never had gotten if it wans't for lemon juice. Well, I hope I helped!(:
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April 21, 2016
I had hormonal acne and a little bit black marks over my face bcoz of acne so I started using drinking lemon water twice. a day once in the morning and once in the evening .And guys I have been using these since 2 weeks and results are just awesome.the redness is going down and black spot are less . I m going to continue it and post my review one month later. I will also recommend it to everyone.Hope it clears up my face fully. Anyways God bless u guys.and Good Luck!
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November 27, 2016
So, any changes since then?
August 23, 2010


Effective, natural, cheap



I take freshly squeezed lemon juice (about quarter a lemon) with luke warm water twice a day. Once between breakfast and lunch and another before going to bed. I don't take it in an empty stomach, since lemon is too acidic and I feel all the acid could do harm to the stomach and intestine in the long run...like ulcers. Warm water helps the body to quickly absorb the good stuff, instead of first trying to bring the temp of the liquid to body temp. That's how my grandparents and parents having taking it. Also, for those who are worried about their teeth...just use a straw...like I do. Take the straw in the middle of the mouth and just swallow the drink without letting it touch your teeth...Try it...You'll get it :D Enjoy the good skin in 2 weeks. It has become a part of my daily routine for life.
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March 23, 2010


fights off acne!


the taste but jus wash your mouth with water

i take a shotglass of lemon the one thats in the big bottle called REAL LEMON in the AM then PM since last week my skin has clear up completely i have only one pimple left to clear up compared to 20 different ones this is a miracle =] i even had choclate & coffee the 3 days ago to test it,because these completely make me break out, and i havent even seen one bump come up! try it wat you got to lose?!
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August 28, 2015
So far so good!
i figured I might as well share my progress with the lemon water experiment! About 3 weeks ago I decided to ditch all my acne creams/ washes etc. and try a natural root to clear my acne. I started with my diet eliminating all unnecessary processed foods and drinking tons of water! I also started using honey to wash my face which helps tons! Anyways during this time I decided to start drinking lemon water just in the morning, I used the kind of lemon you find in those bottles at the store, so not freshly squeezed lemons. I also didn't drink it warm... either way it helped significantly! My dark spots were fading like crazy and my whole complexion brightened. Then a week later I went on vacation and didn't drink it... My skin broke out all over my cheeks which sucked! Im back on the lemon water now at the morning and night! With fresh lemons and warm water! Its only been a few days and the spots that could have potentially been cysts are all flat! Ill post again after a week or so!! TRY IT!!
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September 5, 2015
Update: Its been about 12 days and I've been clear the whole time! I got an occasional super small whitehead but no huge cysts like I used to! After about 1 week of drinking half a lemon in the morning and half in the evening I noticed I started getting all these little bumps under my eyes.. I cut down, only having half of the lemon for the whole day and the bumps went away. I was probably consuming too much.. Anyways This is awesome! I was so happy to be able to start my junior year with completely clear skin for the whole week!! Ill update again soon!
September 22, 2015
how long did it take for the little bumps to go away?