Olive Oil

72 Reviews

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July 1, 2011


-skin is soft
-does not make me breakout


-smells nasty

i use this in a scrub of honey sugar and extra virgin olive oil to exfoliate my face. or i just rub it in and keep it on my face when im in the house. i have a giant bottle of this in my kitchen
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February 20, 2018
Acne cure using Olive Oil
Olive oil is really helpful in many ways and specially for hair and skin.. One of my friend used it for acne and got good results but the same never happened for me, then i searched for some helpful acne creams to find whether they are useful or not. I got a great share stating
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July 2, 2021
huge extreme yellow blackheads immediately


What a horrendous mistake. As soon as I put even a little on it just seemed to completely fill up my pores, especially my nose, with the oil and began looking like huge old blackheads. I can never do or attempt this again. I am not going to try putting it on my body either as I get acne on my body and it's a stupid idea if it clogs your pores up and causes you spots. 

December 16, 2018
Broke me out ofc

I've used this for oil cleansing which lead to break outs

And recently used to remove my eyebrow makeup which also caused break outs 


May 1, 2018
I have been using Extra virgin olive oil for almost 2 weeks now and i must say it works wonders! I am pregnant and have been having really bad acne problems on my face and chest, since i have been massaging the oil into my skin and face cleansing with the oil every morning, my acne is fading away and my skin is radiant. Now i am African -American and we have serious issues with being ashy allot, and i must say i have not been ashy in 2 weeks, not kidding. its also good for skin elasticity. cant knock it until you try it!
April 25, 2018
Olive works, you just have to do it right and with the REAL stuff.
I have tried everything after having acne for 23 years and the only thing that helps keep acne carm and minimal is olive oil. What you wash with is irrelevant I have found, although a less harsh cleanser would help. Combined with a good training program and intermittent fasting, I get decent results, enough that I am comfortable around people. Oh and I only wash face once when I shower, I scrub it roughly and with hot shower. once I get out, I apply a pea size amount of the ONLY olive oil I found to work, it's genuine spanish extra virgin olive oil, and that's Sainsbury's own believe it or not. Not a single breakout from this olive oil.
August 5, 2012


clearer skin
Less breakouts
good makeup remover
easy to get
healthy for skin and for cooking


a little messy

I usually just rub it on my face to either take off my makeup or clean my face. Once I rub my face with it I soak a towel in Hot/warm towel and massage my face. :)
July 7, 2010


Good moisturizer
Does not clog pores


Did not clear up blemishes

I tried to use this in an oil cleanse. Just putting the oil directly on my face and rubbing it in for a while then rinsing off with very warm water and a wash clothe. It did not help my acne at all but it did moisturize really well and help keep my skin from producing so much oil.
May 24, 2011


amazing for dry skin
gets rid of makeup



I love using this as a make up remover. I also mix it with honey as a mask to wear for dry skin/acne.
December 16, 2011


Skin was soft - moisturized effectively
Soothed scars
Made skin-tone more even in general (minus acne)
Olive Oil did not leave oily residue


Caused new zits (both whiteheads and cysts) to come to the surface
Skin produced more oil (I was actually quite surprised by this, since what I had read claimed that the OCM had the opposite effect)

In a moment of desperation, I decided to give the oil cleansing method a try, in conjunction with some other natural remedies (lemon juice and manuka honey/oatmeal/jojoba mask) I had researched on the internet. I truly regret this decision as it caused my oily sensitive skin to breakout in cystic acne nearly every-day (I usually only get cysts around "that time" and when I'm under a lot of stress). I massaged my face with organic cold pressed virgin olive oil nightly, placed a warm cloth over my skin (to open and cleanse pores) and proceeded to wash the olive oil off as best as I could. For the next few days, my skin began breaking out relentlessly. I chalked it up to the "breakout period" of using a new product and thought that the oil might be deeply cleansing my skin of its toxins in some way. I felt awful seeing my skin's sore and bumpy texture in the mirror, but I continued to use the olive oil for another 2 weeks. Although it felt "right" to use something that was completely natural, it came to the point where my self-esteem could no longer handle my new regime. I cut out the olive oil completely, and went back to my gentle Aveda BP products. It took some time for my skin to re-adjust, but I could tell almost immediately that olive oil was not for my skin. Sometimes the simpler, and less rigorous/abrasive acne regime - the better. I have personally found the best results in gentler natural products - such as manuka honey and aloe vera. I may not have found the results I so longed, but at I have learnt my unfortunate lesson when it comes to searching for a miraculous acne cure. I suppose for some the oil might work to their skins advantage, but before taking it upon yourself to try out any natural remedies, I would recommend the help of a naturopath or patch-testing at the very least. Remember that everyone's skin will react differently. Good luck with your skin! You are all beautiful, whether you realize it or not... your acne does NOT define
June 25, 2017
"placed a warm cloth over my skin (to open and cleanse pores)" I know this is SUPER OLD but I imagine someone else will read this in the future. I read somewhere that this 'opening pores/steaming' method is BS. It is similar to hot showers (something I have done way too much) as those have a steaming effect (I should probably research this stuff more to verify it...). This is only something I learnt recently - I have tried the method once, a year or two ago, and I distinctly remember breaking out after it, but at the time I don't think I put two and two together. Recently, I have started using olive oil as a moisturiser (a very small amount, mind) and it looks good so far - BUT I have literally only used it a couple of times so it is too early to make a verdict. Nonetheless, using a natural oil sounds like a good idea rather than using the harsh chemicals found in moisturisers advertised to rid one of spots, but after years of use they do absolutely nothing for your spots and they exacerbate oily skin issues.